18th Birthday

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It was his birthday and he wasn't planning on letting anyone know. He hated surprises and things like that, and for some weird reason, people liked to make a big deal out of an 18th birthday.

He was an adult, big deal! So would everyone else in the world eventually, so throwing a giant party just seemed pointless.

He thought this every year, mainly because he just didn't like birthday, and he knew his parents would be home just for it. He didn't want them to be. Of course he wanted to see them, but not for the same reasons they wanted to see him.

He trudges to the kitchen, taking slow steps because he knew what was coming.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" His parents yell in sync. Scott cringes, forcing out a fake smile that he didn't think was very believable.

On the table was a three pancakes all topped on top of each other. There was whip cream and chocolates sauce drizzled all of it, a cherry on top.

If his parents were home more, they'd know Scott hated his birthday. He told him it every year, but they had just seemed to forget. He thanks them, taking a few bites that made him feel nauseous.

"Is it bad? I can make something else, honey-" his mother starts, worried that she had ruined his breakfast.

"No, mom, it's fine. I'm just not feeling well." Scott tries to convince.

"Do you want to stay home?"

"No, I should probably get going, though. I wouldn't want to be late." Scott lies, he knew he wouldn't care if he was late.

"Okay, honey. Have a great birthd-" he cuts it off by closing the door and rushing into his car.

He takes a deep breath, hoping that no one had found out about his birthday.

He pulls out of the driveway, passing down the street, looking at houses. He pulls out of the neighborhood and watches the different sized buildings and stores, the colors and shape all different.

He passes the park, looking at the parents pushing their kids on swings, the wide smiles and laughter on their faces. The parents and the kids.

He finally gets to school, taking a parking spot, and walking up to the big circle of people, containing all of his friends. Kirstie hugs him.

"Hey, Scotty." She greets, a smile on her face. He hugs her back, giving everyone a hug as well. When he sees Mitch, he smiles brighter than he had in awhile.

On his face was a pair of round, purple sunglasses. He pulls them up slightly, winking at Scott. He hugs Mitch.

"Finally decide to keep them?" Scott whispers in his ear. He pulls away, and Mitch shakes his head: no. Scott laughs. "Touché."

The bells rings, and he rushes into his class.
Now only until the bell rang again...


Lunch was Scott's favorite part of the day. He got to talk to his friends, eat, and take a break from learning things he would never use again.

He was running a little late, he went to the bathroom before going to the cafeteria. He walks in, heading immediately towards the table, wishing he hadn't when he saw what was happening.

Kirstie and Avi were arguing, Kevin was trying to stop them, Mitch was crying, and Esther was trying to calm Mitch. Scott was astonished, what could've caused this?

He cautiously walks up to the table.

"No, Avi! It's ridiculous! All this kid did was fuck him and beat him and now he wants to go back? Sorry, but I'm not okay with that!" Kirstie yells.

"It isn't your decision, Kirstie! If he wants to do it, then let him! He doesn't need his bossy ass best friend to come in and take charge of his life! He can handle himself!"

"I never said he couldn't handle himself. Stop putting words in my mouth! And don't you dare call me bossy! I am not!"

"You so are!"

"Guys, stop!" Kevin shouts. Scott wraps his arm around Mitch, but he pushes him away. Standing up, he slaps Scott straight across the face. Mitch opens his mouth to say something, but is stopped. He just shakes his head, letting more tears flow as he runs out of the cafeteria.

Scott immediately follows him, extremely curious now that he had been slapped. Mitch pushes Scott, well, attempts. It doesn't work very well. He repeatedly punches his chest, not hard at all. Punches of stress and defeat. Scott grabs his wrist, and Mitch collapses. Scott catches him, following him to the ground and holding him.

"Shh, it's okay." Scott says, making Mitch even more angry. He rips himself out of Scott's grip, leaving Scott almost in tears himself. "What did I do?" He whispers.


Mitch writes in his notebook. Scott looks up at him.

Why did you tell her? Why did you have to do that?

Memories flood in, the thoughts of his conversation with Kirstie. When she asked about Mitch, and Scott stupidly answered it, telling her just about everything he knew.

"Mitch, I didn't know. God, I regretted it as soon as I said it! It didn't even cross my mind at the time. I feel horrible..."

Mitch shakes his head. Scott knew that apologizing couldn't fix this. He didn't even know what needed fixing. He didn't know why Avi and Kirstie were arguing, why Mitch was crying, or even why it came up. All he knew is that he had started it because he said some stupid information that didn't need to be said.

She hates me.

"No, Mitch. She doesn't. Why would she hate you?"

Because I went back to him. Because I want too. I don't know why I do, Scott.

"What did he do to you?"

Bad things.

"And Kirstie as mad at you?"


"She shouldn't be."

None of this would've happened if I hadn't of said anything to you, just kept it to myself. Everything would've been fine.

"This isn't your fault."

I know. It's yours.

And this is why Scott hated his birthday. The worst things always happened on it, like today.

"Happy birthday to me!" He thought, trying to erase the image of Mitch's words from his brain.

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