Chapter 62:

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AN: NEW BOOK CALLED : 'The Day One Direction Ended'
Read it if you want(:


Harry's POV:
"Hey son."
"What are you doing here?" i snarl.
"Im your father, what do you-"
I go to slam the door but he catches it with his wrist.
"No, dont be like this."
"Be like what?"
"An asshole."
"Really?" I can feel my anger boiling.
"Yes, really."
"If anyones an asshole, its you!" i say.
I didnt even know him, and I hated him.
Paige starts crying and he tries looking in.
"You have a baby?"
I nod.
"How old are you? 20? 21?"
"20." I say and move away from the door.
"How old is your daughter? or son, whichever."
"Like, 8 months." i say and sit down.
He comes in and I have no clue why Im not punching him, hitting him, doing something, but no. I was doing this, for Paige. Being calm.
"Shes adorable haz! Wheres the mum?"
"She... At home.". I sigh.
"Why? You two arent together?"
I shake my head
"So tell me," i say and sit up.
"What the hell are you doing here 20 years later?"
"Your mum contacted me."
"Why in the fuck would she do that?!"
"You dont even know.......-"
"Know what?"
"Why I left."
"Cause you're a worthless bastard."
He shakes his head and chuckles.
"Wow what??"
"Youre a dick head."
"How?" I ask and pick up Paige. She cuddles into my neck and her eyes close.
"Because. You remind me of when I was a boy. I was a dick head. I did everything to make girls feel worthless, I was disrespectful to my parents, I did every drug in the book."
"I am not like that." i roll my eyes and bounce paige a little.
"Yes , you are."
"You don't know me."
My temper is going from 50... To 100 in 5 minutes.
"Look, I know i dont know you..-"
"At all." I interrupt.
"Yeah." he coughs and I roll my eyes..
"Can I hold her?"
"Why the hell would I let you touch my kid?" I ask and he sighs.
"Youre making this harder than it has to be, Harry."
"Are we seriously....? Do you even want to go there?" i say and laugh without humor.
"Yeah. I do." I nod.
"You left mum..." I say.
"For a reason."
"What was this bullshit of a reason you have?"
He stays quiet
"She had to raise Gemma and I by herself! She worked 2 jobs morning in night to keep a roof over our head! she did everything just to stay strong. I had problems in school. Kids teased me, and I pretended not to care, Gemma and I fought everyday about who was doing what... We asked our mother where the fuck our father was, and why she was doing it all alone... you fucked up my life, dude."
He stares at his feet.
"Exactly." i mumble.
"Look, I left because your mum and I were totally different. She likes pop music and country music, I like rock music and classical music."
"What does that have to do with you leaving and not bothering to come back?!"
"She told me not to come back."
I looked at him and he looked sad. Not falling for his bullshit lies.
"Get out." I say as theres a knock on my door.
"Because," I say and get up, holding paige to me, "I said."
I put her on the couch and walk to the door.
"Hey- woah... livvy? Whats wrong..?!"
Shes bawling literally.
"Babe, whats wrong?"
She clenches on to my shirt and cries. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back.
"Livvy?? Tell me whats wrong."
"He cheated on me," she whispers.
I freeze and remember when he took Melissa. and now, he did this to Livvy.
"Come inside." i say and her eyes dart to my father.
"Whos he?" She whispers.
"My dad."
She sees Paige and smiles. I let her pick her up and cuddle with her.
"Dad, this is Olivia. My ex girlfriend and my child's mum."
"Hi Olivia. i'm Des." he smiles and goes to shake her hand.
"Dont." I say.
"Hi." she smiles
"Wow, you let this one go?" he says and eyes her.
I can imagine shoving him down my stairs.
She blushes and plays with Paige's hands while she sleeps.
"So, why does Harry have her?"
Nosy bastard.
"Oh, he uh, took me to court and won custody."
"Shut the fuck up." I tell him and she looks up at me.
"Why?" She asks me and I know shes pushing my buttons.
"If you ever want to see Paige again, you'll shut up." i snap and she looks down at paige before looking at me. She lays her down and walks up to me, her face inches from mine.
"I'm done with your bullshit games. Im leaving, and this time, Im not coming back. Have fun being a father."
She kisses Paige's head before leaving quickly.
"I have no clue what to say."
"She just left her kid." i gasp.
"Obviously. Because you were a dick to her," he says and grabs the door knob to the front door, "just like I was to your mother, and thats how I lost her."
He shuts the door behind him and I drop to my knees.
I lay my head on the couch and cry.
I lost her, officially.

Olivia's POV:
"Ello? Hi. i'd like to speak to my lawyer."

After about 10 minutes of figuring out things, I start packing my home.
She walks in and looks at my empty boxes.
"Whats going on?"
"Im moving to America." i sigh and tape the first box.
"Why? And without Paige??"
"No, paige is coming with me." i say.
"How do you figure that?"
"I have a court date with Harry, but Im not telling him til the day of. So he doesn't have time to plan. Then, when I get my child back, Im moving far away from that bastard." i smirk and she nods.
"Isnt that a bit.... Messed up?"
I stop what Im dong and look up at her.
"He TOOK my kid."
"Shes also his."
"Yeah, but he isnt a good father."
"Have you ever seen him take care of her?"
"No, but I am getting custody one fucking way, or another."

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