Six Flags

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Everyone wanted me to update quicker, so here we go. Is this the third chapter for today? About 10 chapters left!! :0

Getting down the stairs was a real struggle for Mitch. Recently he had been very dizzy and easy to lose his balance. He wasn't sure where it was coming from, but wanted it to make it as unnoticeable as possible.

"I have some waffles. Want any, Mitch?" His mom asks. He quickly shakes his head. He wasn't very hungry anyway.

He grabs his back pack and waits for Kirstie's car to arrive. It does shortly and he quickly hops in and watches her take off down the road.

"So I was thinking, did you have anything planned with Scott for Valentine's Day? It's coming up pretty soon, I mean it is February 11th."

"I d-don't know." He says honestly. Valentine's Day wasn't something really on his mind.

"I just wanted to make sure because Jeremy and I are going out someplace nice. I didn't want you to be alone." Mitch smiles at her.

"It's ok." They pull into the school parking lot, quickly jumping out of the car and heading towards the gangs usual meeting spot.

He gives everyone hugs, except Kevin and Scott who weren't there yet. Kevin showed up right as he finished hugging everyone.

"Good morning!" Kevin greets everyone, a bright smile on his face as usual. His smile made everyone else smile, it was so contagious.

"Sorry I'm late!" They hear Scott from behind them. "But I have a reason." He hands Mitch a cup from Starbucks. "I brought my boy Starbucks." He says, a giant grin on his face. Mitch gasps like he had just been proposed to and hugs Scott, giving him a peck on the cheek in the process.


"It is no problem, Mitchy." He winks at Mitch. "I made sure it's soy and everything." Mitch holds up half of a heart with his free hand, Scott using his free hand to complete it.

"We're so sappy. I love it." Scott says. Mitch takes a few sips from it, sometimes being cautious of the heat spewing from the top of the drink.

Kirstie takes it from him, taking her own sip, then handing it back with a cheeky grin on her face. She thanks Mitch.

"There is this diner place I found the other day  with Avi and Kev. We went yesterday and let me just say, holy shit it was so good!" Kirstie says to Mitch, causing him to chuckle. "You have to go with us soon. I think you'll love it."


"What day is it?" Mitch thinks, then holds up 5 fingers, indicating Thursday. One finger was Sunday, two was Monday, 3 was Tuesday, and so on and so forth.

"It's Thursday already? Let's do something this weekend."


"I don't know. Sunday is Valentine's Day, so not on Sunday. Ive been wanting to go to that one place with go-carts. That'd be fun."

"Noooo." Kirstie knew he would say no, but figured she try anyway.

"Okay... What about like an amusement park or something."

"Sure." Kirstie never understood why Mitch hated go-carts, but not amusement parks. She shrugs it off, asking everyone else if they wanted to join.

Everyone agreed except Kevin who had work that day.

"Six flags?" Scott proposes. Everyone agrees once again. "Damn. I've never been to an amusement park with you guys. First times!"

"I've gone with Mitchy, but he is too scared to go on rides!" Kirstie yells.

"No!" Mitch yells back, causing us all too laugh.


Everyone hands a man their tickets and bags. The man checks their bags, making sure that nothing illegal was inside.

They had waited almost two hours to just get into the park. They check the time.

12:03. They got there at 10:23.

Mitch spots a Starbucks and instantly grabs Scott and Kirstie's arms, pointing towards it.

"Let's go. We all know Mitchy isn't going anywhere without his Starbucks." Scott says and Mitch nods.

They all enter and order a drink, which was surprisingly short as there was not a long line. They head back out and continue walking until they decide on taking some photos underneath an arch. Kirstie and Jeremy went first, then Avi and Kirstie, then Scott and Mitch. Then they all went under together and asked a stranger to take a photo. Mitch quickly hops onto Scott's back and throws up a peace sign.

"Let's go on that ride first!" Kirstie exclaims whirl tugging on Jeremy's arm. She leads everyone to it.

Mitch files into the line after everyone, slightly nervous at the big drop.

"We don't have to go on it if you don't want to." Scott whispers to him.

"No. I do." Mitch says after getting into his tip toes to reach his ear to whisper into. Scott nods and they walk further into the line.


The line was about another half an hour of waiting, but they eventually reach the part where the ride starts. Mitch crawls in next to Scott and grips on to his arm like his life depended on it.

"It'll hurt more like that." Scott moves Mitch's hand. "Just hold mine instead." He intertwines his fingers with Mitch's and smiles at him. The man checks everyone safety bar and then the ride begins.

It was slow at first, going almost straight up. It felt like it took hours and the anticipation was killing Mitch.

Then the drop was so sudden. They were flying down the track so fast. The turns happened so quick and almost threw Mitch's head out of place.

He closes his eyes, nausea starting to kick in.

The ride ends a few seconds later. Even though it wasn't long, it was enough to cause Mitch to lose his balance. Scott crouches down next to him and helps him up. Mitch points at the trash can and holds his mouth shut.

Scott helps him over before backing away when Mitch started releases his insides into the can.

Scott gives him his water bottle when he is finished.

"Do you want to leave? I'll take you home."

"No." Mitch lies. He really didn't feel good, but he didn't want to waste Scott's day of fun just because he couldn't handle one little ride. He just wouldn't go on anymore.

"What do you have planned tomorrow?" Scott asks suddenly.


"Great. Be ready by five."

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