Chapter 7: The Search For the Core

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After parting ways with Noire, Terra explored the 'new' Planeptune that he was confronted with. It carried the same vibe but felt more restrained and less advanced by the shorter buildings, the more spacious town and more smaller business. As he journey, he shopped for the items he needed including travelling items, food packets and new clothes albeit plain ones "There we go Pyjama's, sock and boxers for the days ahead. Until I work out how to get back...I'd best stock on basics "With the clothes I also got supplies and medicine, all that's left see what else this town has to offer" it was then a exhausted voice reached his ears

"Huhhh...huhhh...huhhh" Terra heard a young voice, panting really tiredly "I didn't'd be this heavy >o<"

"Who's that? And why was there an emoticon in that sentence?" following the sounds of fatigue he found it a rather small and flying girl.

The small, near doll-sized, girl was in a purple gown with mid-length light blonde hair was hovering over the ground, struggling to lift a brown bag twice bigger than she was. The small girl was flying up and down hardly able to carry her load "Huhhh...huhh. I shouldn't have many...of them"

"She's really struggling" said Terra "I'll ask if she needs any help" as he headed over, the weight looked too much for the little flyer as she dropped to the ground "Whoa! Hang on!"

Terra sprinted towards her, the bag hitting the floor first with a clatter like sound. Terra though dived along the ground, and managed to catch the small girl, before the speed of the fall made her hit the ground "Gotcha! Whew that was close"

"My goodness...what happened? 0_0" the small girl said looking round "Did someone catch me?" she turned round to let Terra see her face "Oh hello there, so you're the kind one who caught me?

"Yeah...I did" Terra said a little puzzled looking at her blue eyes

"Then thank you very much :-). Are you hurt at all?"

"No I'm alright" he said raising himself to his knees "But I have to your name Histoire? You look similar to another Histoire...though somewhat younger"

"It is indeed :-)" she said with a smile "I'm's nice to meet you"

Before Terra, in his hands, was a younger and more innocent looking Histoire. She too was the size of a large doll, albeit a smidgen smaller than Neptune's Histoire, and looked more like a child with innocent blue eyes. This Histoire had medium-length blonde hair in two pigtails tied up, with teal ribbons with a purple and white headdress (Like a bonnet) on her head. Her bangs were thick and a little scruffy but didn't cover her eyes.

Histoire wears what seems to be a purple gown (like a night dress) with a white frilled V-section below her neck. The base of the dress has a orange border, with upward points, and a faded orange spiked pattern just above the border. 

Histoire looked quite happy with Terra still looking puzzled, but shifted it to the side "Good to meet you Histoire...again I guess"

"Huh?" Histoire said tilting her head

"Sorry don't mind me Histoire, I'll tell you later. Anyway I'm Terra...hello"

"And hello to you too" she said with eyes closed and a happy smile

"What are you up too? And what were you carrying that nearly brought you to ground level?"

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