Zip, Karma, and Shy

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The school wasn't much different. There were kids awaiting the end of the year, teachers who hated their job, and the cliche school cliques. Mitch hadn't really met anyone except one girl named Sophie. She was short and had curly brown hair with bangs. She was very bubbly, her personality was strangely familiar to Kirstie's, which was probably why she seemed so appealing to Mitch.

She sat next to him in math, his second period. She was a good distraction from all of the math, which was surprisingly a lot different than in Arlington.

Boyfriend <3: Lunch time for meeeee!

Mitch: Math time for meeeee!

Boyfriend <3: Ooooh that sucks. I'll text you to get ya through it, babe.

Mitch: Thanks, love.

Boyfriend <3: How is school?

Mitch: Not the same without you and everyone else, but school I guess.

Boyfriend <3: Understandable.

Mitch could practically feel Sophie's eyes staring down at his text messages. He turns to her, and she laughs at the fact that Mitch had just noticed.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend? You're quick for just moving here." Mitch chuckles before typing a quick message in his notes for her.

Met him in Arlington.

"Oh, so long distance? That sucks."

It's okay, actually. I thought it'd be much harder.

"Name? Age? Let me see a picture? Give me the details, Mitch!"

Okay, Scott, 18 and give me a sec for a picture.

He lets her read the note before finding a selfie of them and showing her.

"He's, well, attractive?" Mitch chuckles. Sophie was a lesbian, so guys weren't really her thing. She felt awkward saying guys were hot.

Attractive. I agree.

"How long have you been dating?" This question was hard. They had practically been dating since about September, but officially was two and a half weeks ago.

It's complicated.

He went with the easy answer, because in all honesty, it was extremely complicated if you thought about it.

"I've seen him on your Instagram. You two look sooooo cute!"

Thank you.

Mitch looks up to the board and jots down a few notes. His hand hurt from writing, it usually did.

He had to take a break in learning speech, actually. The notebook was going to be used a lot, so Mitch needed to get used to constantly writing. Mrs. Carmichael lived in Arlington, and Mitch didn't anymore. Learning on his own was what he had to resort to now.


Scott couldn't help but smile when he saw Mitch's face through Skype. It had been five days since he left, and he was already missing him more than ever. Scott had even gone to sleep crying the other night, but he wasn't going to tell anyone about it. He was embarrassed of it.

"Mitchy!" Scott greets, watching as Mitch's face lights up to the sight of Scott. He holds up a heart with his hands, and Scott holds one back to him. "How was your day?"

"Good. Y-yours?"

"It's was really good. I got promoted at work so I'll be payed more for practically doing the same thing. We also bought the apartment officially."

"Yay!" Mitch says excitedly. He makes sure his notebook was ready to be written in.

How is Kirstie?

"She is going insane without you, but she's alright." Mitch's face turns to a frown. "She is so worried, but you're doing fine, right?"

"Yes, Superman."

"Tell her that." Mitch nods, immediately grabbing his phone and texting her: I love you and I'm okay!

She replied pretty quickly, and Mitch smiles at the comment: did the queen herself just text me?

Mitch chuckles, quickly answering her.

"God, Mitch, I miss you."

"I m-iss you."

"You look gorgeous right now. I know that was random, but I literally can't take my eyes away from you."

"Stoooop." Mitch sputters, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, turning them a bright shade of red.

"What time is it there?" Mitch couldn't quite say time yet, so he wrote it down for Scott instead.

Almost midnight.

"Good thing it's Friday." Mitch nods, but soon realizes that he wouldn't really have anything to do on the weekends now that he wasn't with Scott. This was his first weekend away from everyone. "About one week down, two more to go. Then I can see you again, my love."


"Me too. Haven't met any boys yet, right?"


"Only Sophie?"


"So how is the lesbian friend? It's your first one, right?"

She is just like Kirstie.

"So that's why you like her..."

She's the closet thing to home. I know that's sad, but I feel like I'm with Kirstie when I'm with her. I need that right now.

"Everything will get better. You'll meet some other friends and have a good last month, honey."

I hope so.


Sophie invited Mitch to her house, along with two of her other friends so he could get a chance to get to know them. He gladly took up the offer, wanting to feel less lonely then he already did.

"This is Mitch!" Sophie introduces. He waves and they wave back. "Mitch, this is Karma." She points at a tall girl with blonde hair.

"That's not my name, Soph." The girl says. "My actual name is Carrie."

"But karma is always a bitch to her, so everyone calls her karma. We have a big thing with nicknames, here." Sophie explains. "This is Zip." She points at a guy. He had dark skin and was short.

"Real name is Zion." He says.

"But he literally runs away from any type of awkward or uncomfortable situation, so we call him zip. Always zipping away!" Mitch let's out a chuckle.

"What could your nickname be, Mitch? Everyone has one, it's just the thing here. Sophie's is shy, because she is the complete opposite." Karma informs.

"How about....umm...." Zip starts. "Nope. I have nothing."

"We will figure it out. It took awhile to figure out ours, not a few minutes. You're just Mitch for now." Sophie says. Mitch nods. He was happy with the group, they seemed to be an average set of people. No one seemed rude and they had a good sense of humor. He was glad that things weren't turning out to be horrible, but actual had a turn for the good.

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