Chapter 29:

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Olivia's POV:
He had changed. Everything about him.
"Harry?" I gasp and he smiles.
"Hey Livvy."
Oh god, he remembers my nickname.
"Hey..." I say, still astounded that I ran into my enemy.
"How's life going?"
"Uh, good? You go to this college?"
"Oh, yeah. My sister made me." he shrugs and plays with the keys in his hands.
"Wow. Uh, I do too. Well, I wasnt, f-forced."
He nods and I mentally smack myself.
"Well, it was nice seeing you again." I say and unlock my door, getting in.
I was about to shut the door, but he put his hand on the ridge, stopping the door.
He smirks and I roll my eyes.
"What ?" I ask and he breathes heavily.
"I missed you, Livvy."
"Oh, god. not again. I can't."
"Can't what?"
"Deal with the bullshit , Harry. I am in college, i'm not a little girl anymore. I'M a 19 year old woman." I say and he chuckles.
"And I'm a 19 year old, man."
"A man? Sure. more like a little boy." I say and he laughs harder.
"Okay whatever Livvy." He says and stops laughing, "you want war? Then you got yourself a war."

Harry's Pov:
God, she looked so beautiful. What changed? Her blonde hair? The green eyes? Not possible, they're still breathe taking. Maybe her maturity.
It kinda hurt when she said I was like a little boy. I'm nineteen now,
I'd like to think i'm a mature guy .
I groaned and got in my car, watching her leave.
God damnit Gemma. She just HAD to put me in this one. Livvy was beautiful, that's no doubt.... But,
Shes my enemy. I'm her enemy. And it's probably gonna stay like that. Forever.
I park my car at my house and see the house is most likely empty. Mums at work , keeping the house clean for me. I wish I had someone to keep me company, just for a while. someone who I could cuddle up to, tell that person I love them, and watch movies til we pass out. And the weird thing is, Livvy was the girl on my list of those.
I take some ibuprofen for this massive headache I have, and sit on the couch.
I turn the telly on and see an add for therapy . Do I need therapy? For all the pain I caused in those girls? Nah.
I turn the channel and smile at who's on telly. What do you know? My mums on there. Shes been a weather girl since my dad left us. Robin, our neighbour, came over one time, asking me what channel the weather was on. It didnt click until he left. Then my mum came home and I told her he had a crush on her and she blushed. Good times.
"And tonight's weather will be a light breeze and clear skies. So you can look up and see the stars and the moon. Have a good night everybody."
Mum has her own way of doing This- and no one dares to fire her. I don't know what it is, shes smart. I turn the telly off and go to my room. It's clean, because mum cleaned it, and my bed is made.
Yes, I'm a 19 year old, living with his mother. But I can't leave her , after Gemma went off to college, and after that asshole of my father left her. I just... Cant. I can hurt other girls, but not her.
She doesn't know what I've done. I'm still that 16 year old Cheshire mamas boy she knows. Knew.
I'm nothing like I was. I have tattoos now, I got my lip pierced, and my hair isn't as curly. My hair used to be curly everywhere, my body was tattoo-free. I was a virgin, and a goody two shoes.
But now, I don't even know who I was.
I'm not Harry Edward Styles from Cheshire.
I'm Harry Styles, the guy who plays with girls, when he knows he loves one girl, but is to scared to tell her, and that girl is, Olivia.

Olivias POV:
I put away the dishes in silence and looked around my empty apartment. It would be nice to have someone around. Someone to cuddle. Someone to be here when I need them. And the weird thing is, Harry's named popped up in my head. But I don't like him. He's the devils child, And would never love me as much as I deserve to be loved.
But Harry was old news, I was a freshman in college, and I had started fresh. I can't turn back now.
I turned on the telly and cuddled into the couch.
"I'm Anne Styles, and you're watching E! News."
I turned the channel and realised that's Harrys mum. It has to be.
God, shes beautiful.
Does she know what her son does? How he hurts girls? How he hurt me?
Probably not.
I sigh and turn the telly off, then go to my room. It's plain, and my mum helped me get everything in here. I look over and see a picture of my father and I. I feel my anger boil. I grab the frame and throw it at the wall. It shattered.
He shattered my heart after what he did, so I had every right to smash his picture.

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