Shut Up And Hold Me

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Scott wanted to hurt him, to make him feel pain. He wanted to make sure he'd never, ever see Mitch in his life again. But most if all, he wanted Mitch to be safe and secure, not feel like he is about to show up at any given moment.

So Scott was with Mitch a lot more now, avoiding the "I want you" conversation that had happened in the past few days.

He was there for Mitch to talk to, for him to have a shoulder to cry on. While Mitch thought Scott was there to be a good friend, he was really doing it to make sure he was okay and that nothing bad would happen.

He didn't tell Mitch this, if he did, Mitch would be angry and tell him that he didn't need Scott protecting him. Maybe he didn't need Scott, but Scott definitely needed him.

He wanted information, who this kid was and what he had done to Mitch. He wouldn't ask from Kirstie, there was no way she would tell, along with the others. He had to be patient, wait in Mitch to put his full trust into Scott. Mitch would tell when he was ready.

He pulls into Mitch's drive way, smiling when Mitch was already outside waiting for him. Mitch hops in the car, a smile on his face like always, and they made their way downtown.

Did Scott know where they were going? Nope. He had no idea where to take the boy, but they both had decided on food.

"Where do you want to eat?" Scott asks. Mitch shrugs his shoulders, trying to force out a few words but not getting very far.

Mitch's phone buzzes, he gets a text from someone.

"You got a new phone! Congrats, Mitchy."

Mitch nods, another smile appearing. He quickly replies, making it awfully hard for Scott to see who he was texting. Not that he needed to know, but it would be been nice too.

Scott reaches into his pocket for his phone and wallet, sighing in frustration when neither of them were in his pocket, but sitting on the counter at his house.

"Mitchy, we've gotta run to my house. I left my phone and wallet." Mitch nods, jotting down a few things in his notebook.

We don't have to spend your money, we can just hang out at your place.

Scott's gets nervous, his parents weren't home and he wasn't sure what that meant, but he didn't get his hopes up. He nods, agreeing with him.

The enter Scott's house together, after Scott explained that his parents wouldn't be home. Mitch didn't care, he just chuckled and shrugged.

Scott grabbed a bag of chips and led Mitch to his room, falling into the sheets. Mitch digs into the chips, opens the bag and taking a few out.

Scott laughs, putting a few chips in his own mouth.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Scott asks, hoping they could do something that wouldn't be as awkward. Mitch nods. "Do you like horror?" He hesitates, but ends up nodding. Scott turns Netflix onto his TV, falling back next to Mitch on the bed.

He chooses a horror movie and turns out the lights. They watch in silence for a little, not communicating except the little touch of their hands every few minutes or so.

Once the scares start to come, Scott could see Mitch obviously was terrified. He chuckles, placing his arm around Mitch and pulling him so his head was leaning on his chest. Scott smiles when Mitch relaxes himself, placing his hand over Scott's stomach, where his belly button was.

Mitch points to the lamp, and Scott leans over and turns it on. Mitch grabs his notebook.

Can we talk about the other day or is that something we shouldn't bring up?

"I mean, whatever you wanna talk about. I was a little curious." Scott says, not wanting his part in this to be brought up.

Long story short- ex boyfriend. Abusive. Forceful. Made me think I loved him. Left the state w/o telling me. Left me thinking it was over. Showed up again a year or so later. Now that.

"Thanks for letting me know it was a good thing I tried to beat the shit out of him."

It's a lot worse than that, but I don't want to get into details. Your turn.

"My turn?" He asks, jumping at a scene in the movie.

I am curious too, Mr. "I want you".

Scott sighs, thinking about how to explain it for a moment.

"Well, there isn't much explaining. I think I like you like more than friend. I just didn't expect to tell you like that, in front of him, I mean."

You like me?

"I don't know. I think so? Maybe? There is definitely a possibility. Like, a big one." Mitch smiles.

I look at the glasses everyday. They make me think of you at night, and I usually go to bed with thoughts of us in my head.

"Did you find the note?"


"I wasn't lying. You do look hot in them." Mitch blushes.

So you've told me.

"So...what happens now? I mean, friends don't exactly say all of that to eachother."

We'll see what happens, but friends until this Travis situation is fixed and Kirstie stops freaking out. Okay?

"Yes. That is fine, whatever you wanna do, Mitchy. I'm by your side."

Good. Now shut up and hold me so I don't get scared during this movie.

Scott chuckles, placing them back into the position they were in earlier. Mitch smiles,
Scott could feel it.

Scott didn't exactly know what he had confessed to Mitch today. He didn't know if he said he had a crush, wanted to be with him, or just a had a little thing for him, but he was satisfied with Mitch's response.

Waiting was a good idea, waiting until everything blew over and it was back to how it usually was. When we could all hang out again without things being awkward, that was when him and Mitch could talk, but until then, they were friends.

And friends were enough.

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