Chapter 91:

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Olivia's POV:
"Mummy! You never finished the story."
"What story, hun?"
"The prince and the princess."
"Oh. "
"Can you tell me it? Please! Pleaaaaaseeee."
"Okay." I laugh and sit down on her bed.
"Where were we?"
"The princess and the prince met." she says.
"Oh, the beginning Im supposing," I sigh. "Okay. Well, after they meet, The prince, kisses the princess. The princess has a boyfriend at the time, but the prince doesnt care. He just kisses her."
Shes so into it, its like she hasnt blinked.
"But the prince stole her heart. So her and the boyfriend broke up,.well months and months later, the prince does some bad, bad things to the princess, breaking her heart."
"The princess ignores him and goes to Princeton. The princess and prince college." I smile. She smiles and I go on.
"Well, after a year of not seeing the prince, she runs into him. They get back together and a few months later, the princess is pregnant with her baby."
"After months and months of waiting, the baby, named Paige is born."
She giggles and her eyes light up. "but, the prince wasnt there."
"Why not mummy?"
"He left. So the princess had to do it with another prince, Louis."
"Uncle Louis?"
Shes catching on.
"Mhhm." I say awkwardly.
"But then... The princess runs into her prince once again."
"Really? Is the prince Noah?"
"Uh... Yeah." I lie.
"Okay. Sorry go on."
"And they live happily ever after."
"Whaaa! Mumma .. that doesnt explain it at all."
"Yes it does. Its 10 minutes past your bedtime. Go to sleep." I whisper and kiss her forehead.
"Mummy? Whos Hawwy?"
"Yeah. Who is he?"
"Hes... An old friend."
"Yeah. Dont sweat about it, baby girl. goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too."
I shut the door and take a deep breath.
"Lying to your daughter?"
I jump and hold my hand against my heart.
"Jesus noah!" I exclaim.
He crosses his arms across his chest and shakes his head.
"Harry is her father."
"So? i dont want her to know that."
"What? Why?"
"Cause she thinks your the father."
"Wouldnt you want to know your real dad?"
"Well, yeah... but Im keeping her safe."
"How? By lying? Shes gonna find out one day and you'll regret it."
"Noah, if you were in my place, you would do the same."
"No, I wouldnt."
"Yes you fucking would."
"No, I wouldnt."
I roll my eyes and walk past him.
"We're not done talking."
"Yes, we are. Stop."
"Livvy," he grabs my forearm and I jerk away from him.
"Leave me alone."
"You know Im stating the obvious, Liv."
"No, Noah. Im trying to forget Harry and you aren't helping."
"Why? Hes always gonna be apart of your life."
"Yes, thats true. But its been like, a year and a half and he hasnt tried. Besides,... I thought you hated him??"
"I do. But I cant stand seeing you lie to her."
I take a deep breath in.
"Do you even know how hard it is for me?" I break down in tears, " I have tried to tell her. But how is she gonna look at you, worries me. Shes counted on you these past two years and I cant just turn around and say 'Oh Paige , this isn't your daddy. I lied'. You think Im that much of a bitch?"
"And You have no clue how much I wish Harry was here for here. I prayed every fucking day hoping he'd show up at my door, saying he's here to stay. I've wanted Harry back since the day we left high school. But I stayed strong, and I got over it. I loved him, Noah. And I still do. I wont admit it to myself, but Ill admit it to anyone else. Im broken, okay? I know Im a bad mum, and a bad fiancé, and I mess up wherever I go. But I am trying Noah. Will you just give me a fucking break?"
"Leave me alone." I whisper and sit on the couch.
I pull my knees to my chest and hide my face in them.
"Baby... I didn't mean it like that-"
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE." i yell and he says silent.
Why can't Harry just come back already?

Harry's POV:
"Thats the last of it"
"Alright, Thanks Paul." I smile and he nods.
"See ya, call me if you need anything."
"Alright." I smile and shut the door.
I look at all the boxes and sigh.
I start with the kitchen and put on music. Taylor Swift comes on and I gag. No.
I go to the next song and its that one band, I just forgot the name. The one Liam's in.
Speaking of Liam, I wonder how he is...
I put away the dishes and then make some tea. I walk to the pool room and smell the fresh water. Too bad I dont have anyone to swim with.
I walk back inside and grab an apple, then sit on the couch Paul helped carry in. I take a bite of my apple and stare at the white wall. The flat was huge, no doubt, but it just wasnt me. Oh well. Better get used to it.
I throw the apple away and walk back upstairs. My bedroom is as big as my living room, (which is pretty big) and warm. I lay on my bed and close my eyes. I was so exhausted, and tomorrow, I had a meet and greet to do.

I am having bad chest pains and this is the reason I wish I was a cat c: oopsies.
Anywho, next chapter should be up by tonight or tomorrow.
Dont forget to vote && comment:)

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