Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

Demi's POV

"Miss Lovato we did everything we could, but Sophie took so many pills and we've pumped her stomach five times, which is already so dangerous. Sophie is still breathing but she's in a coma and we don't know when she will wake up." The doctor said.

A sob wrecked through my throat as I clung to Marissa.

"N-no n-not my b-babygirl. T-this is all my fault. I-I could've saved her." I hiccuped clinging to Marissa.

"Hey Demi don't blame this on yourself. You couldn't have done anything to fix this okay? Don't beat yourself up because of this.


It's been two weeks and Sophie is still unresponsive. I need to go to The X Factor. They said that I've already taken too many days off. So I can't.

"Mar. I'm gonna visit Sophie then go to X Factor." I told Marissa walking into the kitchen.

"Okay. Good luck." She said. I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door. I drove to the hospital and went up to Sophie's room.

"Hey babygirl." I said to Sophie's little frail lifeless body. She'd been lying in the same bed for two weeks.

"I know you probably can't hear me but I love you. And I don't know why you though anyone would be better off without you. Cause we aren't. My life has been hell for the past week. And now I need to go to X Factor. Even though I don't want to. And now I have to go. Okay? So I love you and you probably can't hear me but I want to remind you. Okay? Bye babygirl." I said kissing her forehead, wiping away my tears.

I got up off the bed and drove to X Factor.

"Hey Dems." Kelly said hugging me.

"Hi Kelly." I said emotionlessly

"Demi!" Paulina said. I smiled and hugged her. They both know what happened and how easily it is for me to get really upset. I trudged over to my dressing room and put on the outfit they lied out for me. I then we t to make up and waited for them to finish.

When they did I walked over to where we get released when Mario says our names.

"...And please welcome the talented, beautiful Demi Lovato!" He said as the doors opened and I walked out. I plastered on a fake smile. Waving to some people.

The auditions are dragging along. No extraordinary talent yet. This girl walked up and stood nervously in the middle of the stage.

"Hey what's your name and how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm Sophia and I'm 16." She said. Oh no. Sophia. Sophie. Stop thinking Demi.

I took a deep breath as she started to sing. She sang Fix You. Not this song. I was supposed to fix Sophie. I started tearing up and put both elbows on the table. By the middle of the song I was full on sobbing. It was all my fault. Sophie was mine and I had to fix her.

I quickly got out of my seat and ran backstage into my dressing room. I slammed the door and ran onto the couch. Sobbing into the pillow.

I heard the door open but I ignored it. I felt a hand on my back and I was lifted up and put into someone's lap. I looked up and saw my mom?

"Mom?" I sobbed into her.

"I'm here babygirl. I'm here." She said running my back as I sobbed.

"This is all my fault. I was supposed to help her mom. I could have prevented this if I didn't go out." I cried into her chest.

"Demi you have to stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault." She said soothingly rubbing my head.

I finally calmed down.

"Hey let's go home." She said grabbing my keys. I nodded and got up.

When we got to my house I went into the living room. I grabbed my phone and put on the TV. I started sobbing again and my mom came running into the room.

"Hey hey. It's okay." She said kissing my forehead.

"No it's not. This is all my fault. I was supposed to keep her safe. I was supposed to protect her. And save her." I sobbed into my mom.

"Sweetie. You're not perfect. You can't fix everything." She said kissing my forehead.

My phone started vibrating and I saw it was the doctor.

"Mom it's the doctor." I said answering the phone.

"Hello?" I asked

"Is this Demi Lovato? Mother of Sophie?" The person on the phone asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Sophie woke up. But there's bad news." She said. I started crying. Sophie. My baby's up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Sophie has short term memory loss due to her passing out when she took the medication. She bumped her head. And she doesn't remember anything." They said. I clutched onto my mom. Stifling a sob.

"O-okay. Thank y-you." I sobbed hanging up.

"Sophie doesn't remember anything." I cried.

A/N HEY SO IM GUESSING YOU GUYS LIKE CLIFFHANGERS? AhAhahah. Okay thanks for the AMAZING feedback again.

Next Updte: sometime this week. Maybe Thursday or Friday.

Early Update: 35 votes. 12 comments

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