Loud Mouths

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The whole house was gigantic, so much bigger than Scott's. The kitchen was bigger than Scott's garage, and the living room was almost the size of his whole house. It was insane.

He walks inside the house in awe, admiring the beautiful, lilac color coating the walls. The curving couch and huge TV. The floor had a nice wooden floor, clean of any type of crumbs.

A big, black dog comes out from the kitchen, jumping onto Kirstie before noticing new people and jumping on them. Scott laughs, petting the dog and sneezing.

"Allergic, Scotty?" Kirstie asks. He nods, with a slight chuckle.

A lady walks in. She has blonde hair, a well-curved body, and looks to be in her 40's. She hugs everyone, taken that she obviously has met them all before.

"You must be Scott!" She says, taking him in for a hug as well. He guesses this is her mom. He hugs her back, introducing himself shortly afterwards.

Kirstie excuses everyone away from her, leading them up a big, spiral flight of stairs. They reach a small room, a couch and bean bags. A TV, a pool table, a ping pong table, and some other fun things.

Mitch and Avi jump into the bean bags, Esther and Kevin taking the couch. Kirstie sits on the ground, patting a spot next to her for me to sit.

"So how was yall's first day?" Kirstie asks.

"Good." Kevin says simply. Mitch gives everyone a thumbs up.

"I spilled my spaghetti on me." Avi says. We all laugh, Kirstie pointing at the big and red stain on his shirt. Mitch hands Scott a piece of paper. Scott is confused at first before reading it.

You can take my seat, if you want. I'll sit with Avi.

Mitch gets up, jumping onto Avi's lap. Scott smiles and thanks him.

"There's a fridge over there if anyone's hungry." Kirstie says, pointing to it.

"That's new." Kevin says. Mitch applauds, making Kirstie laugh.

"You and your food, Mitchy." He laughs.


By 6:00, they had partially separated themselves. Kirstie was on Avi's lap now, Esther was talking to Kevin, and Scott sitting on the bean bag by Mitch.

He wanted to start a conversation, he just didn't know how. The boy couldn't say anything back.

"So, do you guys always come up here?" Scott asks him. Mitch nods. "I wish my house was like this, this place is amazing." He says.

Mitch smiles at him.

Scott didn't understand how he couldn't talk, he obviously knew what Scott had said and knew how to reply, but it just wouldn't come out.

If Scott couldn't talk, he wouldn't know how to survive. He always talked. It was his best talent. One of his only skills.

Mitch pulls a notebook out from his backpack, a pen to go along with it. He writes a message, holding it up to show Scott.

I can actually communicate now. Hey!

Scott chuckles. "That's good. Why didn't you use it before?"

I didn't have it out. I usually carry a notebook around with me.

"That's pretty amazing, and all. Like, how strong you are about your life."

I'm used to it. It's been about 4 years.

"Wow. I don't think I'd be able to survive."

It was really hard at first. I got so frustrated because there was so much I wanted to say but just couldn't. I hated it. I have gotten used to keep in my thoughts inside.

"God, if only I could do that. People wouldn't hate me so much. I'm a loud mouth." Scott laughs, causing a big smile to crawl into Mitch's face that warms Scott's body.

I like loud mouths.

"Yeah?" Scott winks, jokingly, immediately catching onto Mitch's sense of humor.


Scott chuckles, fixing his hair back out of his face a little.

So we have a few classes?? 2, 3, 6, and 7. And lunch actually.

"Yeah. I hope we talk more, I like talking to you." Scott smiles. "You're fun."

But we won't "talk" per say.

"Well, you know what I mean." Mitch nods. Kirstie calls Mitch over. He waves to Scott, grabbing his notebook and skipping over and into her lap. Scott smiles and chuckles a little.


He couldn't stop thinking about his day.

It was the best first day he had ever had. Kirstie was more than sweet and introduced him to all of her friends and he immediately fit in with them. It was a good feeling.

He liked Mitch a lot to. His personality was nice and his smile was cute. He wanted to get to know him better.

Avi was hilarious, constantly making jokes and explaining his love for dragons. He also takes pride in his look, quite familiar to a lumber jack, and makes fun of himself.

Kevin was the worlds nicest guy. He helped him fit in, and if he was left out, Kevin would come talk to him. He never said anything even remotely rude.

Esther was adorable. Scott loved the huge glasses surrounding her eyes, how she was always pushing them back into place. Her laugh could make anyone smile, not to mention her sweetness.

Scott found everyone interesting in their own way. They were all unique, not to mention the huge differences in them all.

Kirstie was a basic white girl, Avi looked like Jesus, Kevin was black, Mitch was the gay one, and Esther was the cute one.

He thought of how amazing it was that they all were so close and that they'd been friends for so long.

Scott had friends, but not ones that lasted. He never had a best friend, he didn't want to get attached to one person just to leave them. He switched private schools a lot, but his family was finally letting him stay in one place and it was in public school.

Although it was senior year, he could at least make friends for the last year he had in high school and he surely planned on it.

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