Chapter 83:

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Harry's POV:

"Harold Edward Styles, Stop!" My mum says and grabs my shirt, pulling me back.
"What?" I snap and she smacks my arm.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"
"What." I say.
"Wow. When I thought I raised you right, boy was I wrong. You NEVER hit a woman!" She says and I shrug.
"I dont care anymore."
"You don't care that the only thing keeping you sane is leaving?"
"We shared our words, now shes leaving." i say and she lets go of me.
"Wow, Harry... I didn't expect you to be like your father." She scoffs and leaves me in the livingroom.
"Exactly," olivia's mum comes from the bedroom, "like I said months ago, Harry! Shes too fucking good for you." She says and walks past me to the door.
"Oh and harry?"
I turn towards her.
"If you ever hurt my daughter like you did fifteen minutes ago, I will haunt your ass, and make sure you find your way to hell."
I laugh and know she's serious , but i dont care about anything anymore. I walk to the fridge and grab a beer. The house is silent under mum slams the door.
"Are they gone?"
"Mum? Can we talk?"
"What is there to talk about Harry?" She says and picks up the dining room.
"A lot of shit."
"I cant even look at you without disgust."
"I know that," i say.
"Then why the fuck would I want to talk to you?"
"Because Im still your kid."
She stops and looks at me with squinted eyes
"My kid." she mumbles and shakes her head, "my kid would never do this."
"So what are you trying to say? Olivia has taken my place because she does no wrong!"
"No, I am not saying that. im just saying.... why? Thats what I want to know."
"Why what?"
"Why did you use those girls."
"SHE FUCKING TOLD YOU!" I yell and stand up.
"Yeah, its sad that your babys mother had to tell me and not you"
"That was my business.... NOT YOURS."
"QUIT." She yells and I stop.
"You hurt innocent girls, Harold. You are not that sixteen year old son I had,"
"Im twenty one now." i remind her.
"Then why act like a child?"
"I act like a child? How?"
"You just do."
"And you act like a bitch."
She stops and looks at me, then walks up to me, slapping me like I slapped Olivia.
"If you EVER dare to say anything close to what you just called me, I will show you what a bitch is." she says, her eyes locked with mine. I hold my cheek and watch her walk to the bedroom, slamming the door again.

Olivia's POV:
"I love you," mum whispers and hugs me.
"I love you too." I say and she checks my cheek.
"Does it still hurt?"
"A little. Is there a mark?"
" A small one." she shrugs, "have a safe flight," she kisses my other cheek and smiles at Paige.
"Make sure mumma's okay." She smiles and Paige giggles.
I hug her one more time before getting on the plane. How many times did I have to deal with this?
I buckle Paige up and hand her her bottle.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart." i whisper and kiss her cheek. She closes her eyes and I look out the window. I still can't believe those words that came out of Harry's mouth, and the fact that he said them. i wasnt any better though, I know that.
But it all hurt more than it should've. We were officially done, and he had said,
"The urge to marry you," .. He wanted to marry me?
Would I even say yes?
Im twenty years old with a one year old daughter, a college degree and a high paying job, but is marriage what I would want at the moment??
I close my eyes and picture Harrys eyes staring at me. How his big hand came up to my cheek, slapping it hard.
My mind skips to the night he kissed me in the hallway, how he admitted to loving me.
I open my eyes and turn on my phone; then get a long ass text, from Harry.

From: Harry
You're probably never gonna read this, but I might as well let it out on you before I let it out on someone who doesnt deserve it.. Im pissed at the fact that you called me those names and the fact that you left with our child. But Im not sorry for what I called you because you are in fact, a selfish bitch. Im sorry that i cant satisfy you, but Im tired of loving you, so Im done. Tell Paige I love her, and I'm gonna miss her. Bye Olivia.

I sigh and rub my temples to calm myself before having an anxiety attack.
I put my phone away and close my eyes again, the drift off into another peaceful sleep.

Harry's POV:
"Harry put down the bottle." mum exclaims and grabs it from my hand.
"W-why?" I slur and my eyes painfully dart to my phone as it starts ringing. Its Kristin, but I hit ignore and stand up.
"Thats your twelfth beer." she exclaims and wipes down the table
"The more the merrier." i joke and she snaps her head to me.
"Go to bed, Harry. I dont want to deal with your snide comments."
"Just like livvy." I mumble and go to pass her, but she grabs me.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing mum." I laugh and pull out of her grip.
"Youre such a prick!" She yells and I slam my door shut. The lights are off the way I like it and the moon is shining through my window. I lay on the bed and close my eyes, my head throbbing as I lay there.
"I REGRET YOU." Her words haunt me as they continue to toll through my mind. I think of when my hand swung at her cheek, wide and opened.
Why did I do that?
I dont know.
I remember the look she gave me, and how her green eyes watered up as she held her cheek, jaw dropped and face in pain.
She wanted to kill me right then and there as she pushed me on the bed.
I open my eyes and stare at the black ceiling, seeing nothing but dark circles from being drunk. i know alcohol isnt the way around, but its getting farther for me then being sober would.
I sigh and lick my lips, the alcohol beverage on my lips still, testing me.
I stand up and walk to the kitchen, seeing as my mother has left, and grab another beer. I open it and tip my head back as I take a gulp of the ice cold drink.
I look at my self in the mirror and start to laugh.
"Youre a fuck up, Styles." i laugh and take another drink.
"A stupid dick who used seven girls."
"A little asshole who needs suicide."
"The one who-"
I stop and laugh at myself.
i sound so fucking stupid, talking with myself...
I take another swig and throw the can at the mirror, it makes a bang sound and hits the garbage bag.
"Scoorrreeee." i laugh and spin in circles, only to fall on my ass.
I look up from the tiled floor and smile when I see Olivia on top of me.
"Hi baby." i laugh and she smiles, not saying anything. I let out a deep breath and slur my words.
"I love you, and Im sorry. I want to live the rest of my life with you and be happy and just be us again! I want us to love each other like we did a year ago and look at each other and get butterflies like we did... I want to be your Harry you look up to, not be afraid of baby... I want you to look forward to the day we say 'i do.' not be traumatized by it. I love you, Olivia. and Im sorry."
She leans in and I lift my body, going to kiss her. Her body disappears and I let my own body drop back to the floor.
She was never even there.
And now, she wont ever be here...

Olivia's POV:
I settle into my home again and lean against the counter, staring at the ticking clock. With Paige in bed, and jet lag, I still cant sleep.
I jump on the counter and sit on it, imagining Harry would be there to hold my thighs and I'd lean down to kiss him.
I grab a cup of tea, and sip it.
I grab my phone and go onto Twitter, only to see a picture of Kristin and Harry as his profile pic.
I roll my eyes and go to my texts to tell my mum I got home safely , but stop when I see Harry's text from earlier. I read it again, and then click 'new message'.

To: Harry
You got me caught all in this mess and this is how you treat me? Really Harry? Wow.

I sigh and delete his contact, then lock my phone.
I turn on the radio on softly and jump down from the counter. I sit there listening to 'Blame it on the rain,' by He is We and start to cry harder than I ever have ... every word I have ever heard from Harry not hurting as bad as what he said earlier.i bite my tongue and lean my head on the counter, holding back the sobs. This was hurting me more than it should, and probably not hurting him, whatsoever.
I look up at the clock and let out a heavy breath.
3:20 AM.
I put down the tea and walk to the living room, picking up the home phone.

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