Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter 32

Demi's POV

I immediately stood up with an unconscious Sophie in my arms. I looked for the bitch who knocked out my pride and joy.

This bitch is gonna get it.

I walked up to her and pointed in her face

"How fucking dare you lay your FILTHY HANDS ON MY DAUGHTER. You have NO right to even TOUCH HER. she's MINE. So if I were you I'd go and run. Because I will not hesitate to press charges." I growled tightening my grip on Sophie.

"You don't scare me Lovato. I knew your "precious" daughter before you even came into her life. Hell I made her life miserable everyday and I will keep on doing it. And this.... belongs to her." She said handing me Sophie's CRACKED iphone. This bitch wants to get her ass beat.

"Fuck off before you start something you can't finish." I said flipping her off, with a smile of course and walked away.

I put Sophie in the back of the truck and I got in front to drive. Why didn't I bring Max?

Stupid Demi. You're so stupid.

I'm not gonna hear the end of this.

"M-Mom? My head hurts so fucking badly what did Kaylee want?" She asked.


Kaylee. The bitch that ruined MY daughters childhood. No.

"Baby it's ok I took care of it." I said.

"Fuck my head is killing me." She said

"Baby you might have a concussion. Does the light bother you?" I asked

"No it feels just like a migraine. I'll be fine." She insisted

"Okay but if it gets any worse you have to tell me." I said driving up our long ass drive way.

"Let's just stay home. Or call Marissa." I said.

I walked into the house and my phone started ringing."

"Nick?" I asked with a smile.

"Hey Dems. So I saw the news. I'm coming over. Are you guys okay?" He asked.

"Well I'm fine but Sophie has a headache." I said.

"I'll be there in five. Bye Dems!" He said hanging up.

"Sophie. Do you remember Nick Jonas? He was at a family party once." I said.

"Oh that guy that practically saved me from falling into Dianna's pool. Yea I remember him." She said laughing.

"He's coming over soon. Just to make sure everyone is okay." I said with a smile on my face.

"Mommy do you like himmmmmm" She asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said running towards her and scooping her up in my arms.

"What did you say." I asked. Sometimes I forget she's 13. She looks 8

"Aw mommy you're blushing." She said. I started drowning her with kisses.

"Ew mom stop." She said wiping my slobber off her face.

I don't know. My fans would love to be in her position. Maybe she's going crazy. Remind me to get her checked out.

"Am I interrupting something?" I heard a voice. I looked over. And there he stood.

Let's just say Sophie wasn't in my arms anymore. She's on the floor. And let's just say she's not the one who let go.

"MOM." She giggled

There he stood. No longer little boy Nick. Let's just say he grew the fuck up. With abs trying to break free from that tight white t-shirt. Please rip. Please rip.

Can I lick your abs

Did I seriously just think that.


"Hey Nick." Sophie said running up to him. Damn. He got HOT.

"Hey Dems." He said walking up to me and hugged me. He smells SO GOOD.


"Hey" I said smiling at him.

"So how've you guys been?" He asked.

"We're great actually." I said. But I wasn't that great. Naya wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.

"Hey Soph you need to shower." I said

"No I don't. I did yesterday." She smirked at me.

I begged her.


She stomped up the stairs.

"What's wrong Demi. I read you like a book." He asked sitting down with me.

"It's just Naya. She won't leave me alone. And Sophie's fucking bully showed up. And I'm so stressed and tired. I haven't slept in days." I signed into the couch.

"Come here Dems." He said spreading his legs for me to sit in between. He put his hands on my shoulders and started massaging me.

"Oh my god I need this." I moaned out.

He turned me towards him. I looked up at him.

I leaned in to meet his lips.

Fucking fireworks

"I knew you liked him!" Sophie squealed running upstairs.

Fucking annoying little shit.

My fucking annoying little shit who I love.

"Cock blocker." Nick laughed and brought my lips back to his.

A/N woo nemi. I'm so sorry for the awfulness that is this chapter.

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More demi Nick moments?

More Sophie Demi moments?

Next update- Thursday

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