Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter 38

Demi's POV

"Parents of Sophie Lovato?" The doctor called out. Marissa grabbed my hand and stood up.If I wasn't holding onto Marissa i would've fallen over. We followed the doctor into the hallway. I needed to stay strong for everyone, so I put all feelings aside and plastered that fake ass smile on my face.

"Whats wrong doctor?" I asked, Marissa looked shocked. Minutes ago i couldn't even breathe, let alone speak. Now I'm doing it fine. I only was acting like this because I knew I had to do this. I had to act like I was okay, even though my daughter just attempted suicide and I don't know if it was successful or not.

Marissa's POV

I looked over at Demi and saw she was emotionless. Now this is what scares me. Sometimes when Demi doesn't know how to react, she goes numb, emotionless. She acts like nothing is bothering her and that nothing is wrong and she's okay. But the thing is I've known her practically forever so I know when she's lying.

"Sophie is in a coma. And we don't know when or if she even will wake up. She's on life support now, but in three weeks we need to pull the plug because the body would get so used to the machine beating her heart for her and if she wakes up she won't be healthy and it would be so bad for her and she may get heart problems." I nodded and looked at Demi. She had absolutely no emotion showing, what the hell is happening.

"Dems you okay?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

"Demi, no. Don't shut me out. Talk to me baby. I'm here for you." I said grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes. She only shrugged her shoulders and pushed my hands off her shoulders and walked into Sophie's hospital room.

I gotta say the sight was heartbreaking. Sophie was hooked up to a bunch of machines and there was an oxygen tube in her nose and she had an IV in her arm that was pumping liquid into her. I looked over at Demi and saw she was sobbing into a lifeless Sophie.

"Dem, it's gonna be okay. I promise." I said walking over to her and putting my arm around her.

"I-I'm okay." She said wiping her eyes and got off of Sophie.

"Demi it's okay not to be okay." I said looking at her. I swore I saw her crack a little then she put on another brave face.

"Stop Mar. I'm fine." She said. You see, if Demi was in a good mindset and wasn't about to breakdown I would've left her because she thinks better when she's alone, but now, I'm scared she'll break. I'm scared she'll hurt herself again. even though she's so much different then what she used to be. She knows when to stop now. But Sophie was her rock and Sophie kept her grounded and I don't know how Demi will be if Sophie doesn't make it. I'm scared about how Demi will be if she doesn't make it. Demi worked so hard to be where she is today. One little slip up can ruin it all.

But I know Demi will talk to someone if she's thinking like that.

Demi sat on the couch next to Sophie's bed and just stared at her.

I need to tell Demi's family. And Nick. Nick needs to be here.

I immediately called Nick when I thought about him.

Hel-" I interrupted him

"Nick come to the hospital. Sophie drank bleach and we don't know if she'll be okay, I don't think she will but Demi is shutting me out and she needs to be held by someone. Preferably her boyfriend. Please come. I'll call Demi's family. And hurry up." I breathed out as tears finally started rolling down my cheeks. I was trying to stay strong for Demi, I knew of she saw me breakdown she would've lost it. I looked over at her and saw she was staring at me.

All of a sudden she got up and wrapped her arms around me and started sobbing into my shoulder. I sat us down and we sobbed together.

"M-Marissa what if she d-doesn't make it." She sobbing, clinging onto me.

"Shh baby shh. She will. She's a fighter." I said running my hands through her hair.

Nick walked into the room, unnoticed by Demi. He sat next to her on the couch and pulled her into his embrace. She looked up at him, and more tears rimmed her eyes as she let herself fall into his embrace. I knew Nick could make her come to her senses.

"N'Nick." She sobbed. He only hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead. I felt like i was intruding so I left, I then called Demi's family and told them what had happened. They were gonna come down later today, but they all were pretty crushed. I've never heard Maddie cry that loudly before. I felt so awful.

Nick walked out of the hospital room.

"Demi fell asleep. She isn't okay. I know she's trying to stay strong for everyone and shutting everyone out because she did it to me but I know all she wants to do is cry." Nick said running the back of his neck as he looked up at me.

"How are you taking all of this?" He asked.

"I don't really know honestly. All I know is that kid is Demi's life and if she doesn't make it Demi won't be okay. And I'm scared about how Demi will be if Sophie doesn't pull through." I said he nodded and pulled me into a hug. He let me go and walked back into the room, me following after him. Demi found a keeper.

He joined her on the couch as he fell asleep with his arms wrapped around her.

I hope to God Sophie will be okay. Because if she isn't all hell will break loose.

A/N I'm so so so so so SO sorry this is god awful..but i have finals and i just wanted to update so i didnt leave you guys hanging. Again I'ms so sorry this sucks..ahah buuuutttt school ends Wednesday and the last two chapters are coming up...and I have yet to decide if I wanna do a sequel or not..I dont knooooooooowwwww :)


Will Sophie pull through?

Will Demi be okay?

Or am I gonna kill Sophie then end the book...The world may never know :)

And I made an if anyone evr needs help with anything or questions about the book or anything just ask me questions on it!

Byee! until next time!

Stay Strong!


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