Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Demi's POV

I got woken up by Marissa shaking me.

"Hey. Lets play a joke on Sophie. Like what you did to Simon." She said.

"Okay." I said flinging out of bed

I pointed my fingers and mouthed 'three two one go!' I got out my phone and started keeking

"SOPHIE WAKE UP THERE'S A FIRE." Marissa screamed

She literally jumped up on the bed. I started cracking up and stopped recording.

"You guys suckkkk." She said lying down again. Me and Marissa were dying on the ground.

"Oh my god. I just got that all on video." I said wiping away tears from laughing so hard.

"Whatever." Sophie mumbled into a pillow before falling fast asleep again.

"Mar I just uploaded it. Watch it." I said. She started watching it and cracked up.

"That's the best." She said laughing

"Wanna go out for breakfast today?"Amaris's said

"I can't. I have an interview. And then I'm getting Sophie's name tattooed on my wrist. Below the lips. You can stay here with Soph. Please do." I said.

"Okay." She said

"Are you sure you're okay with that?" I asked

"Of course Dems. I love her. She's like a daughter to me." She said smiling

"Okay. Well I have to get ready. And make sure Sophie eats. And doesn't cut. Okay? sorry she's kinda not in a good situation." I said

"No worries." She said.

"Bye Mar. Love you. Tell Sophie to text me when she gets up." I said walking out of the house

Sophie's POV

I rolled over to an empty bed. Okay then. I walked out of the room and was granted with an empty hallway. Finally. Peace so I can cut. I ran into the bathroom. Not bothering to lock the door. I took out my shaving razor and smashed it. I took the tiny blade and held it to my wrist.

Marissa's POV

I was in the kitchen when I heard a stomp. Suspicion immediately reeked my body. But then I remembered Sophie was in the house. And she wasn't in a stable mindset because her jackass of a step dad. I sprinted up the stairs and ran into Demi's bedroom. She wasn't in there. I then saw the bathroom light on. What am I getting myself into? I prepared myself for what I was about to see and opened the door.

My breath hitched in my throat as I flung myself forward. I ran up to Sophie and grabbed the razor out of her hand. She obviously didn't know I was there so when I grabbed it out of her hand she jerked back.

"D-Demi?" She asked not looking up.

"No sweetie. It's Marissa." I said smoothing her hair. She let out a sob and I lifted her up and brought her in the room.

"Well. We both know I have to tell Demi. And I can't say anything right now. But I made you breakfast. And you have to eat." I said wiping the tears off her face. She sniffled and nodded her head. We walked down the stairs and sat down.

"M-Marissa? Can I ask you something. And can you be honest please?" Sophie asked

"Anything sweetie." I said

"Does Demi like me? Like is she faking?" she asked with tears brimming her eyes. If only she knew what Demi was getting today.

"Demi doesn't like you." I said bluntly

"Oh o-okay." She said. A sob escaping her mouth.

"She loves you silly." I said smiling. The look on her face was priceless. She sighed and hugged me.

"I love you too." I said.

"I love you too Marissa." She said

"Oh text Demi you're up." I said. She nodded taking her phone out.

Sophie's POV

'Hey Dems. I'm up! :) miss you' I quickly typed up and sent

'Hey baby. I have a surprise for you when I get home. Which will be in five minutes. And we need to talk about what Marissa told me twenty minutes ago.' She replied.

Oh. Fuck. She knew.

'K' I sent back and put my phone away.

"Eat your eggs. I made them. Without burning the house down! or burning them like Demi." Marissa said. I giggled and ate my eggs. I finished them and put the plate in the sink. Demi shuffled into the house. Her hair a mess. Her sunglasses crooked. Her shirt crooked. I couldn't help but giggle at her state.

"Those damn paps." She huffed.

"Hey Dems." Marissa said

"Hey Mar." She said.

"Now where's my babygirl?" She asked running towards me.

"Right heree." Marissa squealed. I giggled and ran up to Demi and hugged her.

"Baby guess what." She said

"What." I said

"Look." she said lifting up her wrist. I saw a bandage and she lifted it. Showing a tattoo. With my name on it!! I teared up and hugged her.

"Just in case you didn't know. I love you. Now show me your wrist baby." She said. I lifted my sweatshirt and showed her. It was only two cuts. Nothing big.

"Okay. At least they're not deep. Next time you cut we're going to a therapist."

"Okay." I said.

"Now. It's movie time." She said grabbing me and bringing me to the couch. We put in a movie and I grabbed her wrist. I fingered the tattoo. I was so grateful. You don't understand.

"Thanks Demi. You don't understand how great this is. " I said hugging her.

A/N I'm sorry this is awful. But SHOUT OUT FOR THE AMAZING TATTOO IDEA TO @jlawmyidol 💗💗 thanks love. Okay so like this story sucks to me. But I'll keep writing for you. I promise it will get better :) ily. Thanks for everything guys. It means a lot to me Byeee

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