Chapter Thirty Nine

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Im actually gonna end it here...haha

Prepare for tears...

Chapter 39

Demi's POV

It's been two weeks and Sophie is still in a coma. All I've been doing is sleeping here and singing to her every night. Every time I've looked at her pale little face I couldn't help but cry. My baby. My poor baby. It's all my fault. If I just payed attention to her then everything would be fine and she would be in my arms, happy and healthy. Just how I love her.

"Ms. Lovato, we're gonna have to take her off life support now. I'm so sorry. But she's made no progress and it's too late." The doctor said looking sadly into my exhausted eyes.

I nodded sadly, tears rimmed my eyes. I knew this was gonna happen. Sophie is leaving me.

I thought about all the good times we've had together


"Moooooooommmm!" I heard someone say waking me up.

"Go away." I groaned rolling over

"But mommy today's your birthday!" She said jumping onto me. I grunted looking up at my beautiful baby.

"I know baby I know. But that's nothing special. I'm just a year older." I said putting my hands around her tiny waist.

"Mommy! That's not what a birthday is!" She scolded me

'What is a birthday then, babygirl?" I asked her

"A birthday is the day you were brought into this world! It's a day to celebrate the greatness that you are! Because mom you're great and I love you." She said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame and pulled her into my embrace.

"I love you so much baby. So so much." I said

"I love you more mom." She said

"Well I love you most." I said kissing her forehead and finally getting out of bed.

I snapped back into reality when I realized tears were pouring down my face. I need to get myself together.

Nick and Marissa walked into the room and sat next to me. Nick kissed my forehead like he always did and Sophie would always be jealous of that.


"And you fell down the steps after that?" I laughed walking into the house, hand in hand with Nick. Sophie was on her laptop on the couch.

"Hey baby." I said running up to her and kissing her forehead.

"Hi mom." She smiled at me then continued to type away on her MacBook.

I sat next to her when Nick went to put in a movie. He kissed my forehead and then went into the kitchen. I saw Sophie's eyes spark with jealousy when she realized he kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry baby. You're still my baby girl." I said smiling at her sweetly and kissing her forehead, then all over her face.

"Ew mommy stop." She said pushing me off of her.

"But I love you baby." I said

"And I love you more." She said

"Well I love you most. So I win." I said smirking at her.

She rolled her eyes.

I felt Marissa's hand grab mine as she looked into my eyes.

"Demi, even though it's hard to believe it, it'll all be okay. Everything happens for a reason." She said softly kissing my forehead and rubbing her thumb over the top of my hand. Just like how I used to when Sophie was scared.


"D-Demi are you sure they'll like me?" Sophie asked stuttering

"Of courses baby." I said walking into Natalie's house. I was introducing Sophie to my team, considering the fact that she'll be seeing them more often.

"But what if they don't?" She asked.

"You have nothing to worry about." I said grabbing her hand and rubbing my thumb softly over the top of it.

We walked into the house and Natalie walked up to us and hugged Sophie.

"Welcome to hell!" She said smirking looking at me

"Hey! Living with me is not hell!" I said pushing her away

"She's mine." I said lifting Sophie up and putting her on my back.

"Demi baby, stop blanking out." Nick said snapping in my face. I breathed in through my nose and looked up at him with tears in my eyes. Why was this happening to me? I don't wish this upon anyone but why me?

"S-Sorry." I said looking down at my thumbs and started picking at my nail polish. Just like Sophie used to when she was scared,


The car was silent as I drove to Sophie's first doctors appointment. Considering the fact that she almost ripped out her hair when she found out.

"Baby calm down. They're just gonna weight you and measure you." I said

She looked down at her nails and picked off the manicure I got her. I sighed and turned into the pediatric building.

Sophie's breathing quickened as she realized we were here.

"Baby nothing's gonna happen. I promise." I said

"I promise." I repeated opening my door and getting out of the car.

"Ms. Lovato it's time." The doctor said. I nodded as a fresh set of tears ran down my face. I couldn't believe that  my baby was dead.

This is all my fault.

All my fault.

Just as they were about to unplug the life support Sophie jerked up.

"Mommy?!" She asked looking right at me

Oh my god.


The end :)

Sooooo to or to not make another book is the real question. I don't knoooow it's up to you guys :)
And Mya you're welcome.

Until next time! (maybe) I love you all




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