Chapter 79

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Olivia's POV:
"Harry," I say and he groans.
"Will you get paige?"
He turns towards Paige and gives her her bottle. The bed looks comfy, more than mine, but I stay in my own.
"Babe," he mumbles , "she wont take it."
I slowly get out of bed and walk to his. I grab the bottle and put it in her mouth but she spits it back out.
She starts to puke.
"Awh, Jesus christ." Harry says and sits up, turning on the lamp.
"Sorry." i shrug and clean her up.
"Just go get in my bed."
He nods and leaves me while I change her, once again.
"C'mon," i say and lay her next to him. I turn off the lamp and she starts to calm down. Then I lay down next to them and close my eyes.
"Goodnight Olivia."
"Goodnight Harry."
"I love you," he says and I open my eyes. His are still closed but he's smiling.
"I love you too."

I open my eyes and look over, seeing Harry and Paige are gone.
I sit up and stretch, then get up and walk down the hallway. Anne smiles at me and Harry looks up, then smiles too.
"Morning darling." mum says and I wave. I sit next to Paige and put her in my lap.
"Some body was a pain in the bum last night, wasn't she?" I say.
Anne laughs and Harry nods.
"Harry told me she threw up."
"Yes, and it was very disgusting." I smile and kiss her cheek.
She giggles and crawls to Harry.
He smiles at her and bounces her.
"Want some breakfast, love?" Anne asks. "Umm no thank you,"
I say.
She nods and continues talking to my mum.
"So," harry says , "want to do something today?"
"Like?" I ask.
"Anything." he says.
"Can we just relax?"
"Well they're going out." he points to our mothers.
"Fine by me." i say
He nods and we sit in silence.
I stand up and put my hair in a bun.
"Gonna go take a shower."

Harry's POV:
"Have fun," i smile.
I shut the door and look at Paige.
"C'mon, lets put on some music and clean up the house before mummy gets out of the shower." i wink
I grab my phone and turn it onto let her go.

She comes out and looks ar me then paige. I start to sing as she sots down.

'I only need the light when its burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know i love her when i let her go,
Only know i've been high when im feeling low,
Only hate the road when i'm missing home,
Only know i love her when i let her go,
And i let her go..."
I grab her hand and pull her up.
"And I let her gooo..." i sing in her ear.
We sway back and forth until she stops.
"I-i cant do this."
She goes to run but I grab her arm.
"Where are you going?" I ask and she has tears in her eyes.
'You dont understand." she whispers looking at the ground.
"What dont i understand?" I grip my hand around her arm.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you feel the way I do. Sometimes I wonder if you want me back, like I want you back. I used to wish you would text me and say, "baby, everythings alright.." I wish you would've shown up at my door step and say "its always been you." But it wont happen, because you dont like me like that anymore. You dont want me like you said you did, and it was all just a lie. I thought I meant something to you and when I asked you if we'd last told me yes. But that was a lie too. You completely pushed me out of your life as if I were nothing. And now, I feel like Im nothing. I cared then, and I care now. But I shouldnt care. I shouldnt care when you feel sad or miss me, or when you apologize.... I shouldnt, but i do. And thats the worst part. I love you, but you dont love me as much as I love you."
She pulls her arm out of my grip and runs to the room, slamming the door behind her.

Olivia's POV:
I lock the door and slid my back down it.
I cover my face with my hands and let the tears fall freely.
"Go away Harry." I whisper and look at the wall.
I have all these memories that wont go away, like stories that I cant explain...

*flashbacks* (happen alot in this book)

"Hey baby."
"Hi Harry." I say.
"Look, I know we haven't talked since the date, but I want to take you out again."
"Uh, I guess so."
"Guess so? Its a yes or no princess," he says and chuckles.
"Fine. Okay. Yes." I say and blush.
Thank god he can't see me.
"Great babe. Be ready in 20."
"Fine." I say and hang up.

From: Niall

To: Niall

From: Niall
Whats up??

To: Niall
Date with Harry got to go xxxx

I felt bad for Ignoring him but i'd rather ignore him then break his heart and play with him.

