Hoying's Hot Hoods

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Mitch still had his glasses.

Scott couldn't stop thinking about how good they looked on him. How they perfectly rounded his face, almost matching the color of his hair.

Mitch had tried to give them back to Scott multiple times, but every time he would reject them, saying they looked stunning on him.

Mitch even tried to make an excuse, but Scott knew they looked ten times better on Mitch then him.

Why this was roaming in his head? He didn't know. He had spent almost the whole day at the beach with Mitch, maybe the mental image of his face had been lodged into Scott's brain.

He was quite enjoyable to look at.

Scott didn't really like thinking about his new friend like that, he absolutely hated when he grew feelings for people. He always pushed them away, and with the person leaving, the feelings went too.

But Scott didn't want to push Mitch away, he was fun to hang out with. Even if he couldn't talk, they found a way to make it work.

Scott asked him a lot of yes or no questions, and keeping a conversation was a lot easier than he thought it would be when he had first met Mitch.

The doorbell is rung, Kirstie getting up and letting in Avi, Kevin, and Esther. Scott frowned a little when Mitch didn't walk in, but brushed it off.

Mitch came only five minutes later, not even bothering to knock.

"Hey." He says. Kirstie's eyes bug up, and she runs into Mitch's arms. Mitch starts laughing and smiling when I can see obvious tears coming for her eyes. The rest gather to hug him, leaving Scott in Kirstie's living room very confused.

"Mitchy! Oh my gosh, hey!" Kirstie says.

After they all calm themselves down, they explain things.

"It's a new word. Every time he gets down a new word, we have a big hug session." Kevin explains. Scott nods.

"Since I wasn't there earlier..." He gets up, taking Mitch into a hug. "Congratulations, Mitchy." He whispers in Mitch's ear. He smiles, thanking Scott and taking the bean bag by him.

I still have your glasses.

Mitch shows Scott the notebook, Scott laughing when reading it.

I can't keep them. They're yours.

"I want you to keep them, Mitchy. It's okay. You look better in them." Mitch blushes, scooting his bean bag closer to Scott's.

Mitch leans in for another hug, not shocked when Scott hugs him back. This time they don't pull away, just sitting in each other's embrace like Scott had seen Mitch do with everyone else in the room.

He smiles, happy that he was being treated like everyone else was. It had been a week and a half, and he was finally fitting in. And Kirstie was right, he was fitting in very well.


Scott's parents weren't home when he got back, they usually weren't. They were so caught up in their family business, something they wanted Scott to take over when they couldn't anymore.

They owned "Hoying's Hot Hoods!", a clothing store that was significant for specializing hoodies to make them important, specific to one person.

Scott absolutely hated the place. They stayed their until almost midnight, working on hoodies and shirts until their fingers almost fell off.

This left Scott home alone everyday, when he woke up, when he left for school, when he got back, and when he went to bed. Always gone.

He rarely saw them. Their relationship was based mainly off of texting, they said they had no time to be home.

Somehow, they could always fill the fridge for Scott, leave twenty dollars on the counter, and buy him other essentials. He didn't know when they fit that into their time, but he didn't question it.

His phone buzzes, and he gets excited. He was always excited when someone texted him, that's just how he was.

Mitch: Soooo I need you to pick me up from somewhere and not ask why...

Scott: Where are you...?

Mitch: I'm at the grocery store by that old and creepy Mexican restaurant.

Scott: Mitch, that's like an hour away.

Mitch: Exactly why I need a ride.


Scott pulls into the parking lot of the nasty-looking grocery store, spotting Mitch and letting him climb into the car. He pulls out of the parking lot, getting back into the road.

Scott was a little pissed about having to leave right as he was getting home. He was tired and wanted to lie down, but was obviously interrupted.

"Why didn't you ask Kirstie to pick you up?" Scott asks. Mitch just shrugs his shoulders, leaning against the back of the seat.

"You don't know?"

"He can't talk, Scott." He thinks to himself.

"Nevermind." He quickly says, not wanting to get into this with him.

Mitch, still with Scott's sunglasses, wipes a tear from under his eye, trying to make it unnoticeable. He puts the sunglasses from the top of his head to his eyes to hide the fact that he is crying, but Scott could already see.

He pulls into a different parking lot, turning off the car and facing Mitch. He peels his sunglasses off of Mitch's face slowly, surprised when Mitch doesn't even try to stop him. He sets them into a cup holder after folding them up.

"What happened at that place, Mitchy?" He shakes his head. He has nothing to explain things to Scott on. "Do you have your phone to talk to me?"

"Noo." He says. Scott pulls his out, clicking into the notes and handing it to Mitch. He immediately pushes it back to Scott.

"No, Superman."

"Mitchy, I want to know why you are crying...."


"I want to help you. If you aren't okay, I can be there for you, ya know?"

"No. No h-hu. No hup...hulp." Scott knew what he was getting at. No help.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Superman." He says, pointing at the steering wheel and wanting to Scott to continue their drive back home.

Scott doesn't question it anymore than he already has, he just continues home, sighing when Mitch gets out of the car without even waving to him.

Scott knew something was wrong. There had to of been. Mitch used his smile to replace a "thank you".

And Mitch never smiled at him.

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