Chapter 55:

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Olivia's POV:
"Babe. Wake up."
I move and Paige starts crying.
"Shit." i whisper and sit up. I pick her up and squint my eyes from the light.
"What time is it?"
"6. We have to be at Anne's by 8:30." He says and throughs on a white v-neck.
I nod and grab some clothes for Paige. She squirms while I put them on her and change her diaper.
"Do you think it'll be awkward ?" I ask and he shrugs.
I nod and pick up Paige before going into the bathroom. I sit her on my hip and grab my brush. She looks at her self through the mirror and makes faces. Louis grabs her while I do my makeup. She stares at me with big green eyes and I smile.
"Hi pretty baby." i pinch her cheeks and get a toothy grin.
"Ready?" I sigh and Louis nods.
We leave the house a few minutes later and begin driving.
"Im tired."
"You? Tired?" Louis laughs, "you slept over 6 hours."
"Thats over sleeping. So of course Im tired." i roll my eyes and smile at him.
He nods and focuses on the road. I look in the rear view mirror and see Paige playing with her shoes.
I turn on the radio and 'Blind' by Jason Derulo comes on.
I bob my head slightly to the music and let the lyrics sink in.
Louis catches me and starts singing. His voice is unbelievable and I feel insecure about my own voice.
"I lovee you!" I say to paige and she smiles.
"God shes so adorable." i smile and Louis nods.
"Because she came from a beautiful mum." Louis says and I blush.
"Thanks babe."
The car parks and we're a bit late.
"Lets go." I sigh and put in my contacts. Theyre a different color from my own , but theyre cool and make my vision a bit better.
"Woah, you look cool with blue eyes." Louis says and picks up Paige.
"I know." i smile and knock on the door.
Anne opens it and gasps at Paige.
"Shes so ADORABLE! Olivia! Hi!" She smiles and hugs me.
"And who's this?"
"Louis. My boyfriend."
She fakes a smile and lets us in. i let her watch Paige while Louis and I see Niall.
"Niall!" I exclaim and although for what he did a year ago, i still cared.
He hugged me and smiles.
"How are you?" he asks and looks me up and down.
"Good, you?"
"Amazing... Im engaged."
"No... Not uh!" I smile.
"Yeah. To my fiancé Ashlie."
"Thats amazing."
"I heard you have a daughter." he says.
"Paige." i nod.
"Awh. I wanna meet her,"
"Follow me." i say and walk to the kitchen. Anne's in there talking to Robin, her husband.
"Hey!" I smile and she hands Paige over.
"This is paige," i smile and Niall takes her from me.
"Shes beautiful." he smiles and holds her. she plays with his shirt and drools on him.
"How are you Anne?" I ask and Louis joins us.
"Liams here." he whispers in my ear and I totally ignore my question for Anne.
"Ill be right back!" I say to her and run into the livingroom.
I hug him and he laughs.
"Livvy! Long time no see."
Danielles standing next to him with a baby boy in her arms.
"Dani! Hi!" I say and hug her from the side.
"And whos this little boy?"
"Tristan." She smiles.
"Hes cute." i smile.
"So Mr. Payne is married and a father?"
He shrugs and smiles.
"Who else is here that I don't know?" I say.
"Perrie and Zayn."
"Really? Whats Anne having ? A get together?" I ask.
"Ha. Yeah." dani says and puts Tristan down. He runs into the kitchen and I hear Anne laughing.
"It's good to see you again, guys."
I hug both of them and we walk to the huge kitchen.
"This is Paige?" Liam smiles and holds her.
"My babygirl. yep." I smile.
"shes beautiful like her mummy."
Paige hides her face in his shoulder and I giggle.
"So, this is just some get together?"
"Yeah." Anne smiles.
I nod and we all go the living room to sit down.
Paige sits on Liams lap and Tristan sits on Danielles. God, theyre such a cute couple.
The door opens and A blonde steps in, with... harry behind her. my eyes widen and I feel my heart race.
Liam looks back at her and I stand up.
I grab Paige and Louis looks at me with worried eyes.
I walk out side before Harry can see me.
I practically run with my daughter in my hands to the car and buckle her up.
"Olivia! wait!"
Liam comes out and stops me from leaving.
"Liam, I cant be here. i cant!" I say and start the car.
"Olivia..... youre running from your problems!"
I stop and look at him.
"I dont want Harry seeing Paige." i say and tears burn in my eyes.
"Why? Why you ask?" I shut the car off.
"That asshole left me! Because I fucking loved someone before him. It meant nothing to him when I told him I loved him! He didn't care that I needed him. He drove off , and I had his kid. He never contacted me. He never texted, called, nothing! He doesn't deserve to see her!"
His eyes widen when I start crying and the front door opens.
Harry's on the phone. Our eyes lock and his jaw drops a little.
"I got to go." he says to whoever is on the phone.
He hangs up and looks at me.
"No. Don't come near me."
Paige starts crying so Liam takes her out and hands her to me. I hide her face from Harry and treat him like some killer.
"Livvy... Let me see my child."
"No." I say bravely and Louis steps out. His eyes flicker from me to Harry, to Paige, to Liam and back to Harry.
He grabs his keys from his pocket and walks down past Harry and to me and Liam.
"Lets go." He whispers and kisses my forehead.
"Really Tomlinson? Another girl you stole from me?!" Harry yells and Louis stops.
He turns towards harry and scoffs.
"I stole her? Sure Harry ,sure. i stole a girl who YOU left."
"Well isnt it a bro code?" Harry smirks.
"Yeah, it is. But thats different. You arent my bro."
Harry freezes and his cheeks turn pink from the cold.
"Its my kid too." he says and I laugh.
"Act like she is and maybe you can hold her. but no. We are going to court Styles, and I refuse to let you see her."
"Shes my kid!"
"If she was , you wouldve been at the birth. But Louis was. Not you."
His 'girlfriend' I believe stepped out and looked at us.
"Harry, what's going on?"
"Your boyfriend was a father."
I hand paige to Louis and he puts her in the car.
"But dont worry about it, love. He wont be seeing her."
"Excuse me?" Harry says and I smirk.
"You. Wont. Be. Seeing. Her."
"YOU WERENT HERE THE WHOLE TIME HARRY! WHO WAS HERE FOR THE BIRTH ?! LOUIS. WHO WAS THERE WHEN I NEEDED SOMEONE THE MOST?! LOUIS. WHO SAW PAIGE OPEN PRESENTS ON CHRISTMAS. LOUIS! So , before you decide whether or not youre a father to this child, remember who needed you the most." My voice cracks and Louis grabs my hand.
"Im sorry it has to be this way," i mumble and open my door.
"Ill text you Liam." I say and he hugs me.
"I will get my right to see my child." Harry says loudly and i flip him off.
"Never in your wildest dreams."

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