Chapter 51:

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Olivia's Pov:
I stand up and grab Harry's hand. He squeezes it when we get into the room. I was nervous as hell.
"Okay, lay down and we'll check on the baby." she smiles and I nod.
She puts some cold ass gel on my stomach and rubs it in.
I look at the screen and see a figure.
"Thats your baby." she smiles.
"Awh, its so little." i say.
"Well, youre about 2 months... So, i can see why." She smiles.
Harry has little tears in his eyes and hes smiling from ear to ear.
"Thats our baby..." he mumbles and shakes his head, "unbelievable."
I take my hand in his and squeeze it a little. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.
"Congratulations Guys." she smiles and wipes the gel off me.
I fix my shirt and sit up.
"Okay. So being pregnant has perks." She says and brings out a clip board.
"You'll have pain in your back, feet and of course, your stomach. You'll need to use the restroom more often, you'll crave the craziest things, and- you'll usually always be hungry." she says and Harrys eyes widen.
"She barely eats now though!!"
She laughs a little and hands me my papers.
"See you in a few weeks." she says and lets me go.
"Well," he says and smiles, "that was... Wow."
I nod and he grabs my hand.
"Do you want to have this baby with me?" He asks.
"Yeah..." I say.
"You don't act like it."
"How am I supposed to act?" I ask and get in the car.
"Happy? Excited?"
"Harry, i'm scared." i say and my mum starts calling me.
"One second" i say.
"Hi, Livvy."
"So.. I heard youre pregnant!" She says.
"Why arent you excited?"
"Mum, can i call you back later?"
I hang up and look at harry.
"So, back to what i was saying. I am scared. Im gonna be a mum. A nineteen year old college mum." I shake my head and he glances at me as he drives.
"Do you regret this?"
"Regret what?"
"Being pregnant."
Did I regret that? No.
He nods and parks the car at a gas station.
He pulls me into his lap and I look at him confused.
"I... I want you to know how much you mean to to me. I need you to know. I dont want to be the only one excited about this baby... I want to know you're happy too." he says and kisses my nose.
His lips smash on mine and I can't help but kiss back.
I know i'm supposed to be excited, supposed to be helping him too. Im the pregnant one here, and it seems like he is.
I pull away and smile at him.
"I promise I'll show my excitement more often... Okay?" I say and peck his lips.
"Okay." He smiles and I climb back over to my seat.
"I want to show you something. Buckle up."
I nod and he starts the car again.
I have a million thoughts running through my head, but i can only focus on this baby, and Harry.

"We're here," he says and opens his door. I get out and gasp.
"Harry; what is this?" I ask and he smiles.
"Its where I went when my parents fought." He shrugs and I look around.
It was like a fantasy kind of place. You had the little water fall, the trees,-
"Come on. Jump on my back." He says.
"Just jump."
I sigh and do what he says. He holds me as if Im light as a feather.
"Where we going?" I ask and nuzzle my face into his neck.
"You'll see." he says and continues walking.
He sets me down and i look up.
Its a treehouse.
"Climb." He smiles and I nod.
I go in front of him and slightly curse myself. Now he gets to stare at my bum.
"Dont even think about it , Styles."
I hear him laugh loudly so i caught him. I get to the top and help him up.
"Go inside."
"Demanding are we?" I chuckle and go inside.
Theres writing on the walls, and its kinda cramped. I sit down and Harry sits next to me.
I look up at the roof and have to turn my head a bit.
"This was in high school, after... The bet." He says and I remember the memory.
Its in his handwriting all right, and says, "If I could love you right, i would."
"You mean it?" I ask and look at him.
He nods.
"After it happened, I never truly noticed how much I hurt you. After your friends told me, and random people told me, that guilt sunk in. I had to let it out somehow, because I knew I loved you. But I was afraid, and still am, afraid of falling. Sometimes when you fall, nobodys there to catch you. You fall, and hit the ground hard. i didnt want to see you hurt more than i already hurt you, so i did this."
He pulls his sleeves up, and theres a little tattoo.
How did i not see that?
In cursive, it said, "love made me blind," then my initials were next to it.
"And this." he says and pulls up his other sleeve.
I gasp at the scars.
"You cut... For me?" I whisper and tears burn my eyes.
"Everytime I thought of you, I had to do it. I had to move on. I never knew you would even forgive me... So i did that."
"Harry thats..."
"Stupid. I know."
"No... Well, yes it is. hurt yourself."
"You hurt yourself too." he says and grabs my wrist, pointing at the scars.
I remembered sitting in my room, harry's voice mocking me as he said I love you. I had the blade in my hand and my wrist ready to be tortured.
"Im so sorry..." He whispers and i hug him from the side.
"I dont regret doing it."
"Doing what?"
"Forgiving you."
He smiles a little and softly kisses my temple.
"I love you, you know that?"
I nod and smile.
"I love you too," I say and look around.
There was another on the wall.
"Ill never be like my parents."
"Were they that bad?"
He nods.
"Mum was constantly crying. Gemma would cradle me at night to stop me from crying. Im a mummys boy." he says and I can just imagine little harry, tears flowing down his cheeks, cuddled into his big sister as his parents screamed at eachother.
"Thank you for showing me this." i smile a little and look at him.
Our eyes lock and he sighs.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Livvy."
He nods and his curls bounce.
"Good. Cause I feel the same." I smile and kiss him.
He lays back and i climb on top of him.
"Do you have a marker?" I ask.
He nods and points to a cabinet. I crawl to it and grab a sharpie. I found an empty space and decided to write there.

Dear Harry,
After everything, I will always love you. Im glad you get to be my baby's father and in my life. I love you. No matter how hard it gets and how much it hurts, I'll always be here.
Love always,
Livvy xx

He reads it and smiles.
"Im serious." i say and he nods.
"I love you too, Livvy. forever, and always."

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