Naughty Mitch

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Just an update for a laugh. Not really important to the plot, just thought it was funny. Love you!

Kirstie was happy about the way everything was. Mitch was back to normal and friends with everyone again, he was getting his grades up, and the boy she had been "talking" to had actually asked her to be his girlfriend.

She obviously said yes.

Kirstie plugs her phone into the charger when she hears a knock coming from downstairs. She trots down the steps and opens the door, showing Scott and Avi. Mitch was still grounded and Kevin had some weird cello gig. He was getting payed. That's the only reason he went.

Scott hugs Kirstie's and Avi does as well. They all go upstairs and into the roomy loft, grabbing a soda from the mini fridge in the process.

"Guess who has a job!" Scott introduces, pointing a finger at himself. Avi claps.

"Congrats, Scotty!" Kirstie yells. "Where is it?"

"At that candy store in the mall. Do you know "Crazy Sweets"?" Scott asks.

"I loved that place when I was in, like, middle school. It was the bomb." Scott laughs.

"I start next weekend. Goodbye social life! I work on Saturdays."

"Oooh that's sucks." Avi jumps in the conversation. "The best days to work is Wednesday and Sunday."

"I wanted a Wednesday shift, but they said it was taken because no one wanted to work the Saturday one. I was forced with it." Scott says.

"My party is in two weeks and on a Saturday. You better be able to come or I'll be mad." Kirstie says, pointing at Scott.

"I might be late, but I'll DEFINITELY be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Scott phone buzzes. He looks down to see a text from Mitch, carrying on their ongoing conversation that has been lasting for almost an hour.

Mitch: So, if Justin Bieber asked you for dick pics, you wouldn't send them?

Yes, they were talking about dick pics. Mitch was curious about whether Scott was that "type" or not. Honestly, Scott was curious about Mitch too.

Scott: Nope. I'd only send them to one boy.

Mitch: It better be me or we are divorcing hunty.

Scott: Of course it's you ;)

Scott was joking, obviously. He wasn't the kind to send pictures like that. He never had. His ex always wanted him to, but he simply wouldn't.

Mitch: Then let's see it hotshot.

Scott: Are you serious?

Mitch: Why not?

Scott looks up, a nervous look spread across his face.

"Guys." He interrupts Kirstie and Avi's conversation. "I'm uncomfortable."

"Why..." Kirstie says.

"So, if a boy that you like asks for some...inappropriate pictures, do you send them or no?" Scott asks awkwardly.

"Oh my god! Mitch didn't, did he?"

"I can't tell if he was serious or not." Scott shows her the texts, and she starts laughing like crazy.

"I can't tell either, to be honest."

Mitch: Leaving me hanging, Scotty?

"He texted again..."

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