Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter 37

Sophie's POV

Demi has been on here phone the whole day and I don't know why. She's been texting someone so much and its upsetting me. I never was really the jealous type, I don't understand whats happening. All I understand in this situation is that I want Demi's undivided attention. I want to be Demi's one and only priority and one and and only care. Minus her family that's an exception.But lately Demi has been ignoring me.

Maybe she is better off without me.

I mean the whole week she's been blowing me off for this Olivia chick and I've just been in the house alone relapsing. But it's not like she cares anyway.

Nobody cares about me

No body will ever care about me.

When Demi left AGAIN for the fifth time this week to see Olivia I ran into the laundry room. If I was gonna make Demi's life easier then I would do it nice and fast.

I grabbed the bottle of bleach and ran into my bathroom that was connected to mine and Demi's room. I unscrewed the cap and took a deep breath.

Demi's POV

This whole week I've been purposely ignoring Sophie because her birthday is coming soon and I was planning something HUGE. So I just told her i was meeting Olivia but in reality I was just getting everything together. I was planning this huge suprise party and I invited everyone from Fifth Harmony because they have yet to meet Sophie.

My mom and sisters were coming too. I mean Sophie is turning 14, which means she has to go to school soon instead of home school, Because she's been getting home schooled for the past few months.

I got all the balloons and everything in the party room ready. We were having it at this giant place in the middle of California and I know the owner so we could lock it just for friends and family. No one could get in. Which is great.

"Mom hurry up, I need to get home and pretend to ignore Sophie. But it's killing me because she walks around all sad and stuff because she misses me. Ugh where did I sign up for this? I hate it." I said yelling for my mom  who was hanging up streamers and stuff like that.

"I'm going as fast as I can baby. I only have two hands."She said. I sighed going to the other side of the room. If I knew a surprise party caused this much stress i wouldn't have done it. I ran my fingers through my hair and started walking to my car.

Marissa's POV

I decided that today I was gonna visit Demi and Soph because I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them. I called Demi and she didn't answer so I'm just gonna go to their house and suprise them.

I drove down to the store to buy Ice Cream and movies so we could all have a night in and just enjoy each others company because I'm leaving soon for a while and I'll miss them.

I picked out Ben and Jerry's ice cream and got back into the car and drove to Demi's.

When I got there Demi's car was gone. So that means Sophie was gone too. Great. I could surprise them. I went where they hid the key and walked into the house.

I sat on the sofa and put the TV on. All of a sudden I heard loud sobbing. That's weird. I followed the sobbing into Demi and Sophie's room and saw Sophie sitting on the bathrrom floor, gulping down bleach.

I jumped forwards and grabbed the bleach out of her hand.

"MARISSA GIVE IT BACK! I WANNA DIE! DEMI DOESN'T WANT ME ANYMORE. LET ME DI-" Sophie cried. Then passed out. This isn't good. At all.

I shakily picked up Sophie and grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello? 911 operators, what's your emergency?"  The lady asked

"My best friends daughter swallowed bleach p-please come quick." I sobbed into the phone pushing Sophie's hair out of her face. I stared down at her lifeless body. She was pale already. She couldn't be gone.

"Okay, ma'am please calm down. An ambulance is on the way. Everything will be okay.I promise." The operator said then said goodbye and hung up. I shakily dialed Demi's number.

"HeyMar! I mis-" She started but I cut her off.

"Demi come home. Right now. Sophie swallowed bleach. I don't know why or how she is. Please come home." I sobbed into the phone.

I heard Demi's breathe hitch then heard sniffling thne the sound of crying.

"I'm here." She said hanging up and running into the bathroom with me.

"S-Sophie no, babygirl no." Demi said grabbing onto Sophie's lifeless body and sobbing into it.Paramedics came and took Sophie on a stretch her with and put an IV in her arm and an oxygen mask on her face. They rushed her to the hospital.

I called Max because neither of us could drive and walked Demi out to the car, because she could barely walk, let alone breathe. She was having a panic attack.

"Demi, baby breathe. Everything will be okay. You just need to calm down. You're only hurting yourself. Calm down love. Everything will be okay." I said wrapping my arms around her and stroked her hair.

"Demi listen to my breathing. In and out in and out. Everything will be okay. Just calm down." I cooed in her ear.

We quickly made it to the emergency room and they wheeled Sophie into the room. Demi went to go back with her but was held back by a bunch of nurses.

"Please that's my daughter." Demi sobbed. I took her and sat in the waiting room with her. I layed her head on my lap and ran my fingers through her hair as she sobbed into my lap. She was hiccuping and couldn't breathe.

"Demi baby everything will be okay."I soothed kissing her forehead.

Hours and hours of waiting and nothing. Demi fell asleep in my lap with tear tracks down her face.

"Parents of Sophie Lovato?" A voice called out

A/N  heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so yeah ahah. If I make Sophie die you all can thank ablazedemi for making fun of me when im exhausted ahhaha. okayyy i love you

Will Sophie wake up orrrrrrrr will i kill her? :)

How do you think Demi's doing?

What happens when the family finds out?

And this book series will end on chapter 40 and if im begged enough or persuaded i will make another sequel ahaha. Love yooooouuuuuuuuu

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