Chapter 49:

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Olivia's Pov:
"Harry, get up."
He groans and rolls over to my side of the bed.
"Harry! we have class today. c'mon."
"Yes." i say and take off the blankets. He curls in a ball and i cant help but laugh at how pathetic he can be.
I crawled on the bed and put my lips near his ear.
"WAKE up!" I yell and he jumps.
"Okay- okay. Im awake." He mumbles and i smile.
I walk to my closet and grab a shirt , taking off my pajama one, Harry watching me.
"Stop it. Pervert." I say and he smirks.
"Youre my girlfriend. i have a right to look at you."
"Not when im getting dressed." i say.
He rolls his eyes and his tongue wets his lips.
"Get up and get ready." i say and walk to the bathroom to do my hair.

Harry's Pov:
I remembered what i did to Liam, Louis and Niall, and now, even after I threatened them, theyre probably gonna tell her.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, watching her do her hair.
"Harry! Go get ready!"
"Why?" I ask and snake my arms around her waist.
"Because. We have school."
"I dont want to go" i whine and kiss her neck.
"No. Youre going."
God, she sounds like my mother.
"Because school is-"
I sucked on her soft spot, leaving her speechless.
Just the way i want her right now.
She moaned a little and bit her lip.
"Can we just stay home and cuddle all day?"
"Harry, i missed 2 months worth in high school. I am not missing anymore."
"But nothing." she says and i sigh in defeat.
This day is gonna be... Lovely.

Once we got to campus, I held her hand tightly.
She didnt seem to notice how tense i was, so, i guess thats good.
She looked at me and smiled.
She always gets what she wants from me.
She didnt look pregnant, at all. She just looked like she was getting fat. I know thats mean, but its the truth. Arent most woman like that in the first month?
"I still have to do that report."
"What report?"
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "The one Professor assigned. Where we have to get an idea of our partner."
"But you already know everything about me." i say.
Not Everything.
"Yeah, I know. But maybe theres something I dont know?" She raises her eyebrows.
"Uhh... I was a dog as a kid."
"What?" She laughs a little.
"Im kidding." i smirk and kiss her cheek.
"I have class. I love you." She says and kisses me.
I didnt want to let go, so i made this kiss a bit longer.
"I love you too." i say, knowing today may be the last day she says it and means it.
Liam and Niall are looking over at us but turn their head when i look at them. Those assholes better not say anything.
I watched her walk away and went to my first class: P.E.

Olivia's Pov:
"Okay Class. You understand English right ?"
We all nod.
"Well in math... We have a word called Mathlish. Weird , i know. But it teaches us more about the subject. You have spanish, english, frenchlish.."
I ignore her as she continues on and look at Niall and Liam who are staring at me.
What the hell?
I also noticed they wont talk to me at all. Which is weird. We're best friends. Besides me and Niall... i dont know what we are besides ex's.
I sigh and pay attention.
"So , since Im a nice person, no homework tonight. Be prepared for the pop quiz tomorrow." she smiles and i nod to myself.
Class was over so i was gonna talk to Niall and Liam.
"Liam! Niall!"
I got a closer look at Niall and saw that his cheek was bruised.
They looked around before looking at me.
"Hi, Livvy." liam fakes a smile.
"Whats wrong with Nialls cheek?"
"Oh, that. Uh, you see... We were wrestling, and... I punched him to hard."
He looks at Niall and nods.
"Oh... Yeah. Yeah. Im okay though." He smiles.
"Why have you been ignoring me?"
They look at eachother then at me.
"We're... Busy. Sorry. Bye Livvy!" Niall says and pulls Liam with him.
I shake my head. what the hell is going on?

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