Chapter Fifteen

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Sophie's POV

So today's my last day in this hell. I've gained 20 pounds and I'm not clean though, I do it everyday. It was hard. Hell yeah it was. It wasn't worth it. I was bullied everyday.


"Come on Sophie you have to get out of bed." My roommate, Carly said.

I groaned rolling over and getting up. I really don't want to do this anymore.

"Ok I'm up." I said. I walked out of the room to be granted by dirty looks from every girl in this freakin place. I want Demi.

I walked into the cafeteria and got a plate and sat down, by myself of course. This feels like school. I hate it.

"Ew look at it. And it's eating. She's already so fat." A girl snickered behind me. Great. There goes my self esteem.

"And I heard she's in here for an eating disorder and self harm. Emo freak. I'm here for drugs." Another girl said. I felt tears prick my eyes. I can't wait for Demi to come and get me out of here.

I pushed my plate away and bolted to my room. I ran in and locked the door and slid down the wall and sobbed into my hands. I can't wait to get out of here. Seriously.

"Sophie c'mon open up." Tori said knocking on the door. I didn't move. I went into my bathroom and locked that door and looked for anything sharp. There's nothing. I stabbed myself with my nails in my wrist until blood started leaking out. It isn't the same but it brings me some release.

I heard my room door open, I guess Tori got a key. I heard her sprint to the bathroom.

"Sophie. Open the door now." She said. Nope. I'm not doing it. I sat on the covered toilet with an emotionless expression on my face.

She unlocked the door and engulfed me in her arms. I was shocked. I had no idea she cared about me. I let the tears stream down my face.

"Don't ever do that again. You here me? Never again." She said.


I was packing in my room when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and standing in front of me was Demi.

"DEMI." I said flinging myself in her arms. I started sobbing and she lifted me up.

"Hey baby." She said hugging me.

"I missed you so much." I choked out.

"I missed you too babygirl." She said wiping the tears from my face then wiping her eyes.

"Let's get out of here." She said picked up my bag and bringing them to the front door.

I ran back looking for Tori. I found her and flung my arms around her.

"Thank you so much. I know a lot of times I was really stubborn. But you've really helped me." I said hugging her.

"It's really no problem. Stay strong Sophie." She said kissing my head. I let go of her and walked towards Demi who was watching us.

"Let's go home." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the hell hole.

Of course my happiness leaving was real but somehow I was faking every smile. I really didn't enjoy treatment but I need to convince Demi I did.

We got into her car and started driving.

Two hours later

We got home and I grabbed my bag about to run into the house.

"Hold on a second babygirl." Demi said laughing. I put on a sheepish smile and looked towards her.

She got her keys out and opened the door. I walked in and it was pitch black. I turned on the light.

"SUPRISE!" Everyone said. By everyone I mean Marissa, Dianna, Eddie, Dallas, Rob, Maddie and even Max.

"Aw thanks guys." I said with tears running down my face. I sniffled and wiped them away running towards Marissa. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hi Mar." I said looking up at here. She smiled at me and hugged me back. I let go of her and hugged The rest of my family. Even though rehab was awful it taught me something. Don't take anything for granted because it can be taken from you like a snap.

When the party ended everyone left except Marissa.

"Let's watch movies guys." Demi said lifting me up and bringing me to the couch. I snugged into her and listen to her heart beat. I really missed her so much it hurt.

I went to grab the remote when my sleeve rolled up.

"What's that?" Demi asked

A/N OMG YOU GUYS MUST HATE ME IM REALLY SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG. I was sick and then got better then I had basketball tryouts it was a hot mess. But thank you guys so much for waiting for me. I promise it won't take me this long to update ever again. Okay I love you bye <3 stay strong xx.

PS 120 FOLLOWERS?! Thank you guys so much. I really mean it. Everytime I get a new follower I smile so much. Thank you. And to anyone who is suffering from anything my inbox is always open and I'm here to talk okay? Do not hesitate if you want to talk about ANYTHING. I care about each and everyone of you. Okay thanks guys I love you.

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