Chapter 82:

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*Paige's Birthday*
Olivia's POV:
"Shit." I say when I drop the suitcase.
"Babe, can we talk about this?"
"Talk about what?"
"Well youre just going back to America... what happens there?"
I dont know what to say.
"I dont know Harry."
"Youre kidding. You wont move back?"
"I kinda dont want to."
"Well I dont want to move to the US."
"Well I'm sorry-"
"So youre saying there's not gonna be an 'us'?"
"Is it just gonna be back and forth?" He asks and rolls his eyes.
"Just move to the US."
"Im not moving to the US!" He exclaims.
"Well then that is your say."
"Are you fucking kidding me Livvy!?"
"No, Harry. A real man will do anything for his family."
He sighs and looks at the floor, then his phone starts ringing.
He goes to grab it but I do instead and click accept. I put the phone to my ear.
"Does this sound like Harry?"
He looks at me with a pissed off look and I smirk.
"No, who's this?"
"Who's this?" I ask.
"Who are you?"
"Harry's ex. who are you?"
"Harrys.... Ex." i say and he looks at me quickly.
"Oh. Youre Olivia huh?"
"Yeah. I am."
"Well, i have one thing to say to you..." She says, "He loves you..."
"I.. Know." i sigh and sit on the couch.
"But I don't think you two should be together," she says.
"And why's that?"
"He told me about the bet he put you in and I dont think you deserve that."
I nod and he walks away.
"I mean, I know you love him, but is it even worth it anymore?" she asks and I shake my head. It wasn't.
"I-youre right. It isnt."
I stare at a wall and she sighs.
"Tell Harry I said he's a fuck up."
She hangs up and I go through his pics.
Theres a picture of Paige when she was with him. I scroll to the next one and its a girl with brown eyes. She must be Kristin. Shes barely dressed and laying on Harrys bed. I roll my eyes and go to the home screen , then lock the phone.
I stand up and walk to the bedroom, seeing Harry sitting on the bed with a letter.
He looks up with tears in his eyes and shakes his head.
"Harry? Whats wrong?"
"YOU PROMISED !" He yells and Im automatically pinned to the wall.
I hold my breath and let it go when his hand hits my cheek.
I put my hand up to the stinging sensation and push him back with all my force. He lands on the bed, and All I feel is hatred towards him.
He looks at me and regret fills his eyes.
"Livvy, Im-"
"Dont fucking talk to me." i hiss and stomp out of the room. I see Anne, my mum and Paige come in with worried looks.
"Whats wrong?" Anne asks and i let go of my cheek. She gasps and rushes to my side.
"What happened!"
"He just slapped me."
"Thats it." she says, "go get in the car, your mum will take you to the airport."
I nod and pick up Paige, then walk to the car.
"Im sorry, paige." i say , upset that she has to deal with this on her first birthday.
I buckle her up and see Harry looking at me on the porch, tears in his eyes.
"Please dont leave, Livvy."
"We're done, Harry. And this time I mean DONE."
"I didn't know what I was doing when I slapped you." He admits and I roll my eyes.
"When do you ever know what you're doing?"
He shrugs and I sigh.
"Come say goodbye to Paige."
"I shouldn't have to say goodbye."
"Well you are, soo.."
He walks down the steps and it starts to sprinkle when he opens the door to the car.
I lean against the drivers door and stare at the ground.
"Hi Paige," he starts and sighs, "daddys gonna miss you, lots."
"Ill call you and we can talk, okay? I love you. Happy birthday, sweetie."
He shuts the door and Paige starts crying.
"Look what you're doing to her," he says and I laugh to myself.
"Me? How bout you." I say.
"Okay first of all, I havent done shit for you to break up with me, AGAIN."
"Um, you broke up with me before Paige was born, so shut up, Harry."
"No, Im not gonna shut up. Cause youre gonna listen." he says and stands in front of me.
"I may have been a fuck up and made you cry... I may have lied to your face and told you I loved you but didnt in the past, i may have looked at other girls when I shouldnt have, and i may have been the worst guy you've ever met, but no one and I repeat, no one will love you like I did. You push people away, Olivia. You tick them off so much they cant stand you, but i stayed ! I dealt with the bullshit I knew came with you and I fell for you."
I roll my eyes and smirk.
"You think this is funny cause youre pissed off , Im pissed off and my mother is pissed off, but its not. Its fucked up how I sacrifice shit for you, but you can't even do things for me."
I laugh and shake my head.
"Okay, whatever." i grab the door handle and he pushes my hand.
"You know Im right. You want to be with me, just like Kristin did. You want me to love you, and treat you right, but you know I cant. You think about me when youre with another guy because you love me, Olivia. Admit it. So why can't you sacrifice something for me?"
"Harry, youre so conceited it hurts." i roll my eyes and smirk.
"How am I conceited?"
"'You think about me when youre with another guy because you love me, Olivia'" i mock him and cross my arms across my chest.
"Its the truth!" He raises his voice.
"Okay Harry." i laugh.
"What? You gonna slap me again Harry? Cause thats what real men do? Slap a girl? For Nothing?"
His eyes soften and he backs up a bit.
"I told you, Im sorry."
"You arent sorry. Remember? Youre Harry Styles. The guy who uses girls."
His face was turning red and his fists were clenching.
"Thats the fucking past, let it go!"
"Why? I was apart of the damn past that I didnt even want to deao with!"
"Then why did you kiss me?"
"You kissed me!"
"Then I pulled away! then you kissed me again like the whore you are!"
I gasp and put my hand to my heart.
"I am not a whore."
"Yeah, sure. thats why you went back to Niall, then to me, then to Niall, then to me,
Then to Louis and to whoever else you fucked."
"Says the guy who used six girls."
"Youre so immature."
"Ha. Okay."
"You know, you'll need me one of these days, and I wont have my arms out for you anymore."
"You never had your arms out for me in the first place." i say.
"Yeah, sure."
"We have differences Harry, I dont regret Paige, but I regret YOU.."
"I regret you too. I wish I never met you, or kissed you, or fucked you, or got you pregnant... or even considered the urge to marry you!!"
I stop and look at him, every word now hitting me.
"You regret me ?"
"Just like you regret me."
"I gave you chance after chance, and you regret me?"
"You're an asshole."
"And youre a selfish bitch."
"Thanks. I'll remember to tell Paige that her father thought of me as a bitch when she asks for you."
"I dont care anymore."
"About paige??"
"Then what?"
"I dont care about you, anymore. Go get pregnant with a drug dealer, do something productive, but dont ever ask me for anything, because youre right , We are done."
He turns and walks towards the house, leaving me to be heartbroken even when I shouldnt be.

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