Chapter 53:

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Harry's POV:
"Ill be right back, okay?" I smile and kiss her.
"Fine." she pouts and sits on the couch.
I leave the house and meet up with Zayn.

"Hey bro." he hugs me and I smirk.
"Hey. So, whats been going on?"
"Nothing much." He shrugs.
"You and Perrie still together?"
"Yeah. Yeah." He smiles.
"Thats good."
"How bout you and Olivia?"
"Yeah. Shes pregnant."
"No way!"
"Yeah." I smile.
"Thats great man. I didnt know you two were serious."
"Im trying to change."
"Thats good , though. Change is good."
I nod and rub my temples.
"Its just so hard trying to prove to her I really do love her, and its just.. Ugh."
"Well, i understand where she's coming from. She's insecure and scared." He says and lights a cigarette.
He takes a puff and lets it out.
"Yep, all woman are."
I stare at a building for a few seconds and look back at him.
"Its ... Yeah."
"I know you fucked up , bro. She knows you fucked up, but the question is, do you know you fucked up?"
"Well... Yeah... I hate myself for it Zayn."
He nods and takes another puff, then offers me it. I decline and lean against my car.
"Got a question for you," he says and lets the smoke come out of his mouth, "is whats happening between you two another bet?"
"No, well, of course not."
"And how do I know that?"
"Because Zayn... I really love her."
"There's a difference between loving someone, and saying you love them." He says and points at me.
"I guess."
"You guess ? Do you love her or not bro?"
"Ahhhh, if it isnt Mr. Styles!"
"Well, what a surprise seeing you here."
"Shut up-"
"Why? Cause you know I told your girlfriend? Cause you're ashamed of yourself? Yeah. Im not gonna shut up."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask and move my curls out of my face.
"I had sex with her first,-"
"No, I believe I did."
"Using her and having sex is a TOTALLY different situation." He smirks.
"Shut the fuck up, Horan."
"Why? Why should I?"
"Cause youre a dick! She doesnt love you!"
"She doesnt love you either. Why would she love a PLAYER?"
"Cause I do."
I stopped in my tracks and looked back.
Olivia was sitting there, her hand on her bump, her eyes red, and she just looked tired.
"Baby, what are you doing here?"
"I heard you were meeting up with Zayn, and Niall texted me saying he was gonna fight you, so Im here to stop it."
"Go home."
"No. Im tired of this."
"Tired of what?" Niall asks.
Liam and Louis stands behind him, eyeing Olivia.
"Tired of this. The constant drama. I am pregnant.. I dont want to deal with this. Im 99.9% sure he's changed, and this time its different. I love Harry, and you cant ever change it."
Niall chuckles and rolls his eyes.
"Tell him who you told me you loved first..." He says and I look at her.
She bites her lip and looks at her feet.
"WHO?" I yell and she jumps a little.
"It was Niall, huh?! Cause you guys dated before?!"
"I knew I shouldnt have dealt with you. it wasnt worth it. send me the child support papers. I dont want you anymore."
"Harry , please."
I get in my car, and drive off. I look in my mirror and see shes on her knees crying.

*1 Year Later*
"Louis , help me," i say and pick up my daughter, Paige.
"Sure babe." he smiles and kisses my temple. He takes her into her room and puts her in her crib. I sigh and bring out my phone.

From: Mum
Oh Olivia. Im so sorry :(

I told her everything from the day Harry left to today. Its all changed. He wasnt here for Paige's birth, wasnt here for her first Christmas. Just wasnt here...
Louis and I started dating after Eleanor cheated on him with a guy named Nathan. He was heartbroken, and I was there to pick up the pieces even when I couldnt pick up my own.

To: mum
Its fine; I guess. I dont expect anything from Harry anymore. I dont understand why it matters of who I loved first. I just dont.

"Is she asleep?" I ask when Louis sits next to me.
"Yeah. She's a heavy sleeper."
I nod and lay my head on his shoulder.
It was so weird not feeling Harry's curls , seeing his tattoos, those green eyes, those dimples.
Now, I saw blue eyes, a quiff; and different tattoos.
Its crazy how much can change in a year.
I close my eyes and remember the day Harry and I found out I was pregnant. He was so happy. and now... Who knows where he went.
"I love you." Louis whispers and I remember how Harry's moved as he said those 3 words.
"I .. Love you too." i yawn.
I did love Louis. But I dont think I could love anyone as much as I love-d Harry.
My phone started ringing and it was my mum.
I pressed accept and put the phone to my ear.
"Hi sweetheart."
"Hi mum." I yawn again.
"Bad timing?"
"No. Whats up?"
"Just wanted to talk. How's Paige?"
"Shes fine."
"Oh thats good. Did you finish college ?"
"I graduated a month before Paige was born," i remind her and roll my eyes.
"Oh yeah. I forgot, I swear I forget everything."
I get up from my warm spot and go outside.
"So..heard from him?"
"No," i sigh, "i think he moved again."
"Its sick that he wont even contact you."
"I know."
"Its like..."
"I know mum."
She sighs and stays quiet for a few seconds.
"Im just worried, darling."
I nod and look up at the moon.
"Im worried about me too." i admit.
I dont know how i was doing this. Being so calm about this. But I am. And i havent cried over him in 6 months.
"Look livvy, that boy knows nothing. He doesnt know what hes missing."
I nod and bite my lip.
"Or maybe-"
"Dont even start. This is NOT your fault. That boy fucked up. Not you."
"Will you please quit calling him 'that boy'? Hes my childs father."
"Yeah?? Well hes a peice of shit."
I hang up and realize the reason we end up fighting is because shes so judge mental.
I look up at the sky; the stars reminding me of Harrys eyes. I was trying to get over him, but deep down inside, I knew I never would.
I wish I couldve met Harry first. I wish he never used me. Never lied to me.
I wish he loved me first.
I lean on the railing and take a deep breath. He wasnt ever coming back, and I had to accept that.


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