Chapter 27:

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Olivia's Pov:
"Harry quit!" I yell and hold him back.
"You little son of a bitch. Why don't you tell Livvy what you planned to do, huh? Why don't you tell her, Styles." Liam says and glares at Harry.
I slowly let go of him and looked at him.
"What is he talking about?" I ask and he growls towards Liam, then looks at me.
"The bet... It's not over."
"How is it not over ?! You already used me and had sex with me!" I yell and he sighs.
"The bet was, I use you, have sex with you, and make you believe I love you, ask you to be my girlfriend, date you for months and then break your heart on your birthday." He says and I feel my heart break.
"You're kidding." i say and he shakes his head.
"You were going to lie? Hurt me?" I ask and he nods.
"You... You fucking wondered why? Why I was underweight? Why I never ate? Did you ever think of that?" I ask and he says nothing.
"I fucking like you, Harry. But now... Wow. My mum was right when I told her what you did. a guy that really loves me, would never put me through that. Niall never used me. Nobody ever used me and lied to me. So why did you have too? How many girls have you done this to Harry? 1? 5? 20? How many?" I ask and he coughs.
"Around 6." He says and I gasp.
"You broke 6 girls, including me, for a fucking bet?!" I yell and Liam backs up a bit.
"It's no big deal!" He yells back and I want to punch him.
"Hurting girls? Bringing them down? Breaking their hearts? Making them want to kill themselves is NO BIG DEAL? I think It is Harry. And guess what? I won't fall for your games. One day , all of this- whatever this is, will come back and bite you so hard in the ass, and I will be laughing my ass off, not there to help you. Die in hell, Harry. And never talk to me again." I say and grab Nialls hand.
He smiles at me and glares towards Liam and Harry.
"Lets go home baby." Niall says and I sigh.
"He's never gonna change is he?" I ask.

Harry's Pov:
"Tell me the truth right now, Styles." Louis says and takes a bite of his apple, "you claim you love her, but then do this" he says and waves his apple around in his hand.
"That's the thing, I don't know if I love her." I sigh and run my hand through my curls.
"What do you know?"
"That I hurt a girl who wouldn't ever deserve it."
"Exactly. so 5 years from now, or less, would you marry her?"
"Louis, what is this? Fucking a test?"
"No. But- its a logical question." He raised his eyebrows.
"Maybe. I see myself with her in the future."
"Why don't you, change?' He asks and I laugh.
"How the HELL am I supposed to just change my ways? Do you even really know me?"
I remember when Olivia asked me that...
"No, I don't. But change is good. I remember I was a pot head, met Eleanor , and changed my ways. Why can't you with Livvy?" He asks and I roll my eyes. "This isn't a Cinderella Story." I say and he laughs.
"Nobody said it was."
"But you treat it like it was."
"You can only treat it the way it is, Styles." he winks.
"Shut up, Tomlinson. I never ever treated a girl like a princess. Why should I?"
"A girlfriend should be your princess , not your bitch."
"Well I know that.."
"Then why do you treat girls the way you do? Because you're lonely? Afraid? you can only do this so much, Hazza. And the more you do it, the more you'll regret it."
'You don't know what I'll regret or not." I say and he chuckles.
"But mark my words Styles, you will see Livvy in the future, fall in love, and she'll break your heart this time."

Change For Me, Harry Styles.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt