Chapter 2: The Bet

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Olivia's POV:



"Day 2 of a living hell." I whisper and get out of bed; slamming my alarm clock so it'll shut up. I dragged myself to my closet and pulled out skinny jeans, a Hollister shirt, and toms.
I didnt want to go to school. Sure, I made one friend, but what was one friend gonna do? Nothing.
Thats what.
I got dressed and pulled my hair into a high pony tail. I knew pony tails werent very 'popular' but if they kept my hair out of my face, I was a happy girl.
I threw on some mascara and eyeliner, (since I keep it light) and used the daily, (deodorant, and perfume) and I was done.
It doesnt take me FOREVER to get ready. I am not one of those girls.
I mean, C'Mon.
I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to see my mum finally home in the kitchen.
"Hey mum." I smile.
"Morning livvy."
Shes always called me livvy since I was like, 3.
"How was school yesterday?"
"It was school. I made one friend."
"Boy or girl?"
"Boy." I smile.
"Boyfriend?" She wiggles her eyebrows.
"No, hes just a friend, trust me. I can't see myself dating him, so we are friends." I say.
"Ohhh, thats good honey." She smiles.
"Well, I better go. Love you." I kiss her cheek.
"Love you too. Have a good day!"

"And that is how the American Revolution started. Any questions?"
None of us have questions. I looked around the room and see the boy with curls is in my history class too.
Greeaaaat. (Sarcasm)
I sigh and look at the girls swooning over him. Sure, his dimples are adorable when he smiles, but player is written all over him.
I wouldn't date him. Seriously.

Liam's POV:
"Hey Liam!" Niall says and runs to catch up to me.
"Hey Ni. Whats up?"
"Have you met the new girl? Olivia Potter?" He asks as we jog around the track.
"Yeah. We're like, bestfriends now." I smile.
"Shes pretty." He says and blushes.
"Try to be friends with her and ask her out." I say and pat his shoulder.
"She'll probably say no."
"Shes single." I say.
"What difference does that make?"
"No boyfriend." I wink.
"Liam you are no help!" He whines.
"Just saying." I chuckle and start to slow down.
"Hows Dani?"
"Shes been sick, thats why you haven't seen her in school." I nod.
"Ohhhh. Is she okay? She is usually never sick." He says.
"Yeah, shes fine."
"Liam Payne!"
Shit. Harry.
I stop and look back, Harry sprinting to me.
"Hey loser." He smirks.
"What do you want Styles?"
"Have you seen the new girl?"
I look over at Niall, who looks terrified and nod my head.
"Yeah. So what?"
"Isnt she a hottie?" He winks.
"Shes beautiful, not hot." Niall speaks up.
"Shut it, geek." He says.
Niall flinches and looks at the ground.
"Dont be a dick, Haz. Niall's my friend."
"And I used to be your friend." Harry says and glares at me.
"Well, shit happens."
"Anyways, ima try to get with her."
"You'll just mess with her wont you?"
"Nah. Well, I don't know. It depends on how fast she falls." He chuckles.
"Youre a pig." I shake my head.
"Oh c'mon, just because I don't fucking kiss girls feet like their servant doesnt make me a pig." He laughs.
"You are a pig. Stay away from Olivia."
"Dont tell me what to do." He says and gets in my face.
"She doesnt want a player."
"And how would you know that?"
"She isn't that girl"
"You don't know her. She just got here yesterday. She could be some slut and you wouldn't know. i'll tell you how it all works out." He winks and starts to jog again.
"What a bastard." I say and Niall nods.
"We have to make sure he doesnt do that to her." Niall says.
"I know. I couldnt stand to see her hurt."

Change For Me, Harry Styles.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