Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19

Sophie's POV

I rolled to the other side of the bed to be granted by an empty warm space. Demi was gone. Probably recording or something.

I got out of bed and walked down the stairs. I saw a sticky note on the fridge. It said:

Gone for most of the day. Marissa will be over at 12 to keep you company. Please eat.

xox Demi

Okay so I have two hours to myself. I lied on my bed and took my laptop out and went onto Twitter to waist time. Ugh there's nothing to do. I started watching fetus Demi videos. It makes me really upset to see her younger self because now that I know her and what she's like, the shit she must have been going through when she was younger makes me sick. How she could manipulate anyone. With her fake smile and web of lies. I could go on and on but now she's happy and healthy. That's all that matters. She got the help she fully deserved.

I spent about an hour watching videos and then I put in a movie that I fell asleep to.

I got woken up by a warm hand on my face.

"Morning sunshine." Marissa snickered. I scoffed and rolled over.

"It's twelve Soph. Lunch time. And I know for a fact that you didn't eat breakfast." Marissa said picking me up. Okay even after the treatment I went to people still pick me up. What the hell they must be strong.

"Whatever you're thinking you're light as a fucking feather even after rehab so it's a lie babe." She said looking down at me.

We got into the kitchen and she made me a peanut butter sandwich. I ate it and waited for her to finish.

Four hours later Demi got home.

"Hey guys!" Demi sang walking into the room we were in.

"We should go Christmas shopping. Since it's two weeks away." She said.

"Let's go." I said running out of the house.

"Dem get a disguise." I yelled at her. She laughed and ran back into the house.

When we got to the mall Demi talked to a manager and got the mall closed just for us using her name. Yes.

"Oh my gosh. It's an empty." I said running around the floor level.

"C'mon Soph." Demi said

"Okay. Where to first?" I asked

"Forever 21 for Maddie." She said. We walked into the store and bought clothes that could fit into a wardrobe. Oh gosh I wonder what Demi's gonna get me. Hopefully nothing.

"Demi don't get me anything. I never celebrated Christmas. There's no use to do it now." I said. Demi looked at me like I had five heads.

"Just because of that I'm buying you more than I planned." she said. And Marissa agreed.

"No please." I said

"Too late." They said in unison. They looked at each other and cracked up.

We finished shopping around 7 and went home.

"Time to get food." Demi said driving to Chick Fil A.

Yuck fast food. And I knew I had to eat it too. Which made matters worse.

I ended up getting a chicken sandwich and a water. Demi got a sandwich and Diet Pepsi her favorite and Marissa got nuggets and Dr Pepper.

We finished the meals and went home. I was softly thrown on the bed by Demi and was wrapped in two pairs of arms.

A/N Happy new year lovelies 😘 <3 I hope your day is amazing. And I have one questionnn

What if I made demi date someone. Who would you want it to be? It's up to you guys! As long as it isn't simon lmao

Bye xx

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