Chapter 71:

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Harry's POV:
"Excuse me? You're gonna tell me not to see her?" i gasp.
"Like she wants to see you , anyways." she rolls her eyes.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I raise my voice.
"You. You are my problem." She says, "You ruined my little girl by using her. You made her think every guy will disrespect her and treat her like shit. She's afraid of being alone, but doesn't want you to be with her. She doesn't love you, Harry. And that's not her fault. Its yours."
"Okay, listen here.... This was in HIGH SCHOOL when this happened, thank you, so don't fucking tell me that bull shit," i say.
"Yes, it was in high school. THE four years of her life she was suppose to enjoy."
"Well, Im sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it Harry."
"Then what does? Being her fucking slave?"
"Showing her you love her, even if you have no clue of where she went."
"But I dont love her."
"Then why are you standing here fighting with me?"
"Exactly. If I talk to her, I'll tell her you said , hi."
She turns on her heel and Kristin glares at her.
"What a bitch."

Olivia's POV:
"A is for apple, B is for butterfly, C is for Candy, D is for dog,..."
She throws the cards to the ground and I laugh.
"Thanks baby." I kiss her cheek and pick up the cards.
"Lets go give you a bath, eh?"
She nods.
My phone starts ringing and I fish in my pocket to grab it. I click accept and put it to my ear.
"Hi, Livvy."
"Oh hey mum. Whats Up?"
"Just sitting here, doing nothing." she sighs.
"Oh, so what'd you call for?"
"Well! I ran into Harry today."
"Oh jesus."
"And he wanted me to tell you he misses you."
I can practically see her rolling her eyes.
I turn the water on and set Paige on my lap and take her shirt off.
"So what are you doing?"
"Just got done trying to teach Paige her ABC'S. Now giving her a bath."
"Ooh, thats good."
"Yeah. Whats been up with you?"
"Besides running into that asshole? Just working."
I nod and put Paige in the water.
"Look mum, I gotta go. paige is in the bath."
"Okay. Give her lovins for me. Love you."
"Love you , too."
I hang up and smile at Paige.
"Youre grandma is coo-coo."
She giggles and splashes the water.

After her bath, I walk around town with her.
"Let's go to the park like old times, eh?"
She nods and I walk to the slide. I help her up it and catch her at the bottom.
"Good girl!"
I turn and see Noah with a little boy in his hands.
"Noah?" I smile.
"Hey, didn't know you'd be here on a day off."
"Well, here I am." I laugh, "whos this little guy?"
"My nephew."
"He looks like you."
"Ah, thanks."
He smiles at the little boy and sets him on his feet.
"How old is he?"
"Just turned one on the first of February."
"How old is Paige?"
"Gonna be one soon." I say.
"Shes adorable; really."
"Yeah. She sure is. She already has been trying to walk."
"Early starter?"
"I guess."
"Her eyes though. Theyre so green."
"Just like her fathers." I say and nod.
He looks at me and sighs.
"You miss him?" He asks and I don't know how to answer. I don't know what I want anymore, or what I miss anymore.
"I don't know."
He nods and Paige makes a shrieking noise,
"Do you want to come over for Dinner tonight? You know, since You took me on a date, and I can only-"
"Of course." he chuckles.
"Okay." I nod.
"Well, I better get him home. See you at...?"
"Six thirty."
"Okay then." He smiles and picks up his nephew.
While he walks away I start to smile and Paige looks at me.
"Let's get home, baby girl." I say.
I pick her up and make my way to my car, not trying to get the smile off my face.

I set my keys down and turn on the lights.
"Go play with your toys," i say and sit Paige on the floor, "Mumma's gonna make dinner."
I leave her in the living room and turn on the oven.
I walk upstairs and take my shirt off. I look at my belly, which is not as flat as it used to be, and sigh.
I put on a loose t- shirt and brush my hair.
I don't bother with my makeup and jog downstairs.
I put cornbread in the oven and start making a little dinner that my mum taught me, although it would probably never be as good as hers.
I frown at a picture on my fridge that I haven't seen in years.
Me and my dad.
Hes holding me on his lap with a bright smile, while i have a crooked grin. My hair is in pig tails and Im wearing a pink and white flowered dress.
I miss my dad sometimes, But is it worth dealing with anymore? Probably not.
I set it down and take the cornbread out, then check the time.
The doorbell echoes through the house and I smile a little before opening the door.
"Hi, Noah."
"Hey, Olivia." he smiles and comes in.
"Wow, it smells good in here," he winks, "did you cook?"
"Nooooo, I went to McDonalds." i say sarcastically and he smirks.
"A girl that can take a joke, I like you."
"Ha. Thanks?" I say and Paige squeals.
"Ohhh Paige!" He smiles and picks her up. She grabs his nose and pulls.
"Paige, be nice." i warn and he smiles.
"Its fine, really."
I nod and put the plates on the table.
"Thank you for this, really. I appreciate it." he says and sits.
"No, its not a big deal." I smile and put Paige in her seat.
I sit and take a bite.
He looks at me with his eyes and I can't help but have an empty feeling in my heart.
Did I do the right thing?...

Harry's POV:
"Yeah, yeah.... I know mum..."
"I mean, you never know what pedophile Olivia's with."
"But I already took custody once and look where that got me." I roll my eyes and Im glad she cant see me.
"Yes, but... Its for the safety of your daughter."
"But how-"
"Let me deal with that." She says and breathes into the phone.
"Mum, I dont want to do this. Obviously Livvy didnt want me anymore so she left. I broke her and she left."
Kristin puts the dishes away and smiles a little at me. I return it and move my curls out of my face.
"Harry, its not your fault that she left."
"Yes . Yes it is."
"You have a girlfriend now, why does it bother?"
"Thats not my point mum, I know I have a girlfriend and I love her! But you don't understand, Livvy left, and I can't do anything but accept it."
"Do you love her?"
I rub my forehead and lean my elbows on my knees.
"I dont know anymore mum..." I mumble, a tear falling on my palm.
I felt like all I did was push her away. And it was like pushing myself away.

Sorry for not updating!
I was grounded because I got 1 "D" in science. But thats over now! Haha
And commment for the next chapter (:
P. S
^ next chapter (s)

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