Chapter Seventeen

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Sophie's POV

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Okay.. where the hell am I?

"Hello?" I called out

"Hello Sophie. We've been watching you for a while. And we've waited to finally catch you, and here you are." A verrryyyy familiar voice said.

"T-Todd?" I stutter

"Yep. I've missed you so much Sophie, you don't understand." He said with a smirk. A disgusting smirk that made me want to vomit all over the place.

"Let me go" I said

"When we're done with our fun." He said ripping the rope off around my arms and throwing me on a bed

Demi's POV

I've been driving around for a good three hours. Sophie isn't anywhere in sight. Where the fuck is she?

I called Marissa

"Mar. I can't her anywhere." I sobbed into the phone.

"Demi, calm down, you'll find her. Maybe she just needed a break. Or some fresh air. She will come back baby. Just come home. It's already 10pm. If she isn't home by tomorrow."

"Okay I'll be home soon." I said.

Sophie's POV

He raped me. Countless times. I just want to go home. Scratch that. I want to get out of here. I can't even call that my home right now.

He came back in and slapped me in the face then untied me.

"You're free to go. You tell anyone it was me I'll find you and kill you bitch." He said shoving me out of the house.

I limped through the town and found a park bench and slouched onto it. Sobs ripped through my throat as I curled up in a ball and sobbed.

Demi's POV

It's been one day and I still can't find Sophie. It makes me sick. It's my fault.

"Marissa come with me and help me find her." I said dragging Mar out of bed and got in my car. Tears clouded my vision. I miss my baby.

We drove passed the local park.

"Dem STOP THE CAR." Marissa yelled. I jerked to a stop and she ran out to a shivering skinny body on a bench. That wasn't just any skinny body. It was my skinny body. My baby girl.

I ran towards her and picked her sleeping shivering body up and put her in the back. I had Marissa drive us home.

When we got home I put her in my bed and wrapped her in covers.

Hours later

Sophie's POV

I flew up and looked around. Wait am I home?

"Sophie oh my god." Demi said running up to me. I flinched back at her touch. When she hugged me I went into a full blown panic attack.

"Hey hey baby listen to me. Listen to my breathing. I'm so sorry for hitting you. It will never happen again. Never ever. You hear me? Never." She said.

I only nodded and caved into her arms. Sobbing while clutching her body.

A/N so I realized I was being so selfish and made you guys wait. I'm so sorry. My health can wait okay? so I'll push myself to update every week. I'm stressed out but I can still write at night instead of sleeping for a while. Okay bye

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