Chapter 76:

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Olivia's POV:
"Tooth brush, check. Hair brush, check..."
I zip my suitcase and look at Paige.
"Well young lady, we're gonna go see gramma!" I say and pick her up.
I walk into the kitchen turning off the lights and grabbing her bottle.
It was about 5 AM, so I was tired. I grab my suitcase and my keys and head out. I turn on the heat in the car and buckle up Paige. Her eyes were drooping as I put her in the car, and she started to drool.
"God you're adorable sometimes," i smile and wipe it off with her bib.
She falls asleep, and it reminds me of how Harry would fall asleep. He'd smile at me, a little smile, no teeth, just a smile and close his eyes. His eyelashes would sit on his cheek, and he would start to snore, quietly.

I shut the door and get in the drivers side, turning on the radio. I stop when I hear 'let her go' by Passenger.

'You only need the light when its burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know you love her when you let her go,
Only know you've been high when you've been low,
Only hate the road when you're missing home,
Only know you love her when you let her go,
And you let her go..."

I turn off the radio and it starts to rain. My thoughts are all over the place as those lyrics sink in.
Harry let me go.. He never tried.. Knowing Harry, he would've. So what stopped him?
But I let him go too, I didn't give him a chance. I didn't tell him how much I loved him, before I left. I didn't say goodbye...
I am a bitch.

I turn into the airport and wipe the stupid tears that wont go away. I park and get out, putting on my hoody.
"C'Mon, sweetheart." i whisper and bring her out of her carseat. I cover her and grab my suitcase.
I practically run inside and look around. I go through security and get ready to leave this state.
"Flight 49 now boarding."
I sigh and walk to the plane. I hand the lady my ticket and get on. Paige's face is cuddled into my neck, and her breath tickles me.
I sit down and get a carseat for her.
"Excuse me? May I get a car seat for my daughter?"
The lady nods and walks off , leaving me to hold Paige.
"Mumma.." She mumbles and opens her eyes.
"Hi baby." I kiss her forehead and she lays her head back down.
The lady shows up again and sets the carseat down.
"Thank you." I smile and put her in it. She closes her eyes and falls asleep instantly.
I buckle myself up and lean my head on the window.
I put my hand to it and think of Harry. The last person I should be thinking of...
"Harry.." I whisper and get an empty feeling in my chest. I need him.
But I cant have him..
I close my eyes and pray that one day, everything will be okay.

Harry's POV:
'You only need the light when its burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only know you love her when you let her go,
Only know you've been high when you've been low,
Only hate the road when you're missing home,
Only know you love her when you let her go,
And you let her go..."

I sigh and turn off the radio. I can't listen to that song.
"What's wrong?" Mum asks.
"Everything." i mumble and look out the window.
"Honey," she says and puts a hand on my shoulder, "you'll be okay."
I nod, knowing shes right... but not wanting to believe it.
"Do you think she's worth it?" i ask.
"Whatever you believe son. Your opinion matters more than anybody's."
She's right...
"I need to talk to her mum.." I say.
"I said some hurtful things." i sigh.
She chews on her lip and nods.
"Thats the right thing to do. Apologize."
I grab my keys and leave her house, without a goodbye. I had to fix things, and I had to fix them quickly.
I drive the speed limit all the way there, but my nerves are kicking in.
After knocking on the door and tapping my foot impatiently, Olivia's mother opens the door.
"Harry?" she asks and I nod.
"We need to talk," i say and point at her then to myself.
"Well, yeah.. But why?"
She keeps looking back nervously.
"Cause we do.." I say.
"Mum? Who's here?"
My heart stops at her voice.
Olivia comes from the living room and her eyes dart to me.
Her eyes water and she turns.
"Olivia.. Wait," i croak out and she stops. Her body turns and she looks at me, those green eyes looking at every part of me.
"Can we talk?" I mumble and she nods.
"Mum, a second... Please?"
Her mum scoffs and turns, leaving us alone. She shuts the door and we stand in silence for a few seconds.
"Hi," she says and bites her lip.
"Hey." I say, feeling stupid for not saying anything. Im lost for words.
"Where'd you.. uh, move to?"
"Me? Oh, uh.. The United States." she says and fidgets with her jacket.
"Why?" I ask softly and look at the wall behind her.
"I... I thought it'd be best." she shrugs and my emotions get the best of me.
"You thought it was okay to take my daughter away from me? You thought that was okay?"
"It was my only option Harry." She defends.
"Oh, so staying and working things out wasn't?" I shake my head a little.
"Harry, Im sorry, okay? I dont want to fight."
"Wheres my daughter?" i ask and she stays quiet.
"Did you leave her in the US?!" I yell and she flinches, then shakes her head quickly.
"Shes inside." she says quietly.
"Im going to see her," i say and she stops me by putting her hand on my chest.
"Why NOT?!" I yell.
"I dont want her to know you."
"I dont care what you want," i say and push past her. Her mum looks at me with wide eyes as i look through the living room.
"Harry! Leave now!" Olivia's now harsh tone says behind me.
"No. Wheres my daughter?"
I walk upstairs and look in the first bedroom. The second was empty, and last was the third. I open it quietly and see her crib. I walk quietly and see shes curled into a ball, sucking on a pacifier.
My eyes start to water as I look at her, peacefully sleeping. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms, the tears not stopping.
"Oh my gosh." i whisper and remember that day when I first met her. Or first saw her...

Harry... what just happened?" Vanessa asks and I dont know myself.
"You could've stopped her; asshole." i say to Liam and his eyes widen.
"Im an asshole? Sure. Says the guy who ditched his girlfriend and his baby." he rolls his eyes and walks past me.
"You two had a kid together?"
I nod.
"Why didn't you stay? Are you going to get me pregnant and leave?"
I look at her and her brown eyes plead for an answer.
I dont answer her and walk into my mum's house. Everyone's staring at me, and for some reason, I know my mum was behind this.
"What happened-"
"She had my kid, and left."
"I - never mind."
I sigh and sit on the arm of the couch.
They all go back to their conversations and i sit there, staring at the ground.
"This isnt happening." i whisper to myself.
She was there. Right in front if my eyes.
And so was my daughter; who I don't know the name of.

I kiss her forehead and knew it was best If i didnt know her. Its best if she doesnt know me either.
"I love you, Paige. I always will too."
I put her down and walk out.
Olivia looks at me and she chews on her nails.
"Youre right. It is best if she doesnt know me."
I walk out of my daughters life, again.

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