Star Struck

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Cute chapter :). Don't get used to it ;)

The more Scott and Mitch hung out, the more Scott found himself star struck of the boy.

It had been a little while since Scott had questioned his feelings to Mitch, but now he knew exactly what they were. He definitely had feelings for him.

He started noticing the little things, not the most noticeable things about him. How he would fix his hair every few seconds, or how he would bite his lip when he was thinking.

Scott didn't like Mitch for his looks, although that did help slightly. Scott was intrigued with him, he was a mystery Scott was waiting to solve.

He wanted to know things, like his natural hair color, or how he got so skinny. Scott was scared his bones would show if he took his shirt off, he was pretty positive they would.

Through all of Scott's emotions, he had Mitch helping by letting him know that he did like Scott, and that he was thankful he had Scott in his life.

So being just friends was hard.

They acted more and more like a couple every time they hung out. Only thing was, they hadn't kissed yet.

Scott had gotten close to it, almost turned his head towards his and kissed him on the spot, but he didn't want to scare Mitch. Because Mitch had wanted to be just friends and that was it.

But that wouldn't keep Scott from showing his affection. So he hugged and cuddled and held the boy, happy that Mitch didn't push him away.

A knock comes from the front door, Scott guessed it was Mitch. They had planned to hang out.

He runs to the front, opening and smiling when he sees Mitch. He also sees his mother waving at him from the car, saying goodbye and driving off.

Scott hugs Mitch, and Mitch made sure to hold it longer than it was supposed too.

"I have a movie ready and popcorn is popping. Movie date?" Scott suggests, causing Mitch to smile and nod his head rapidly. Scott chuckles, leading Mitch to the couch and giving him a few pillows and a blanket.

Scott grabs a tub of ice cream and the popcorn, walking back to the couch. Mitch leans up, wanting Scott to sit where he could lye his head on Scott's lap.

He gladly takes the spot, playing with Mitch's hair when he lays back down. Scott plays the movie, causing Mitch to excitedly scream when the Sponge Bob movie starts to play. Scott laughs, knowing he would like it.

About thirty minutes into the movie, Scott was laughing his ass off at the square, while Mitch was texting the whole time, laughing very occasionally.

Curiosity takes over Scott, a little pang of jealousy as well.

"Who are you texting?" Scott asks, leaning closer to Mitch. He hides his phone, pulling it closer to himself. "Oh?"

Grabbing his notebook and not wanting to argue, Mitch writes a note.

It's no one. It's just...personal.

"When did we start not telling each other personal things?" Scott asks, getting a little more angry than he should.

When I wanted to not tell anyone this specific thing.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Can I at least know who it is?"

My mom

"You could've said that in the first place."

I guess.

"Is it that important? Can it wait or do you need to go? I'll take you home if you want."

No, it's okay. Let's watch the movie.

"Well, you're not exactly watching it. You've been on your phone."

You're right. I'm sorry. No more phone. Just you, me, and the movie.

"Good." Scott smiles, satisfied with the answer he had gotten from Mitch.

Mitch grabs Scott's hand, intertwining their fingers. Scott was sure that this was a distraction from his texts, Mitch wasn't usually the one showing affection except for hugs. Scott didn't care, right now. All he cares about was Mitch's attention, as greedy as that sounds.

He rubs small circles on Mitch hand, underneath his thumbs. Mitch laughs at the movie, but now Scott was the one not focused on it. He was infatuated with Mitch, his beauty and presence.

He admired his gorgeous outline, his nose that he thought was too big, but Scott thought it was perfect. He imagined it with a septum piercing, Mitch said he wanted one. Scott thought he would look good with one.

He moves into his lips, that were so sexy to Scott. Every time he bit them, or ran his tongue across them when they were chap was always something Scott liked watching. They were gorgeous, usually plump and looking like something wanted to put his own mouth on.

And his eyes, the best part, in his own opinion. They weren't the ugly brown, they were gorgeous. Especially in natural light. They put his whole face together, making him look absolutely flawless.

Scott also liked his hands. He had always had a thing for boys with small hands. They were so cute and it was like his hands devoured them when they would hold one another's. And Scott loved holding Mitch's hands.

It made Scott feel like he was getting somewhere with him. It made him feel comforting, like he could make Mitch feel better.

Scott watches Mitch, mainly their hands connected, but his lips quite often too.

He looks at how well they fit together, like his hands were made for holding Mitch's.

He watches Mitch's lips curl up in the corner, letting a small noise resembling a laugh when Patrick said something idiotic like he normally did.

Kirstie had told Scott that Mitch knew how to say every letter in the alphabet. He had just finished learning "y" and "z" and Scott was more than happy for him.

Mitch looks up to Scott, a small smile creeping on to his lips. Scott winks at him, making Mitch chuckle a little and wink back.

"We're so cute." Scott says and Mitch tightens his grip on Scott's hand.

"Yep." Mitch says simply. Scott wanted him to call him Superman, he enjoyed the nickname Mitch had gave to him and was happy it lasted.

"Why do you call me Superman?" Scott asks.

"Shh." Mitch says, pointing at the screen where Sponge Bob was still playing. Scott takes the hint, keeping it in mind to ask later.

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