Chapter 96:

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Olivia's Pov:
"Mumma! Look at the pretty lights."
"Arent they beautiful?" I smile and she nods frantically.
It was starting to get dark and cold, the stars were peaking out and Louis held my hand. I had no clue why, but he kept dragging me from place to place, and was constantly on his phone.
"Lou." I say, letting go of his hand.
He looked at me with concerned blue eyes and then looked around.
He grabbed Paige and smiled at me.
"I gotta go."
"Louis! Hey! Thats my daughter."
"Im not kidnapping her. Walk around. Enjoy things." He says and I sigh in annoyance. I bring out my phone and see its 6 PM.
I close it and tuck it away, then walk with my hands safely in my warm pockets.
"Hi, beautiful." A guy whispers and slaps my bum.
I turn and smack him and he groans.
I continue to walk and just admire all the little families.
My phone starts to vibrate, making me fish it out of my purse. I have one new message.
An unnamed one that is.

From: Unknown
Wanna play a game?


Who was this?

From: Unknown
Go to the ferris wheel.

I nod and do what the text tells me. I stop in front of the huge machine and look down at my vibrating phone.

From : Unknown
Go on it.

Who the fuck was this? Maybe Louis?

I sigh and get on, my fear of heights kicking in.
It stops and I let in a deep breath as I look to the moon.
Its bright and I remember Harry saying something about it having a face.
I look closely and jump when the ride begins going.

I get off and check my phone once again.

From: Unknown
Go to the haunted house.

My worst fucking fear. Ok.

My shoes tap against the ground as I walk and my breath can be seen as I breathe in and out.

I walk in and close my eyes as I walk. Someone grabs me and I scream smacking them.
I continue to cry for Louis as I go, and sigh in relief when I get out.

From: Unknown
Now go to the Tattoo shop and get one.


I do want a tattoo though..

I walk to the tattoo parlor and smile at the man.

"What do you want?"

I hand him Paiges name and ask for it in cursive. I sit in the chair and feel him rubbing something on my arm.
"Its gonna hurt."
I nod and let the needles ink me. I close my eyes and tense my jaw as he finishes.
"Anything else?"
"Yeah. A quote." I whisper.
"What kind?"
"Give me Love."
He nods and I let him ink me.
I hope Louis' happy.

I pay and look down at my phone. My bandages were clinging to my arm and I never thought I'd do this.

From: Unknown
Last mission of the day. Go to where the Fireworks display.

I look at the text in confusion but go anyway.
I see there's a concert playing, but I have no clue who the singer is. I look up from the ground, and my heart freezes...
Hes here.

"This song goes out to my favorite girl in the world. She knows who she is."
He fixed the microphone and the music softly began.

"This time... I wonder what it feels like, to find the one in this life, the one we all dream of, but dreams all start up.

So Ill be waiting for the real thing, ill know it by the feeling... The moment when were meeting ...we'll play out like a scene right on the silver screen ... so ill be hiding my breath right up to the end until the moment when I find the one I spend forever with.."

I dont listen to anything he sings. I sit with my head up, staring at him. Blocking out every word coming from his mouth.
Remembering his words. Those nasty words. Those mistakes. Those bets. Remembering the things that broke me.
He bobs his head and stares straight at me; not breaking eye contact.
I feel myself tear up and let the tears fall freely like I do every time I try to hold them back. I was tired of trying to be so strong. I was so tired of depending on someone when I was weak.
I was so tired of being alone.

Harry's POV:
"Theres gotta be somebody for me out there.." I sing , pointing to Olivia. Some people look towards her and I smile , moving my curls out of my face. Shes clearly crying like usual, and shes shocked. Very shocked.
I step off stage and she stands there for a second, before running to me. I walk and she jumps into my arms. People are recording and smiling. some are crying.
She tightens her grip around me and I spin around.
I feel her warm breath in the crook of my neck and give her a squeeze. She sobs and I just stand there, holding her. She moves away a little to look at me and smiles weakly.
"Hi." I whisper and she cries harder.
"You fucking bastard." She says and lets go of me. I let her down and she shakes her head. I see anger in her eyes and she starts slapping my chest.
"How fucking dare you!" She says through gritted teeth and I let her hit me.
"I was alone! I needed you most and - and you werent there!" she yells and everyone grows quiet.
"I fucking ... I cant even... Oh my god."
"You left me, Harry! We have been through this. The fighting. The bickering. The separating and then the reuniting. Im so sick and tired of going back and forth. Im so fucking tired of trusting myself now, that I feel like myself is the only right person to truth. I hate you."
"You heard me. I hate you."
I feel all the faith inside of me, drop.
"Please... listen to me."
"Listen to you, what? Lie to me? Make up another excuse? Youre a piece of shit, Harry Styles!"
"You listen here!" i say, "I came here. For you. For two fucking years, I havent slept properly. I tried finding you. I tried figuring out what was going on in my head. I always worried about you and Paige. I always wanted to be there, but I couldnt. I love you, Olivia Potter. I have loved you since that day I saw you in Math class. I have loved you since I stopped you before you went to Starbucks. I have loved you since you kissed me back. I have loved you since we had almost had sex in a pool. I had loved you when I took your virginity. I loved you , but I refused to believe it. I have loved you from the start, and nobody, I mean nobody, will change that!" I yell and some people are staring.
I lower my voice.
'I have waited my whole life to do this." I whisper and get on one knee.
"I know its been years.... you may have fallen out of love with me, but I can fix that. I can fix us. I can be a father for Paige. I can be a good husband. I can be the man you want in your life, if you let me. I can love you right, Olivia. Will you do the honors of being my wife?"
She looks down, her green eyes glossy with tears, her lip quivering.
She looks up and then back down at me.
"Y-yes." She whispers and I stand up, kissing her. I pick her up and the fireworks go off like planned. Everything was in place. And I was going to do it right this time.


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