Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter 36

Sophie's POV

I woke up wrapped in Demi's arms I turned over and got out of the bed. Time for a shower. I walked into the bathroom and hopped into the shower...not literally though, that would hurt. A lot. I finished my shower and walked into the bedroom, where Demi was still sleeping. I swear this girl sleeps more than I do.

"Moooooooom!! Get your lazy ass up and entertain me!" I said braiding my soaking wet hair into a french braid. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Fuck you. Entertain yourself selfish bitch." She said pushing me away and throwing the covers over her head and falling back asleep. I felt tears come to my eyes and I looked over at her.

Does she hate me now? What did i do? What if she hits me again. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door, sliding down the door and started sobbing into my hands. Why am I so emotional right now? I looked over in the tub. I saw a new razor.

Sophie don't you dare. You're a few months clean. Your birthday is in two days.

Come on Sophie you know you want to. You know you want to feel that rush.

Sophie don't

You know you want to

I screamed into my hands and ran to the tub. I grabbed the razor blade and threw it on the ground and broke it. Do I really want to do this? Just because Demi isn't a morning person?


I grabbed the sharp razor and sliced my clean wrist three times before the door opened. Fuck.

I hid my wrist and razor behind my back as Demi walked in.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? What's going on?" Demi asked kneeling in front of me and wiping my tears away from my eyes.

"Nothing. Just leave it." I said pushing her aside and walking out of the room. I forgot to wash my fucking wrist. I'm an idiot. I ran into the second bathroom in this hotel room, more like mansion. I washed and cleaned the cuts and walked out of the room. Demi was eyeing me suspiciously.

"Lets go out today." She said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room into the hotel hallway. We walked downstairs into the lobby and climbed into the SUV. We went to the nearest mall and called Sugar on the way, because Max was on vacation. Sugar was like Demis other body guard. We got there and so did sugar, Demi payed some guy to close the mall just for us and a few other people.We went into the mall and ran into TopShop, Demi's all time favorite.

Don't get me wrong I'm still upset at how she talked to me this morning but I don't hold grudges.

"Olivia?" Demi asked looking at a girl who was my age but so much prettier and skinnier. Practically perfect.

"D-Demi?" She stuttered

"Sophie I met her at the meet and greet yesterday." She said. I nodded and walked away as jealousy flooded my body. Why was I jealous? Demi loves me. I got really jealous and walked out of the store. Let Demi and her new best friend chat away. I sat on a bench and played with my nails. I picked off all of the nail polish. I started getting really upset when I looked at the time and saw it was an hour later and Demi was still chatting away. Who wouldn't though? The girl was practically the perfect and prettier version of me. But she was pretty. And not a potato. Like me

Demi walked out of TopShop with a laughing Oliviaby her side. Demi probably said something idiotic like she always does. Demi was mine. I was so jealous. But I would never ever admit that. Demi deserves someone better than me anyway. She could get someone better then me anytime. I don't understand why she sticks with me.

"Sophie lets go, we're going to lunch with Liv." She said. Now they're on nickname basis? I see the future as Demi hangs out with her more and forgets about me. I'm used to it though. Everyone forgets me now and then. But the sad part was I thought Demi was different. I thought she cared. Maybe she didn't though, like she is an actress and she could fake laugh and cry and fake happiness. Maybe Demi actually hates me.

I felt tears come to my eyes as i wiped them away quickly. The last thing I need right now is to have Demi worried about me when she has other better things to do.

Demi wrapped her arm around Olivia as they walked towards the food court. I was behind them and I felt sick to my stomach. Why was I being so jealous? Maybe Demi was better off without me. I mean she is happier right now when I'm not in the picture. I looked down at my visably cut up wrists and sighed. Demi obviously saw them. And didn't say anything. Not like she cares anyway. She's better off without me. I mean, everyone is better off without me. I'm just a disgrace.

That's whats gonna happen. I will leave. Everyones life will be easier. And no one will care.

Maybe the world was better off without me in their lives.

A/N Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update, i have finals coming up and im sick as a fucking dog right now, ahaha. But bare with me. a HUGE plot twist may OR may not be coming soon. I dont knooooooooowwww youll just have to wait and see :)

WHat would yall do if i killed sophie off? Like made her kill herself. I feel like you guys would kill me. idk. maybe. maybe not. the world will never know.

And do yall like jealous sophie? Its so cute.

More nemi moments? I know ive been lacking nemi and im will be soon

And what do you guys think i should do for sophies birthday? Or will sophie even make it to her birthday...patience is a vurtue my friends.

OK! Until next time! And i think im going to the World Tour for my birthday which is in JUly. but my friend wont even tell me yet so i dont even know if im going or not ahha.

How would you guys feel if i made a twitter for this fanfic? so you would know like when im updating and stuff and sneak peaks! Tell me so i can know :)

until next time! Love you all so much

stay strong my loves!


And shout out to my girl Mya aka ablazedemi. I loooooveeeeeee youuuu. and this chapter is dedicated to you :)

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