Your Best Friend, Mitch

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I need some feedback from you guys. So should I make my chapters shorter, longer, or just leave them? I'm not sure about the lengths right now. I don't know what I'm going to do with them quite yet, but I'll definitely change then if people want me too. Love you guys!

Mitch missed Kirstie. He missed Avi too. He missed Kevin, along with Esther. But he didn't miss Scott. No, not even a little.

But as much as he tried to convince himself of it, he knew that it was wrong, because he missed Scott so much that Travis had started getting angry that Mitch was so down all of the time.

Travis would pressure Mitch, pushing him until his breaking point. He craved information, kind of like Mitch craved speech. He wanted to know Mitch's problems, but not to help fix them. That was the last thing he would do.

Mitch wipes away one of his tears when he sees Kirstie and Scott walking together at the park. He hopes that they don't notice him. They have their arms linked, laughing and smiling. Mitch wonders how long it had been since he had done that with one of them. It had to of at least been two weeks.


Two weeks without his best friends. It felt unreal.

As much as he wanted Scott back, he needed someone to talk to. He needed Kirstie. So he made a plan. Since he couldn't speak, he would write the most amazing speech he could ever think of. And this started now.


I need you.

I know you feel like I've completely betrayed you and everything, but you don't know how bad I am hurting. Everyday, I wake up dreading it. I miss being able to meet up and join our giant hug sessions in the morning. I miss being able to come to you whenever I need you for girl talk. I miss being able to laugh, cry, and be a complete idiot with you, because you can tolerate it.

I miss you.

I honestly don't know what I was thinking, losing the best person ever introduced into my life. I wouldn't be who I am without you, Kirstie.

I'll never forget you. The girl that learned sign language just to talk to me. The girl who would drive me to school every morning. The girl who put up with my crazy-self, and my pathetic panic attacks. The girl who explained everything to me when I couldn't remember. The girl I spent years learning the name of. The girl who warned me about all of this.

And I idiotically didn't listen to you, even though you are always right. I miss being able to come over after school to do homework and gossip and talk about cute boys.

I love you.

And not having you in my life is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. It's been 7 years that I've had you by my side, and it's been two weeks that I hadn't. I don't think I can go another day without you.

I want you to know, Kit, that I love you so much. I will never forget you and everything you have done for me.

If you hate me still, don't hesitate to say anything. If not, please let me know. Because I miss my best friend.
-Your best friend, Mitch

Kirstie wipes her tears as she reads the note on her front porch. He must've spent hours writing this.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she missed him too. More than anything. And everything he said was right. Kirstie warned him, and she was there for him, and did everything she could to make his life amazing.

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