About 10 Minutes later, I was finished.
I smiled at my reflection and heard a knock at my door.
"Hey baby." He smiles when I open the door.
"Hey Styles." I say and step out.
"Ready?" He says and offers his hand.
I nod and grab his hand then we walk.
"Why aren't we taking the car?"
"Oh, it's not far from here." He smiles.
"Oh, okay."
We stay in silence and I feel like we're being watched.
"Movie night?" He asks.
"Sounds great." I admit and we finally make it there.
"2 tickets to ..."
I don't hear what movie we're watching as I see two teenage guys, probably from our school, in line next to us.
I sigh when Harry grabs my hand and nods at the boys.
We get top row seats and I see nobody in here but us.
"Harry where is everyone?"
"Oh, this movie was only for us..." He winks.
"Oh." I blush and he throws his arm around me.

Halfway into the movie, Harry starts talking.
"This part sucks though." He whines.
I laugh and he pulls me onto his lap.
"Can I be honest?"
"I love you."
"No, you don't."
"You don't know what I love and don't love."
"But I know you don't love me."
"MHM. Sure."
"I love you too, Styles."
I yawn and he smiles.
"Glad to hear it." He winks and kisses me.
I kiss back and I feel his erection through my shorts.
"Harry..." I breathe, 'you're turned on?"
"This is what you do to me." He winks.
"Oh Jesus." I blush.
I grind my lower region on his.
"Damn Olivia..." He whispers and moans.
"Lets go back to your house." I whisper and kiss his neck.

"Babe, wake up."
I opened my eyes and groaned when I saw Harry inches from my face.
"Goodmorning gorgeous!!" He says and kisses me,catching me off guard.
I pulled away and laid on my stomach.
"Babe, dont ignore me!"
"Why are you so happy?" I whine.
"Because! I woke up next to you." he says and I smile into my pillow.
"Well, I know. Im perfect." i say and he laughs.
"You are."
"I was kidding." i say and my phone starts to ring.
"Answer that will you?" i mumble and I hear him pick up my phone.
"Ello?" He says and I silently laugh at how he says it. It sounds so much different to when hes talking to me.
"This is- will you let me talk? Shes fine. no, im her- excuse me m-"
I laugh loudly and he glares at me.
"This IS HER BOYFRIEND HARRY." He yells and I hear his voice whisper something and quietly chuckle.
"Oh this is her mum? Oh ello Olivia's mum. How are you?" He says and crosses his leg over his other on in a comfortable way.
"Mhm. Shes fine. Why am I talking to you you ask? Well your daughter is a lazy bum!"
"Thank god someone agrees." he mumbles and I grab my phone. "Enough." I say and put it to my ear.
"Hello mum." I say and sit up.
"Who was that?"
"My husband.' I joke and she gasps.
"You are-"
"Mum calm down. I was joking!"
Harry smirks and stands up, getting dressed.
I watch him as he takes his shirt off slowly, teasing me.
Mum is talking about some weird topic and I ignore her and focus on Harry.
His abs are more than I remember and his butterfly tattoo gets me everytime.
He winks at me and my mum screams.
"What?" I asks and Harry climbs on the bed, on his hands and knees, shirtless.
He smiles lopsided at me and crawls over to me.
"College is great mum." I say and Harrys lips attach to my cheek slowly.
I get chills as his lips kiss down my jawline and to my neck.
"I love you,"
"Hows dad? - I love you too." I whisper to Harry and he smiles then kisses me. I hear mum say something but Harry grabs my phone and clicks end without ending the kiss.
I smile and lean back as he leaned over me.
I took off my shirt and remember the events from high school. Those feelings I got and how happy I was to have such an attractive guy wanting me. Now, this guy loved me..

"I'm not ready for this..." i mumble standing outside the doors.
"You can do this , babe". Louis says and holds me.
I hide my face in the crook of his neck and let out an exaggerated sigh.
"You'll win this." he rubs my back.
I nod and pull away from his hold and open the doors. He follows behind me, along with our lawyer who said nothing about embrace.
We sat down and I looked to the left.
Harry and his mum are there discussing something and his eye catches mine. He smirks and looks back to his mum.
I groan quietly.

