Closer and Closer

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Next chapter is the last chapter! AHHH! I am DEFINITELY making a second book to this :). I had too much fun making this to not.

The year was coming closer and closer to the end, having only four days of school left. Mitch was sad about having to leave Zip, Karma, and Shy, but he wasn't that sad considering the fact that he could have Scott and Kirstie back.

His parents already knew that he was moving to Los Angeles, they were actually okay with it. They told him that it was his decision to make, and that he would be an adult soon. They also thought living with Kirstie would be a great idea.

He watches as Shy and Karma speed away from them in their car, then hops into Zip's car to give him a ride home.

"So you're leaving, huh?" Zip asks. "You just got here!" Mitch nods.


"It's okay. I get it. You want to be with Scott. By the way, how is he?"

"Ehhh." Mitch didn't know how to tell him that he hadn't been answering texts for a few days, but Kirstie told him that he was going through something. He just wished that Scott would talk to him about it. "Has been b-better."

"I wish you both luck." Zip says, looking over and smiling at Mitch.

Mitch looks down at his phone before deciding on sending another text to Scott that he knew wouldn't be answered.

Mitch: I miss you a lot and I'm so excited to see you in like five days.

Scott usually answered almost immediately, but Mitch wasn't surprised when he didn't.

Zip pulls into Mitch's driveway before walking him up to his door like he usually did. He gives Mitch a short hug.

"See you tomorrow?" He asks. Mitch nods and watches as he walks back to his car. "Oh, Mitch!" He runs back over. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you, but guess who got himself a date with the hotty that works at the movie theater?" Mitch points at him. "That's right!" Mitch chuckles as Zip actually leaves. He sure was something different.

Mitch walks in and almost falls when his parents attack him in a hug.

"My baby is graduating in three days. I'm so proud." Nel says when she pulls away.

"You'll be a great boy in the real world, Mitch." Mike says. He smiles at them and hugs them again before getting his notebook.

Thank you guys for everything. You've been the best thing to me for all of my seventeen years of existence. I love you.

"Oh, I love you too, honey."


Mitch was so shocked when Scott answered Skype, but was even more shocked to see him looking so rough. So distraught and upset, tears dripping down his face.

Honey, what's wrong? Mitch's notebook says.

"I'm so sorry that I've been ignoring you." He says, wiping at his tears.

It's okay, but what's wrong?

"Alex. He isn't doing good. He is in the hospital and I've been really hurting by it. I was the one who found him-" he takes a break mid-sentence. "But he is on life support right now. No one even knows what happened, but they do know that he might not wake up. I've been distracted by it lately and haven't been talking to you. I'm sorry."

Stop apologizing. I get it, honey. It sucks when someone you love is in the hospital. I know how good of friends you are.

"Were, not are."

No, are. Because I know he will make it through this, just like I know you will. I've made it through the worse, Alex will, and you will. Everyone gets through it, okay?

"Thank you for being so understanding. God, you mean the absolute world to me, Mitch."

Right back at you, baby. Fuck it, you are my world. Scott smiles. There is the smile I love. Kirstie said you haven't been acting like yourself at all.

"I guess I haven't."

Please do me a favor and tell her you're okay and that you know everything will be okay.

"What if I don't believe that?"

I know you don't believe it now, but just tell her so she stops freaking out. It's what I did, okay? It's not lying, it's improvising. Trust me.

"I'm texting her now." Scott says and Mitch watches him tap says at his iPhone, looking back at the screen when he is finished. "Thank you for being here for me."

I'm always here when you need me, you know that.

"I do, I guess I just haven't been thinking about it."

Do me a favor?


Don't forget me when things get rough. I'll always be here, so when you need someone to talk to, you can come to me instead of shutting me out.

"I'm sorry. I will, Mitchy. I've just been distracted and haven't really been in my phone at all."

I know. I understand that, I'm just telling you for next time.

"Okay. What time is it there?"


"And you have school tomorrow. Gets some sleep."

I'd rather make sure you're okay.

"I'm okay. I promise."

If anyone, I think you're the one needing sleep. Get a good sleep tonight, even if you are not tired. Do it for me.

"Okay. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I was hoping you would. Scott catches Mitch's smile one last time before hanging up and heading to sleep.


"Wow. Two more days until graduation. That's insane!" Shy says. "I wouldn't want to graduate with anyone but you guys."

"I second that!" Karma yells.

"And I third that!" Zip says. They all look to Mitch, waiting for his response. He awkwardly sits there, because they all knew he would've rather been with Kirstie back in Arlington.

"Mitch would rather be with his boy wonder."

"It's Superman." Mitch corrected. They all laugh at him, and he even smiles himself.

He hadn't heard himself say it in a long time, the word Superman almost seemed foreign. 

He needed his Superman right now, because he missed him more than anything.

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