Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter 27

Sophie's POV

We landed in Texas and now we're at the De La Garza's house with Marissa and Naya. Remind me to never ever ever piss Demi off again. I'm terrified of her right now.

"Soph you okay baby girl?" Demi asked walking over to me. I stiffened but nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said. It was so obvious.

"Don't lie to me." She said

"Please don't hurt me please." I said running up to the guest room. I sauntered into the bathroom. I looked under the sink. Taped to the top of it was my old best friend. That one thing that just calmed me.

My razor.

Demi's POV

I felt tears swell my eyes when Sophie took off. This is all your fault Demetria. If I could've just calmed down and accepted Sophie's help this wouldn't be happening right now.

"I'll check on her." Marissa said running upstairs.

"Demi wanna explain to us why your daughter is terrified of you?" Mom said

"Well I was sort of freaking out when I found out what happened to Maddie so I wasn't calm. And you know how I get when I'm flustered. And Sophie just asked if I needed help and I kind of pushed her into the wall." I said looking down.

"Demetria! You know what happened to that poor broken girl! You screwed up big time." Dallas yelled

"I know Dallas I know! But I couldn't calm down. You know how I get!" I yelled back

"That doesn't mean you take it out on your daughter! Look at your wrist! It has HER name tattooed on it. She's YOURS. You can't just lash out on her when you're not stable and not expect her to react like that! She was freaking abused ever since she was little Demi!" Dallas yelled.

"Okay okay. Let's not focus on me. We need to find Maddie first." I said.

Marissa walked downstairs with tears in her eyes.

"If I were you I'd go check on your daughter." She said.

I bolted upstairs into the guest room. There she lied. My sobbing baby girl. And it's all my fault.

"Sophie. Baby. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." I cooed rubbing her back reassuringly. I looked down and saw something.

"Baby show me your wrist." I said. She froze.

"Please no mommy. Please. You're gonna be upset. I was a few months clean. Please don't look." She sobbed. I picked her up and faced her towards me on my lap.

"Baby baby I'm not gonna be mad. Show mommy your wrist." I said wiping her tears away.

She reluctantly handed me her wrist. I pushed up the sleeve. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault oh my god. I made my daughter relapse. I'm so sorry." I cried into her. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Mommy stop. It's not your fault. It's mine. I caved in when it got a little tough. Please don't take it out on yourself. It's my own fault." She cried.

"Baby stop. It isn't your fault. Now let's go downstairs and help the family." I said scooping her up. Which was easy. Even though I feed her she still weighs so little. And she's only 5'1 so she's shorter than me. But she's still growing. It won't shock me if she becomes taller than me. The whole universe is taller than me. So like she could grow and pass me in a heart beat. She hasn't even hit her growth spurt yet. I need to stop I'm getting carried away.

We walked downstairs and I sat Sophie down on the kitchen counter. My mom was on the phone pacing back and forth with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked.

"They found Maddie." Dallas croaked.

We all ran into the car. Marissa took Sophie from me and sat her on her lap as I got in front.

We went to the police station and were granted with a beat up looking Maddie.

"Baby girl." I cried bending down. She launched herself in my arms sobbing, almost sending me down to the ground but Naya stopped me from falling.

"We found out who kidnapped her." The police said. I looked over and shot right up grabbing onto Sophie and hoisting her on my waist.

"How fucking dare you!" I screamed. He laughed while police dragged him away. Sophie whimpered in my neck.

The person who kidnapped my baby sister was....

A/N you're gonna hate me but I HAD to I'm sorryyyy :)

Who do you think kidnapped Maddie?

And I'm kinda getting sick of writing Naya ahahha.....sorryyy. So how do you think they should break up? And would you rather have Demi date NICK JONASSSS or like Marissa or something. Idk I'm sorry I'm just getting sick of writing Daya. Just not my thing. Like I need to know more about Naya to write about her and it's just not working out. So Nick? Or Marissa? Or someone else?

And what do you guys think about overprotective momma Demi?

Okay byeeee xxx

Until next chapter! Stay strong ily :))

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