Chapter 87:

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Olivia's POV:
"Hi Tabitha, I was wondering if you could baby sit today-"
"No. I really cant." She sighs, "my dad died. Sorry." she says and hangs up.
I put the phone down and walk to the bedroom, seeing as Noah hasnt gotten up.
"Babe! Wake up."
"I dont wanna."
"Well you have too. Im not going to work,"
"Because the babysitter called in,"
"Oh," he says and sits up.
"So it'll be a mommy and daughter day?"
He nods and stands to his feet.
"Well, let me go shower, and then Ill leave."
"I'll go check on Paige. She's been quiet." i say and turn and walk to her room. I quietly open the door and shes laying there in bed, her head against the pillow, tears on her cheeks, and eyes closed.
I look over and see puke on the floor.
"Great." I whisper and wonder why and how I didnt hear her cry.
I feel more guilty as I undress her and put her in a onesie. she opens her eyes and yawns.
"Good morning, sweetie." i sigh.
"Hi, mumma." She mumbles and rubs her eyes.
I kiss her forehead and pick her up. "Daddy's going to work, so we have to say bye bye."
"You not goin?" She asks.
"No, Mummas gonna stay home with you."
She nods and lays her head on my shoulder.
Noah comes out and fixes his shirt before grabbing a shirt.
"I love you," he smiles and pecks my lips, "be good for mumma." He smiles.
Paige nods and I wave bye while he leaves.
"Well.. Now its just me and you." I say and sit on the couch. She closes her eyes and I can tell shes falling asleep, the way Harry fell asleep.
I turn on the telly and see Liam on the news.
"Reporting live. A band, 5 boys have just landed in Idaho, going to a concert... But Liam Payne , the oldest of the group, was mobbed and pulled to the ground by paparazzi. Their fans have tweeted 'I will kill them for hurting my baby' and 'Get a proper job you dicks'. Is Liam protected by his fans more than his security guard? More at 11."
I change the channel and stand up slowly. I walk to Noah and my bedroom and set her on my side of the bed, then before walking out, I spot a box in the closet. I grab it and take it to the living room with me.
I open it and see pictures of Paige when she was born, then ones of her first christmas... i pick up one and nearly choke when I see it.
Its the day of the carnival/ fair Harry and I went too.

"Olivia!" I laugh and stuff the candy in my mouth.
"Cmon Harry! Have fun!!" I run to the bouncy house and climb in, laughing like a little kid as I jump up and down.
Harry climbs in, and bounces with me. I grab his hands and smile widely.
"Harry," I say, running out of breath, "this is the most fun I've had in a long time." I say still gripping his hands.
"Im glad." he says.
I pull him closer and we stop bouncing, then just stare at each other. He leans down slowly and kisses me. I pull him so close, we fall to the mattress. We bounce but dont even stop the kiss.
I smile and pulls away, my body still under him.
"You're beautiful." He complements me..
"And youre handsome."
"Thank you." we say together and he rolls off me.
"I want food." I whine and He laughs, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.
"Lets get some cotton candy!!" I exclaim and pull him out of the bouncy house. I see the station and run to it.
"One cotton candy, please." He says.
I smile widely and reach up, kissing his cheek. He blushes a little and pays the guy, then grabs my hand.
"We should get a picture!"
I hand my phone to a girl and ask her to take a pic.
"One, two, say cheese."
"Cheeeeeeesssseeee." we say together and the camera clicks.
"You're adorable together," the girl says.
"Thanks." He smiles and i grab my phone.
"Ah! We are cute."
I set it as my home screen and sends it to him.
"We are." he winks and kisses me.
The fire works go off and He looks up at the sky, then back down at me.
"I love you," he smiles.
"This is the most cliche moment ever...... I love you too."

I stop staring at the wall and blink the tears away. That was before he used me, and lied. Maybe he meant it then, who knows, but I sure did mean it. I loved him, more than anything.
I pull out another picture and its me and my dad.
How is he? Is he still a drunk?
I guess Ill never know...
I sigh and put the pictures away, then look at my phone, wishing Harry would call me. But that would never happen. Never in a million years. its been 2 fucking years since we've talked, since he apologized for hurting me, and then.. Then he never called again. He left me then found me, left me and broke my heart, apologized , then left and didnt come back around again.
I remember when he ran into me when I went to go meet Danielle. How did it all fly by so fast?
Or when we went to the pool, and if we werent being recorded, I couldve said that was the best day of my life.
But its all the past now. And Ill never be able to change the past. Now , I must spend my future with Noah and Paige.
I sit up and grab a lighter, then the picture of Harry and I, and lift it in the fire. I watch it burn and wish I didnt have to do this, but he gave me no choice. I was letting go, finally.
"I love you Harry." i whisper and cry as the memory seems to fade a little more.

