Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter 31

Sophie's POV

After the whole intervention thing with Marissa I've seen Demi a whole different way. She actually dedicates her free time to me and only cares for my well being. Lately she's been so attached to me because she's afraid I'll never trust her again.

"Sophie baby lets go shopping." Demi sang running into the room picking me up and twirling me around. She then threw me back on the couch and strattled me and started ticking me. Oh no.

I started squirming while giggling and this only made Demi's infectious smile bigger and she started peppering my face with kisses. Oh dear lord help me.

"D-Demi s-stop." I giggled out.

"Not until you say you love me and I'm the best mommy." She said crossing her arms over her chest like a five year old.

I swear she's a five year old at heart.

"Not gonna say it." I said smirking up at her. She was still on top of me.

"Oh oh really?" She asked with a slight smirk spreading across her face.

Shit she means business.

"Nope." I said smiling at her.

"Well then baby girl. Someone is here to visit you. Two words. Tickle. Monster. And it won't stop." She said smirking then tickling my sides more.

"D-Demi. Stop." I breathed out.

"Say it." She said still tickling me.

"F-Fine. I love you and you're the best." I said in one breath. She stopped. I could breathe again.

"See baby girl that's all I wanted." She said kissing my forehead then lifting me up and bringing me to the kitchen.

"Let's shop til we drop!" She squealed.

She dragged me out of the house and we drove to the mall. Wait. Mall meant people. People meant paparazzi. Paparazzi meant cameras. Cameras meant people know where we are.

"Don't stress Soph. We'll be ok." She said running soothing circles on my hand.

We get there and I already felt my anxiety rising.

We got out of the car and pushed through crowds and crowds of people.

Damn. All this for a day of shopping with my mom.

"Sophie Lovato?" I heard and turned around. Only to be punched in the face.

I fell to the ground, my head slamming into the cement. The last thing I felt was Demi's caring arms wrapping around my body.

I blacked out.

A/N IM SORRY THIS IS SO SO SO SHORT but I'm super busy and I had to update sooo. And you all probs hate me because of the cliff hanger but HAHAH I had to. Alright I love you all. Thank you for everything.

Next Update- Next Friday. I'm sorry I'm super busy.

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