Chapter 88:

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Olivia's POV:
"Okay, thanks Tabitha." I smile at her and grab my keys. I squat to Paige's height and smile. "Be a good girl. Okay?"
She nods and I kiss her forehead, before standing up and walking out.
Noah is in the car already, so we drive to work together.
"Do you trust that Tabitha chick?" He laughs.
"What? Why wouldn't I?"
"Uh.. No reason."
I don't push it any farther and decide to stay quiet.
He parks the car and turns it off, then quickly gets out.
"Lovely day." I mutter to the clerk.
"Yeah, I guess so. How are you?" She asks.
"Good, is today payday?"
"No, that's on Monday."
"Ohhh, gotcha." i smile and walk to my office. I close my eyes as I sit down and sigh loudly.
I turn the telly on and grab some medical papers from my client, Destiny. She has terminal cancer, and is in so much pain, it hurts me. Shes only 11.
I fill out some things then look up when my door opens.
"Hey, babe." Noah smiles and I smile back
"Whats up?" I ask.
"Just wanted to visit my fiancé," he laughs and sits in a chair in front of me.
"Yeah. Whatcha working on?"
"The medical for Destiny."
"That poor girl.." He sighs
"I know."
I put the folder back in the file box and sit back in my chair.
"Don't you have work to do?"
"Me? Yes. Do I care? No." He smirks.
"Smart ass."
He winks at me and stands up.
"Stand." he instructs and I do.
He locks the door and my eyes dart to his.
He sits in my chair and pulls me into his lap, making me straddle him.
"I love you," he smiles and connects our lips.
I move my lips with his and wrap my hands in his blonde hair.
His hand reaches up my shirt, but I stop him.
"This is our work. No." I get off him and he laughs.
"Baby, when do you care what people think??"
"When it involves my career." i say.
"Look, Im gonna go home early and send Tabitha home. Ill pick you up when youre done." he says and stands to his feet.
"Okay," i say and peck his lips.
"Have a good day, beautiful."
He leaves me to myself and I sigh. I sit in my chair and put the telly on channel 5.
"A new celebrity brought to the famous world? I think so. Rumors are that Harry Styles, a man in his 20's, got signed at a bar downtown in London. The man who signed him, has already gotten him a whole song, security and management. Styles said anti quote , "This is the craziest thing that could happen to a person. Not only in just a week, but for a lifetime. Im still not used to the paparazzi or the flashing lights, but Im excited to release my single , "Dont let me go," this month and tour around the world."
"Do you think this young man will make it far in the career? More at seven." The lady smiles and I widen my eyes.
Harrys a Pop-star?
I laugh and shake my head. If hes a pop star, the least he could do was help me support paige, but i'm never gonna ask him to do so.

Harry's POV:
"Okay, Henry-"
"Its Harry." i correct him.
"Whatever. Anyways, You'll be singing the song I wrote , 'Dont Let Me Go,'" he smiles.
"Uh, okay? Im gonna need the lyrics, though." I say.
"Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Or," he smirks, "Ill give you other artists to sing, and you have to match them."
"Um, okay?"
"Ill give you an artist, you give me a song. Okay?"
"Gavin Degraw."
"Not Over you,"
Shit ! Not that song.
"Okay. Heres the lyrics. Sing 'em."