Harry's POV:
I lay in bed and listen to the soft music I have playing in my ears. My feelings are all over the place, and Im finally breaking down.
I start to sing the lyrics and each word describes Livvy, and my situation.
I sit up and get off my bed, then go to the kitchen, grabbing a beer. I stare at it and remember I cant drink. I put it back and grab the chocolate milk carton. I gulp it down and set it on the table.
I look around and see nothing to do, then decide to take a drive. possibly to the bar.


"Alrighty folks, this is 'my kinda night' by Luke Bryan." The guy on the stage says.
"Hey, buddy." this homeless guy says next to me.
"Hi," i mumble and sigh.
"Why a pretty boy like you here?"
"Just bored." i Say.
"Just bored? nobody comes here when theyre 'just bored.'" he laughs and takes a sip of his beer.
His blue eyes were dark and dull, rings under neath on his skin. His beard looked like Santa Claus's , but with so much more dirt and nasty shit.
"I dont know why Im here, to be honest."
"You a good singer?"
"Nah." I laugh.
"Get your ass up there!" he exclaims and I shake my head no.
"C'mon, buddy. A guy like you needs some fun." He pushes me.
"Okay, okay. What uh, should I sing?" I ask.
"Umm, a song." he jokes, i roll my eyes.
"How bout, "how to love," by Little Wayne."
"Its 'lil' wayne." i laugh.
"Do you know the song or not, smartass?" he smirks.
"Yeah, yeah."
I go the karaoke guy and surprisingly, he lets me on stage.
"Introduce yourself pretty boy!" a man yells.
"Im,.. Uh, Harry Styles. I live in London, im from-"
"Nobody cares."
I sigh and the music starts. I take a deep breath and sing into the microphone.
"You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart, never could figure out how to love..."
A few people were bobbing their heads to the music and tapping their fingers on the table.
"Butcha cant have a man look at ya for 5 seconds, with out cha being insecure.."
I look to the back of the room, at the door, and sing this to Livvy. How her green eyes would light up as I stared at her, softly singing. Her hips would sway side to side and that beautiful smile would be plastered to her face.
But shes somewhere in America, with my baby girl, and another man. Shes getting married and moving on, like I was. And now Im being pulled back under, but she isnt there to save me, or help me in that matter.
"See I just want you to know, you deserve the best, youre beautiful... Youre beautiful.. Yeah... And I want you to know, youre far from the usual.. Far from the usual.."
I finish off the song and everyone claps. i jump off stage and get stopped by a guy in a suit.
"Richy Rays. Nice ta meet cha. Your name?"
"Harry Styles," i shake his hand.
"How are ya?" He asks and smirks.
"Good, good." i nod.
"I'd like ta offer ya somethin' boy."
"How would you like to be famous?"
"Just accept," he smiles.
"No, tell me."
"I wanta sign you," he says and hands me his card.
I read it and look up at him, wondering if this was a prank or not.
"Yes or no question, son."
"Y-yeah. Of course." i smile wide.
"Great. Keep my card and call me tomorrow, then you can come by my office and we'll talk about your security and management. " he explains and i nod.
"Okay! thanks." I mumble and walk out of the building. I drive home safely and get inside, the warmth fanning my face as I open the door.
I laugh at myself and remind myself she isnt here. Shes in America.
I set my keys down and take my boots off, then walk to the bedroom.
I lay down and pull the card out of my pants.
"If it helps me move on from her, I will..." I whisper and close my eyes, the song 'how to love' replaying in my head.
Did i hold her back from learning how to love?
And did she push me to learn?

Sorry for not updating in like forever.... Ive beeeen dealing with school and the bullcrap that comes with it. sorrryyy.
Hope you like this chapter....
Next chapter will be up soon.
Have a great Thanksgiving this week by the way.
And 1D day is tomorrow for America !

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