Chapter 57:

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Olivia's POV:
I woke up and the bright light stung my eyes.
"Shit." i whisper and check my phone.
7:54 AM.

I have 3 text messages, 2 twitter notifications.

From: Liam(:
Hey girl.(:

From: Mum
Love you! Hope Paige is good(:

From: Asshole
Court date, Tuesday, 11:00 AM.

I shake my head and look at Louis sleeping. I kiss his forehead softly and get out of bed.
Paige is surprisingly still sleeping.
I leave her be and make breakfast.
How dare Harry fucking do this again. He's such an asshole... Putting me in court just so he can throw a fit and get his way. This is so messed up, and not healthy for Paige, or me.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and felt a kiss be placed on my neck.
"Good morning, beautiful." Louis whispers and I smile.
"Good morning." I say.
"Whatcha making?"
"What does it look like?"
"Can I have you for breakfast?"
I gasp and quickly turn to look at him.
"Louis William Tomlinson!" I giggle and feel my face turning red.
"What?" He asks innocently and kisses me. I find the knob to the stove and turn it off.
He picks me up and sets me on the counter. i lean down to deepen the kiss, but paige's screaming pulls us apart.
"Lovely ." He pecks my lips and disappears.
I get out my phone and decide to text everyone back.

To: Liam(:
Heeeey! (:

To: mum
Shes doing great. Xx have a court date with Harry. Love you too.

To: Asshole
Fine. Asshole.

I lock my phone and jump off the counter.

After breakfast, Paige, Louis and I go to the park.
"C'mon Paigey."
"Paigey?" I ask Louis and he shrugs.
"Can't have a nickname for her?" he asks and picks her up.
"I dunno, can you?" I raise my eye brows and he smiles.
He grabs my hand and we walk to the swings. We put her in and Louis lightly pushes her.
"I love you." he says to me and kisses me. The swing comes and smacks him and we pull away. Paige starts giggling and her green eyes sparkle with happiness.
"Ouch!" He says and smiles.
She laughs harder and she looks absolutely adorable.
Louis laughs and for once, I dont miss harry.
And maybe, just maybe, im falling out of love with him, and in love with louis.

"Louis." i say and he looks at me.
I just smile and wrap my arms around him. He chuckles and i snuggle my face in his neck.
"I love you." i whisper and he rubs my back.
"I love you, too." he says and we pull away from the hug.
"Hey Louis!"
I look over and Niall and some girl are jogging towards us.
"Hey Niall!" He smiles and waves.
They stop running and smile.
"Hey Livvy." Niall says. The girl behind him smiles.
'This is my fiancé. Babe, this is Livvy. My... Friend." he smiles and we shake hands.
"You're gorgeous." i say.
"Thanks, love! You are too."
"Paige!" Niall exclaims and takes her out of the swing.
"Babe, this is my niece." he smiles.
"And who said you get to decide that?"
"Me." He smiles and kisses her cheek. She makes a face and we laugh.
"What are you guys doing here?" i ask.
"Working out." Niall says and shrugs.
"Mr. 'i dont work out'." i laugh and he rolls his eyes.
"That was a year ago." He says.
I bite my lip and look around. People are playing with their kids and here we are, discussing.
"Hey, is that Harry?" His fiancé asks and I look over.
Shit, it is.
"I got to go." i say and grab Paige.
"What? Why?"
"No time to explain."
Harry looks over and our eyes lock.
"Louis, go the car and start it." i say and hand him paige.
I stop and Harry jogs up to me as Louis walks away.
"Hi." I mumble and he smirks.
"Gonna run everytime you see me?"
"I dont want to deal with you." I roll my eyes and put my hands on my hips.
"Why? You scared-"
"Hmph. Well; you keep running off and not letting me see my child."
"Because you dont deserve to see her."
"My mum has a lawyer, babe. You wont win."
"I don't fucking see why you want her now! Why not when she was younger?!"
"Because." he shrugs.
"Youre a fucking bastard."
"Ouch." He fakes like he's hurt and I cant believe him right now.
"So you ready for our court battle?"
"Im the mother of her. I'll win." i say.
"No. you wont. I have a lot of complaints about you."
"Like what?"
"Thats for me to know , and you to find out." he smirks and I want to slap him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I dont love you anymore. That's my problem."
"And I fucking hate you. So we're on the same page." i spit.
"Yeah. I guess we are."
"Oh, and Louis has STD'S By the way." He whispers.
"Shouldnt get yourself mixed up with someone else, darling." i laugh. He makes a face and shakes his head.
"You'll regret this, Livvy."
"Yeah. And one day, you'll regret using me."
"Sure I will." He chuckles and starts to walk away.
"See you in court dickface." i smirk.
"Bye bitch." he laughs and I fist my hands.
"Asshole." i whisper and walk to the car.
"What'd he say?" louis asks.
"He- he's a fucking asshole. he wants to take Paige."
"What the hell....?"
"I know."
I feel a tear fall down my cheek as he drives.
He isnt even the Harry I thought I knew.

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