It Hurts, Honey

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Scott cried.

Scott stayed in his room.

Scott felt used, and useless, and like a waste of space.

Scott felt like he wanted to die.

The words said, the ones he could've easily taken back with a few taps on a phone before sending them.

"Ex-boyfriend drama".

Scott scoffed. He was played by a kid that couldn't even talk.

Why Scott felt all of these negative emotions?

Kirstie had showed him the texts.


Scott pulled into the school, not wanting to be seen by anyone. He looked like a mess. He didn't bother to do his hair, take time on his outfit, or even brush his teeth thoroughly.

Kirstie saw him, immediately running over to him and hugging him. Scott cried into her shoulder, even though he desperately tried not too.

"It hurts, honey. I know it does. I can't believe he did this to you." She says, meaning every word she had said.

Kirstie was more than pissed, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to be friends with Mitch anymore. What he said about her was fine, but saying things about everyone else, especially what he said about Scott was unacceptable.

She pulls away from the hug when she sees Mitch coming. He goes to Avi first, trying to say hello but it was obvious he was ignoring him. Esther did the same. He looked to Kevin with sad eyes.

"You should go, Mitch." Kevin says, not wanting to start emotions with himself. Mitch looks to Kirstie, but Kirstie just glares at him.

Scott sat on the bench when Kirstie went over to Avi. He didn't have the energy to follow. He feels a figure sit next to him. It was the last person he wanted to see.

Mitch smiled at him. And it just wasn't the same.

It wasn't his genuine smile that he gave when he was happy to see Scott. It was full of guilt, and anxiety. And Scott could see right through it.

"Get the fuck away from me." Scott says, his lip trembling. He was struggling to keep tears from falling. That's when Mitch knew he had heard about what he said and he didn't act like he hadn't said anything.

He nodded, getting up slowly and walking away.

It killed Mitch to do this. Everything was his fault and he knew it. He slept with Travis, he got back together with him, he said everything to Kirstie, and he regretted it all.

He missed his friends. He knew it was really wrong when Kevin wouldn't even want to talk to him. He was alone, except Travis.

But he just couldn't seem to let Travis go.

Something made him want to go back, to forget all of his wonderful friends and run away with Travis, but somehow he was already half way there. He has already ruined his friendships.


He deserved to know.

Scott had every right to know he had been played, used, and wronged. That's why Kirstie showed him the text messages.

She couldn't believe Mitch had said that, she didn't know who it was. He was such a different person when Travis was around. He gives into him, and it was horrible to watch, but Kirstie couldn't control him. If this is what Mitch wanted, she couldn't make him stop.

She wasn't sure he was aware he'd been losing everyone with it, not Kevin, Avi, and Esther, at least. He probably didn't even realize Scott would be gone too.

And Kirstie knew that he regretted it, but she also knew that he wouldn't try to change it now that it was finished.

Mitch liked Scott, Kirstie knew it. Hell, everyone knew it. Scott was open about it. He didn't care who would know if he liked Mitch, Scott would shout it from a mountain top.

Mitch tried hiding it, but eventually told Kirstie. And Kirstie knew it was real because Mitch didn't like anybody. He never grew feelings after Travis left, he avoided it as much as possible. So when Kirstie was provided with the information that Mitch had actually started liking someone else, she knew that it had to be something special.

Which is exactly why it couldn't last.

Kirstie didn't want him to get hurt. Because this was high school, and high school relationships never last. They all knew it.

She walks down the halls, having a bathroom pass to take a break and think about things other than The Civil War. She was having her own war right now and needed to worry about that.

But that's when she sees Mitch, his knees to his chest, obviously crying. She slowly approaches him, crouching down next to him.

"What happened?" She asks. Mitch pushes himself away, trying to regain his footing but trips over in the process. Kirstie helps him up.

"I-go.." He sputters.

"Why were you crying." He just shakes his head, still backing away from Kirstie like she was some kind of murderer. He looked terrified of her. She tries to touch him, but he screams and smacks her hand. He trips again, falling onto his butt.

And Kirstie knew he was having a panic attack. He had them when he was sad, mad, scared, or regretful.

Kirstie dials Mitch's moms number, she knew he wouldn't let her touch him. She answers quickly.

"Hello?" She greets.

"Mitch, we're having an issue, Nel."

"An issue? What happened, is he okay?"

"I think it's a panic attack. You have to come get him."

"I'm on my way."


Nel gets there quickly, getting Mitch in the car and handing him a bottle of water.

"I have a question, Kirstie..." Nel starts.

"What is it?"

"Why has he been so sad lately? I tried talking to him, but he won't talk to me. I know he talks to you."

"Well, we don't talk as much as you think. He kind of did something, almost unforgivable... He hasn't been on speaking terms with any of us."

"What did he do?"

"It's really not my place to say anything. I'm really sorry, but I need to get back to class."

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