I'd Do Anything For You

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Scott was so fucking happy that sometimes he forgot to breathe. The position he was right now was utterly amazing. There was no drama, he and Alex had gotten to be close friends, and him and Mitch were unbreakable.

He looks through the scrap book every day, rereading the note at the end. Some part of him believes that it isn't true. That Mitch hadn't actually admitted to him being his first love. He had pinched himself multiple times, wanting to know if it was a dream. But surely enough, it wasn't. Mitch had actually said that.

Scott was a little disappointed because it took him so long to realize. It took Scott a day to know that Mitch was different. That's pretty amazing.

Mitch even changed his Instagram bio to say: a day.

It was pretty cute, even though Scott and Mitch were the only people who knew what it really meant.

"Scott!" Comes a voice from insides Scott's house. He rushed to the living room to see his mother. "Hey!"

"What are you doing here...?" He asks.

"I live here."

"But you're never home." Scott knew something has to be up. They never came home unless something had happened.

"We need to talk." Scott reluctantly sits on the couch. "We have been needing to have this talk for awhile, but I never knew how to bring it up."

"Just get to the talk, mom."

"Senior year is almost over. Four months. Have you even started looking at colleges?"

"I'm not going to college."

"Yes you are."

"No, mom, I'm not."

"Scott, you have to go to college to get a good job."

"I've already thought this out. There's a boy, I'm going to ask him about it, but I wanted to find someplace together."

"You're dating someone?"

"Soon, hopefully."

"I will not allow a boy to keep you from college. No way, Scott. You need a four year degree and a nice job. I don't want you living somewhere horrible."

"It's not horrible if I'm living with Mitch!" Scott throws his hands to his mouth.

"That purple haired boy?"

"He's blonde now."

"No. Absolutely not. Alex was better. You spend too much time with him."

"How would you know? You're never home anyway. I could die and you wouldn't know because you'd be making fucking hoodies for everyone in the neighborhood."

"Don't use that language with me! I am your mother!"

"Then start acting like one! It's my life! I can do what I want with it!"

"Is my life, actually!"

"No, it isn't! I'm 18 years old. I'm an adult. I could move out now if I wanted to."

"Do you want to?!"

"I've been considering it." Scott grabs his dead phone and rushes out of the house. He couldn't stand to listen anymore. He wanted to be with Mitch and go somewhere with him. He wanted to be with his friends, not go off to college where he wouldn't know anyone. He wasn't starting that.

Not again.


Mitch: after highschool?

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