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Here it is....good luck.

Mitch listens as the principal calls students names and hands them their diplomas. He looks at the bright smiles on all of their faces when they hug, and how happy they looked to have completed high school.

"Mitchell Grassi." He says. Mitch listens as everyone claps but makes his way up to the stage. He is handed his diploma, and he hugs the teacher just like everyone does. He manages a smile, but not a real one. This is not how he wanted to graduate.

Mitch wanted to cry. High school was supposed to be the best four years of his life, and ending it was supposed to be even better.

This was not his definition of better.


2 hours before

The last name at Martin High School was called up. After he makes his way back to his seat, Scott is forced to listen to his principal talk up again.

"I'd like to call our valedictorian, Kirstin Maldonado, up to the stage to give her graduation speech." Scott looks to his friends in curiosity. Kirstie hadn't told him she was valedictorian.

Kirstie steps onto the stage and in front of the pedestal, awkwardly waving at people and laughing before she gets started.

"When we're growing up, all we look forward to is high school. You've always heard that the best things come from it. All of the amazing bonds with teachers, relationships, and the friendships. See, no one ever told you of the bad things. Emotions, drama, and grades? Raise your hand if any of those have been an issue for you." Scott looks around, seeing almost the whole room raise their hand. He shyly raises his as well. "And when the bad things are happening, you think to yourself 'I hate high school. I want it to be over.' because the thought of high school being over, was also the same thing as thinking that you are starting over."

Scott could practically feel the personal connection with the speech. She was saying this from personal experience, not general knowledge.

"That one kid you dated that cheated on you. Remember how you felt like it was the end of the world? You wanted to cry and scream and punch things. Does it really matter now? Having to move high schools, and only be here for one year." Kirstie makes eye contact with Scott. "It sucked at the beginning, but turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen to you." She winks at him. "Your freshman year, you and your only friend spot a small group of people, don't be afraid to talk to them! They may look intimidating, but those two guys and one girl turn out to be your best friends." She was looking from Avi, to Kevin, to Esther.

"Don't hold back! Even if you're scared, or nervous, or upset, just don't hold back. You can miss the best chances. When you're fighting with your best friend over something he did because he was hurt and confused, accept his apology." Scott could feel himself tear up when thinking of the whole Mitch situation. "Because you don't want to lose him. You love him too much."

"And you remember that time, when everything felt wrong? You didn't want to wake up, or face the world. You didn't want to talk to anyone, because you were afraid of how they thought of you. But you got up anyway, and you went to class, and you somehow got through the day without breaking down in front of everyone. Remember how that one person was there for you? How he held you when no one else would, even though you were the one who did something awfully wrong." She was staring at Jeremy. "And he helped you. He taught you ways to be stronger, and face your friends who wanted nothing to do with you. And now you're all amazing friends again, because of one boy who taught you strength when you thought you had none." Everyone was getting emotional at this point, even Scott. He wasn't shocked when he couldn't find one person who wasn't in tears.

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