"Dreams thats where I have to go, to see your beautiful face, anymore I stare at a picture of you, and listen to the radio..
Hope, hope there's a conversation, we both admit we had it good, but until then, its edly enation I know that much is understood, and I realize, if you ask me, how Im doing, I would say Im doing just fine, i would lie and say Youre not on my mind...
But I go out and i sit down at a table set for two and finally im forced to face the truth, no matter what I say, im not over you.."
"Great! We got the first verse in!" He laughs. "Youre doing good, Styles. I like you.. So far. Next song."
I sigh and bring the microphone to my mouth and sing the song he had written, although I did, bur he claims he did, again.
'Okay, so your security guard should be here, soon."
"What's his name?"
"Paul. Hes a big guy, so you'll be fine."
I sit on the stool and clasp my hands together as I stare at him.
"Youre pretty big, eh?" I ask.
"What?" He looks at me.
"Within a week, Im already famous, Signed, have a security guard and management..." i point out.
"Within a snap of a finger, I get what I want." he smirks.
A big guy, Im assuming Paul, walks in and smiles at me.
"Ello, Harry. I'm Paul."
I shake his big hand and smile.
"Hey." I say, "nice to meet you."
"Same back to you, mate."
I nod and stand from my stool.
"So you'll be paid 30,000 every week." Richy says.
I choke on my breath and start coughing.
"Me?" I say.
"Mhm." He smiles.
That's enough to buy a mansion and still afford to support myself, Paige and Olivia. But they arent here.
"Well, Harry. Tomorrow Ill let you find a new home, since you are now famous, you'll need a more secret home. So you get a day off." he says.
"Thanks." I say and follow Paul outside. There's fans out there, screaming my name.
"Harry! Please marry me!!"
"Harry! Harry Styles.. I love you!!"
"Whos Olivia!?"
I look over and then put my hair down.
"Harry! I love you," they yell.
I continue to follow Paul to my 'limo' and get in.
"It'll get easier." he reassures me before shutting the door.
I sigh and lean my head against the window.
The girls were crying, waving my picture in the air, screaming my name.
"Harry! Please." one girl is on her knees, bawling. I feel bad and go to open my door but Paul stops me.
"No, we gotta get going."
I roll down my window and smile.
"Im sorry! " I yell, "I love you, too."
I roll it back up and the driver starts the car. I sit there wondering how the hell, in a week, people found out about me.
"Welcome to the celebrity life." Paul pats my shoulder.
"Thanks." i mutter and bite my lip.
"You ok?"
"Im just scared, ya know?" i admit.
"Im scared of everything, losing privacy, singing, everything."
'Im sorry... But thats how being a celebrity rolls." he smiles.
"I know." i say and stare at my feet.
"But youre a good singer, great actually, so dont worry." He says and the limo stops in front of my flat.
There's paparazzi out, flashing their cameras, right in my driveway.
"Shit," I curse and climb out. Paul asks them to leave, but they refuse.
"Harry.. Is there anything the fans dont know about you?"
"Harry! Are you a father..!!"
"Over here...! have you gotten used to being a celebrity!"
"Harry! Are you gay?"

Paul pushes me through them and I safely get to my door.
"Yep. The flat option is definitely an option for me." i say.
"Ill see you tomorrow at noon. We'll go find one." He smiles.
I nod, "thanks Paul."
"No problem."
"Oh, Paul?.. Are you a security guard for any one else?"
"Yeah. But Im getting resigned tomorrow. Cause the band I protect has five dudes, and youre only one person." He says.
"Oh," i say.
"Yeah. Have a good night, Harry."
"You too."
I open my door and slam it behind me, then walk upstairs. Theres fans and paparazzi sitting in my driveway now. The girls screech when they see me and I close my curtain.
I sigh in frustration and realize how pissy Im getting over this. Its stressful, knowing that ONE mistake, and its all over the news and magazines. I have to be perfect.
I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. My body is exhausted , and I feel bad for not calling my mum in like a few weeks. i know I should, but with this tight schedule I have, It probably isnt gonna have anytime soon.
I get out of the nice shower and put some boxers and pajama pants on. I want to look out and see if the paparazzi has left, or even just the fans, but Im positive they haven't..
I lay in bed and turn on the telly, immediately regretting it.
"Harry Styles, a new celebrity, was caught going into his home by paparazzi. Who knew, a week later and everyone knew about him. His manager says he will be getting more privacy tomorrow, and his security guard, Paul, will be with him."
I turn off the telly and sit up in my bed, then grab my phone. I dial my mums number, but it goes straight to voicemail. I leave her a short one and hang up the phone.
I closed my eyes and hear a high pitched scream. My eyes shot open and I fell off the bed. I stood to my feet and ran to the window.
"Harry!!!!" A few girls scream. I look at the clock and see its eleven at night. I grab a shirt and jacket then jog downstairs. I walk outside and they screech.
"Hey! Quit yelling please." I say nicely.
"Omg Harry! I love you." one says.
"I love you too," I whisper.
"Can we get pictures?"
I nod and turn on my porch light; then droop my arm around a blondes shoulder. I fake a smile and look into the camera.
After the click, I moved and signed autographs.
"Harry, youre gorgeous."
"Thanks." I smile.
"Can you follow me on Twitter?"
"I dont have twitter." I say.
"As a celebrity?"
'Not yet. But whats your twitter name?"
She gives me it and i put it in my phone.
"Ill follow you when I get one." i say and a girl starts crying.
"Hey, don't cry." I say and wrap my arms around her. I rub her back and she starts to calm down.
"Thank you." She whispers and I wipe her tears.
"Aw." The other girls coo and I smile.
"Well, its nearly midnight, and Im exhausted. It was nice meeting you ladies."
"You too Harry! Thank you!" They say and I go back into my warm house.
I put my jacket on the rack and sigh.
What a long day tomorrow is gonna be.

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