Chapter 11:

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Olivia's Pov:
Its the weekend. And I consist of doing... Nothing.
I didnt want to see anyone, talk to anyone.
I didnt even want to see my boyfriend.
That. Is. Sad.
I wanted to lay In bed all day, everyday.
I don't know why , but seeing my father drink killed me.
Its not like I didnt expect him to do it, because I did.
It was probably the hope that he wouldn't do it that killed me.
Hes been a slob once again and the house is a mess.
Mum has been ignoring me, like usual, so my bedroom is the safest place.
I have been in bed all day and its nearly 11 PM. I mean, c'mon,... The outside world sucks.
I hear a rustling noise outside my window and automatically freeze.
Who could possibly be out this late at night?
I sigh and put my headphones in my ears listening to 'Forever and Always' by Parachute.
Best song of the week...
I hear a clinking noise on my window and my heart races.
I get up and open my window to see Harry out there.
"Harry?! What are you doing here?" I whisper yell.
"Come down!"
"I can't!"
"Jump!" He smiles.
"Ill catch you baby." He smiles.
"Fine." I sigh and sit on my window seal. It was maybe 5 feet off the ground, but im afraid of heights.
I jump and think I will hit the ground, but instead,
I land in his arms.
I open my eyes and im inches from his lips.
He leans in and I back away.
"I have a boyfriend."
I moved away from him and he smirks.
"What are you doing out here so late anyways?" I ask.
"Bored." He shrugs.
"Just bored ?"
"Yepppp." He smiles.
"Hmm. So when's the party?" I ask.
"Next weekend. You comin?"
"Only if Louis can come!" I smile.
"Nooooooooo." he whines.
"Then I am not coming."
"Fine, but if I beat his-"
"You won't beat his ass because I wont talk to you if you do." I say.
"Dont whatever me."
I just want to sleep.
Not deal with him.
"Look, you don't even know what happened between Louis and I." He says.
"No...... But you should tell me." I say.
He sits down in one of my mothers garden chair and I sit on his lap.
Bad place. I know. But I am not sitting on the ground.
He smiles up at me and opens his mouth to talk, but nothing comes out.
"Louis and I.... We uh, used to be bestfriends.
We met in primary school and at the time, he had made me laugh and was a really funny guy. After a while. We hung out, and grew up together. He was the only person I could count on. Until my ex girlfriend cheated on me. I uhm, I was dating her for a while., and I actually really loved her. We were doing so great, when one time i went to her house to give her roses for her birthday, and saw Louis and her kissing in her driveway. Ever since then, I have hated Louis Tomlinson." He explains and I kind of feel bad for him.
"Im sorry." I say.
"Im not the type of guy you think I am Olivia." He says and looks at me with those beautiful green eyes.
"I am not a player- well, to other girls, but you... I like you. A lot. And I don't think i will ever get a chance with you, knowing Niall is stealing your heart."
Is it bad that I wanted to kiss him right now?
"There is a future , Haz."
I whisper.
I want to kiss himmmmm.
He smiles but looks sad.
"I know. Please kiss me?"
"No." I say.
My thoughts are killing me.
"Okay." He says and stands up.
"Okay, fine."
'Goodnight Haz. Im going to bed." I yawn.
All a sudden, i feel his lips on mine.
I put my hands on his chest and push him back.
"I have a boyfriend, Harry."
"I know." He smirks.
What was that?
And why did i like it SO much?

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