Chapter 97:

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Harry's POV:
The first time I had heard her say 'Daddy' I was mortified. Pissed off. But now it sounded like heaven to my ears. She was a bit taller and could walk now as I could see, and she looked even more beautiful.
I crouched down and she ran to me at full speed, into my arms. I held her as if she would disappear and cried like the little bitch I am.
"Daddy." She whispers, clutching onto my shirt and crying. She was only three and was holding onto me for dear life...
I remember the day I kidnapped her, or took custody of her i guess you could say. How scared she was and how she wanted olivia. And now she wanted me.
I could see Olivia crying in the corner of my eye, but I didnt dare pull away from the hug I was getting from my three year old daughter.
She pulled away and looked at me with her green eyes and smiled.
"Hi daddy." She whispers and I smile a little.
"Hi princess," I say.
She smiled again and I couldnt keep the smile off my face.
"I missed you," she says.
How did she know me?
"I missed you too, baby."
Olivia cries harder and I pick up Paige, holding her tight in my arms.
"Olivia, dont cry."
"Its all my fault." she whispers. "I split you apart from h-her."
"Oh shhh..." I whisper and bring her closer to me, crying as well. I was finally complete.
"I... We need to talk about this..." She says and I nod, but ignore her request.
"What are we gonna do Harry?"
"I-I'll move back." She says and I shake my head.
"If youre happy where you are , then I'll come to you."
"You will?"
I nod. At this point, I would do anything to see her smile.
I sigh and kiss her forehead, then grab her hand. Yes... it was a bit too forward, but this whole situation was like that.
"You are really here, right? Im not imagining this?"
"Im really here, baby."
She nods and I can see the bruises that asshole Noah gave her. Oh god the thought of Noah...
"Are those paparazzi?"
Oh shit.
"Yeah... We gotta go!"
"Like run?"
I pull her along and see the paparazzi, flashing their cameras.
"Harry! Who is this mystery girl!"
"Harry, is that your daughter?!"
"Over here, Mr. Styles."
"Are you engaged to her?"
I drag her to my car and put her in, then climb in myself.
She buckles Paige in and looks at me, confused.
"What about Lou?"
"Hes fine." I say, driving to my hotel.
She nods and sits in silence, not daring to speak. Im guessing a lot is traveling. through her mind, just like mine. Its all swirling like a hurricane, wondering how the hell we can go from not speaking for two years to holding hands in point thirty seconds. Its crazy, but I guess thats how we work.

A few hours later

I sit down on the couch with Olivia and see that Paige is passed out in her lap.
"So we need to talk..." I sigh, knowing its a yea.
"Yeah, we do."
"About what?"
"Everything!" She exclaims. "We havent seen or talked to each other in two years. What do you expect to happen, Harry? You ask me to marry you, and then everything in the past is forgotten? No.."
"I know," I sigh, "its crazy, to be honest."
"It really is. So how's things been going for you?"
The fact you werent in my life, it sucked.
"Uh, great. I guess. Just been really... Busy."
She nods and plays with he hair, concentrating. Something she always used to do.
"Hey, Livvy?"
She looks up, her green eyes lighting up at the nickname.
"I missed you." I admit, really telling the truth.
"I-I missed you too." She says and I get up, moving Paige to the other bed I have in here.
I sit next to her and sigh, trying to think of one topic to talk about. Shit flies through my mind, but Im afraid to ask.
"So..." She says.
"How bad did he hit you?"
Her eyes flicker with hurt and shock that I asked, but she recovers and sighs.
"He... Bruised me.. As you can see."
"Said I was cheating on him.."
"With who?"
"Did you?"
"Louis kissed me. I guess I did. But I found out he fucked Paige's baby sitter."
"Ohh. Toughie."
She nods and says nothing.
After two years and we have nothing to talk about.
"So," I say.
She looks up at me and finally smashes her lips on mine, as if shes been waiting to do it forever. I cant help but savior the taste and feeling of her lips on mine once again. Im just so happy that she actually is happy with me being in the same room with her, and the fact that shes in the same room as me.
I push her lightly on the bed, not saying anything , just kissing. My hand rests on her exposed skin by her side and travels up. I was happy, content, and lucky to have her in my life again.

I hear Paige start to whine in her sleep, and look over. Shes tossing and turning, mumbling things.
"Is she okay?" I whisper.
"Ever since she experienced that thing with Noah, she does this every night." she says, and my heart breaks.
"I-Im so sorry." I whisper and Olivia shakes her head.
"Its over now. And youre here. So thats all that matters."
I lay next to her and cover us up, holding her tight. She loved me to this day, and to this day, I loved her. Just like the first day when she showed up at high school. I was in love with her.. and all her little things.

Doing the next two chapters or 3 i guess you could say soon! I will update quicker now that I feel better. THANK YOU FOR PATIENTLY WAITING AND IM SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER. (: -Tessa.

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