Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter 25

Sophie's POV


The test said negative.

Relief flooded my body as I clung to Demi.

"Thank God." She whispered into my hair hugging me back

Well check that off your bucket list. Pregnancy scare- check. Why am I joking about this I actually could've been pregnant. Wow that would've been a big headline on the news.

SOPHIE LOVATO 13 YEARS OLD AND PREGNANT. God that would've made mine and Demi's life hell. Stupid tabloids. I hate them.

"What do we do now? I mean you can't really have anything worse than a pregnancy scare at 13 so I mean." Well fucking great. I'm not even making sense now. I hate life.

"Calm down baby. It's okay. It's like 10pm so just go to sleep and we could do something in the morning." Demi said kissing my forehead, lifting me up and carrying me to the bed.

"Goodnight mommy." I said as she kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I know she's gonna come back and sleep with me later. Not like that you perverts. Anyway, I think it's time to fall into a dreamless sleep. Don't you think?

Demi's POV

I snuggled into Naya's warm embrace as I wiped the remaining tears off of my face. If I'm feeling like this I wonder how Sophie is coping. I mean like I just cried for like an hour because my daughter was raped and was almost pregnant. But that doesn't compare of being the victim in this. My poor baby.

"Demi stop you're thinking too much, just relax. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything will work out. Life has some hard times, and trust me I know. But this will eventually blow over. Whether it be today, or tomorrow, or in a week or a month. But it will blow over. All we need to do is be there for Sophie non stop. Because there is no doubt in my mind that she won't relapse. And I don't mean to sound rude about it but hell, I'd relapse if I was in her position. So all we can do right now is comfort her and be there for her because she needs us more than anything right now." Naya said kissing my forehead

"Since when did you become Confucius?" I laughed snuggling into her more while watching something on TV that I don't know the name of.

About an hour later we were falling asleep on the couch when we heard an ear piercing scream.

"HELP ME PLEASE." Sophie screamed

I jumped up off the couch and ran towards my room. Kicking the door open and scooping Sophie in my arms.

"Baby it's okay, We're here. Breathe. You're having a panic attack. Breathe in and out." I said

"Nay can you get me a damp rag and a bottle of water and some anxiety pills?" I asked. She came back with them.

"Thanks so much." I said wiping the sweat off of Sophie's face and handing her two pills and unscrewing the bottle of water.

'Drink this baby girl, you'll feel better." I said handing her the water. She stuck the pills in her mouth and swallowed them with water.

'M-Mommy can you sleep with me?" She asked.

"Of course baby girl." I said wrapping her in my arms and Naya awkwardly stood there.

"Nay you can join us if you want." I laughed opening the covers u for her to fit. She wrapped her arms around me and put both of her hands on Sophie. I sang Sophie to sleep with warrior as she finally let her eyes rest.

I woke up around 10 to see Sophie and Naya still sleeping. I got up and on instinct Naya snuggled into Sophie more, wrapping her arms protectively around Sophie. Like her life was at risk. We need to keep a close eye on her.

Have I told you Naya moved in? No? Well she did after the whole hospital incident before we found out about Sophie's pregnancy scare. I cringe thinking about it. So Naya sometimes sleeps with me and Sophie. And sometimes Sophie just leaves us alone, even though I tell her its perfectly fine to sleep with us. Okay that sounds completely wrong. I'm sorry for getting THAT image in your head, but still.

Around 10:30 My two sleeping beauties woke up.

"Good morning my sunshines, I made breakfast. And yes Sophie, you need to eat them even if that means me and Naya have to hold you down and feed you ourselves." I said bringing her over to the table.

She actually ate, which was a good thing. But now she has to keep it down,

There was a knock at the door.

I ran and opened it.

"Miss Lovato? We have some news about your little sister Madison. I would advise you to please sit down."

A/N So I'm gonna rant. And if you don't wanna read it its fine but I feel like its so necessary. So you guys know that ive just recovered from a concussion. But I've recently received messages- WHICH IM GONNA BE THE BIGGER PERSON AND NOT NAME NAMES- demanding me to update or they will stop reading. Well I love each and every one of my readers and I am grateful for you ALL. But some people need to realize that I write on my own time and I don't have free time all the time. Juggling a sport and school and an illness will do that to you. So sometimes I just need a break from everything and I don't write. And im sorry to all of you who don't demand updates when im sick and don't threathen to leave. Cause go ahead. If you don't like the way im writing or how long it takes for me to update then you can fucking leave because I am a PERSON not a MACHIENE that has free time 24/7. And also on a higher note YOU COULD BE MY SANITY REACHED LIKE 57K READS. THANK YOU GUYS SOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOS MUCH I LOVE YOU SOSO MUCH OMGGG. And the demi concert was fucking amazing. Camila smiled and waved at me and Demi told me and my friends she loved us so it was a pretty awesome weekend. Thank you guys for reading...

I love you Stay Strong xx

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