The judge gets our attention and everyone gets quiet.
"We are gathered today to find out who gets custody over Paige Styles." he says and Louis squeezes my hand.
"Mr. Styles, please stand."
He nods and his tall figure stands to his feet.
"So," the judge pauses and folds his hands, "you claim as the father of this child, you have every right to see her, but your babys mother refuses. Right?"
"Yes , your honor."
"Okay. Sit."
"Ms. Potter. Stand."
I stand and fix my shirt.
"You claim that Mr. Styles deserves no right to see his child as well, because of multiple reasons. Explain those to me, please.."
I clear my throat and nod.
"Mr. Styles is my ex, of course and the biological father of my child. He was not here for her birth... Her first christmas, he just wasnt here. I had to put Louis name on half the stuff I've bought for her that needed Harry's signature."
He nods and gestures me to sit.
"Mr. Styles. Why werent you there for your child's birth?"
"Uh, Olivia and I broke up before her birth... And I tried to get a hold of her."
My eyes widen and i gasp.
"You did not!" I exclaim.
"Yes! I did!" He yells.
"Order order!"
We stop yelling and the judge sighs.
"What is wrong with Mr. Styles?"
"Well, there is nothing 'wrong' with him. I just believe he doesnt deserve to be here now. Out of the blue, he wants to be a father. He wants to make my life a living hell, and i dont want to see my daughter deal with what I had to deal with." i explain.
"She - she has anger issues. Who knows? One day, she might hurt paige."
Louis looks at me and his face turns red . He's pissed.
"Is this true Ms. potter?"
"No. I do not have anger issues!" i exclaim.
"Yeah. Sure." harry mumbles and Anne smirks.
What the hell.....??
"Ms. Cox. What do you believe?"
"Harry is a well known gentlemen. He's helped with babies before and knows exactly what he's doing. I believe he can take care of his daughter like she deserves, unlike his ex girlfriend can, and can be the father she needs."
The judge sighs and nods.
"Okay. I made my decision. Harry Styles, you now have full custody of Paige Styles."
My eyes widen and I feel my heart stop.
"What? Youre kidding."
"Nope. Have your child's belongings ready. She's living with her father.'
"No! He cant be a father to her!"
I feel the tears burn and I want to choke him.
Louis rubs my back as I cry into him. Anne smiles at Harry as he looks at me. He looks... Regretful? Sorry?
Yeah, sure. Hes happy as fuck right now.

When we got home, the baby sitter left and I spent time with Paige. Louis locked himself in the room so it was just me and her.
"Hi baby." i smile and pick her up.
My throat tightens and I feel like shit Im losing my daughter over nothing. Ive done nothing wrong, why did the judge choose him?? Cause he is a dick. Thats why.
"Mummys going to miss you... And I dont know when I'll see you again. Probably never." i whisper and she stares at me with big curious eyes.
"Ill always love you baby. im not giving up on you, sweetie. Daddy's just a butt and he's taking you for a while." i whisper.
The knock on the front door scares me.
Its Harry.
"Hi." He mumbles and I dont say anything. I start handing him things and try my best not to cry. But , I fail.
"Dont talk to me, Harry." i say through gritted teeth and hand him the last of her stuff.
"Put this in the car. Im going to have Louis say goodbye." i say.
He nods and leaves the house.
I hear the door open and Louis' hair is all over the place, hes crying and he looks horrible. Worse then me.
"Come say goodbye." i say above a whisper.
He nods and picks her out of my arms.
"Hi sweetie." he whispers and kisses her forehead.
"Daddy Louis will miss you." he smiles weakly.
"Be good for... Him." he says and she starts to cry. He hands me her and i walk to Harrys car. I put her in the car seat and she cries.
"Bye bye Paige."
"Mumma!" She says and I feel my heart break.
Harry looks at me and I let the tears fall.
"I love you baby." i whisper and shut the door.
"I hope you're happy. I hope you feel on top of the world right now. Cause you took one of the things that make me happy. You left me, you hurt me, you are the Devil, Harry Styles. You lied to that judge. You lied to me. You lied to your mother. Who else are you going to lie too? Yourself? Well you're already doing that saying that you can do this. You'll be texting me asking for help, you'll be wanting me there. But unless its an emergency, you're on your own. And one more thing, Harry...
I wish I never met you."

I look up and wipe the tears, then unlock the door. Harry's back is on it, and he looks up.
"Get up," i whisper and he stands.
"I wish you loved me-"
His lips smash on mine and this time, I dont push him away or pull back. I smile and pull him closer. he pulls away and smiles.
"I love you, Livvy."
"I love you too."

Sorry for the short chapter...
Harry and olivia are back together(((:
Read, vote and comment !! Love you guysss!!

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