Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter 26

Demi's POV

I sat down as the police officer walked into my house.

"So Madison recently was walking home from her house. And she was abducted. We don't know where she is but we're trying our hardest to find her." He said


He's lying. This can't be true. Not my baby girl.

"We have to go home. Oh my god. Not Maddie. Oh god." I rambled running my fingers through my hair. The police officer left

"Mommy you have to calm down. You're gonna break something or hurt yourself." Sophie said running up to me.

"NOWS NOT THE TIME SOPHIE." I said pushing her aside into a wall.

Sophie's POV

She's just like Todd. I slid down the wall with tears cascading down my face. Naya ran over to me.

"No no go check Demi." I hiccuped. She ignored me and slid down the wall with me, holding me.

"Go check on Demi please." I sobbed.

"No." She said.

"Please." I begged.

"I'll be right back." She said.

I nodded as flashbacks swerved into my head. I put my head in my hands sobbing.

Naya's POV

I walked into Demi's room. She was sobbing in her bed.

"I fucked up. She hates me." She sobbed.

"You scared the shit out of your kid Dems. And you know her past. I don't mean to offend you but you just broke your already broken little girl." I said rubbing up and down Demi's arm.

"I'll be right back." She hiccuped. Walking downstairs.

Demi's POV

My poor baby girl. What did I do.

I saw her against the wall crying her eyes out.

"B-Baby." I said

"P-please don't hurt me. I'll go pack. You can put me up for adoption. Anything. Please don't hurt me. Please. I know I'm not worth your time. Please just don't hit me. I don't know if I'll be able to take it. Please Mommy please." she sobbed.

"Baby. My baby girl. I'm so fucking sorry. I'll never ever leave you. Ever. You're my life. I fucked up I'm sorry. I will never ever hit you. I'm so sorry baby girl." I cooed sitting down next to her. She flinched and moved over a little.

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered.

"I will never ever hurt you ever again. You have no idea how sorry I am." I said. She sniffled and looked up at me.

"I believe you mommy." She said. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry baby. So sorry." I said

"Our flight leaves in an hour." I said rubbing the tears off of her face.

We pack and get to the airport.

"Nay can you carry Soph? I have to carry her bag." I said pointing to a sleeping Sophie.

"Of course." She said picking her up.

We get on the plane and take off.

A/N HEY so I'm sorry. It's short and sucks but ugh soorryyyy.


So who do you think kidnapped Maddie?

So do you think Sophie actually forgives Demi?

Do you want more Demi Naya moments or Naya Sophie? Or both

Until next time xx.

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