Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: im really sorry this is super late but im even in class on my phone trying to finish this right now sorry its another cliff hanger but its all i could manage right now i hope you like it


I walked out of the bedroom with Evangeline trailing behind me. I felt small and helpless at this time. Like there was no way in heaven and earth I was getting out of here. Not even the man in my dreams can help me now. I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter.

Evangeline took the lead and led me to the great hall and opened the massive brown doors revealing a huge cathedral. I stopped breathing. The whole cathedral is filled with vampires and their pale faces. Dorian stood at the end of the walkway awaiting me next to a massive slab of granite looking like an alter. With a cup on a pedestal next to it.

As I walked through the rows of people. I looked at everyone licking their lips at the sight of a fresh human girl about to be slaughtered on an alter. None of the them looked any different from each other black hair and pale skin.

But one man in a long dark trench coat caught my eye when he didn't look at me. He didn't even seem to notice me. He kept his eyes forward the whole time. But I saw something shimmering on his neck. A coin necklace with an emblem of a wolf in the forest.

I instantly stiffened but kept walking towards Dorian. I looked back the the man. Watching as he clenched his fist as I walked away as if hurt that i kept walking towards Dorian.

Dorian stood their with a smug look on his face. Looking accomplished with himself.

"Lay on the alter my love, and the ceremony will begin."

I laid down on the white granite alter looking up at the skylight i could the full moon perfectly a line with the skylight and watched as the moon slowly filled with blood starting the ceremony.

"My fellow brothern and sisters of the night. Tongiht is the night where i take my bride and make her immortal! I assure you all that this was the proper maiden to help us end the war between the dogs and us." The crowd let out a mighty cheer. What does he mean by that? How will i help end the war?

"For you see once i bite her. Our dear friend Romulus will be heart broken and die without his beloved mate." The cheer broke out in gasps, awes, and cheers.

"Down with the wolf!" Someone shouted.

"Yes my dear friends it's time."

So this is why he was so determined to get me because of Romulus! Because I'm some kind of play thing for a werewolf that'll be crushed if he doesn't have me?

"Agatha!" He called.

I watched as a red haired girl come towards him like a zombie waiting for orders.

"Secure her to the alter. We don't want her moving about when the ceremony starts."

"Yes master." Agatha said in a trance. I watched as Agatha's radiant green eyes rolled back only showing the clear whites of her eyes. She started chanting words slow i could barely understand them they sounded like they were from a differnt language and old dead one. She started chanting faster until her words were a blur and i could feel the ground shake. I started panicking as i heard the tile under the alter crack and break.

The vines slowly worked their way around my body wrapping around my body tightly, and securely.

"Dorian." I breathed. "Please don't do this."

He sighed "Oh Yvette it's your human side speaking. Once your turned I'll show you how to turn it off."

"I don't want to shut it off!" I screamed yearning myself Dorian's hand over my mouth.

"Agatha leave!" he growled blue eyes blazing.

Agatha's eyes transformed back to their normal green and she left the cathedral.

Dorian's voice got deeper as he boomed. "Brethren! It's time."

I watched in complete horror as Dorian arched back his head and his teeth magnified looking like the fangs of a large beast. His eyes blackened darker than I ever thought possible. He looked like a demon straight out of hell.

Dorian turned my head to the side to where I was staring at all the faceless people in the crowd. Not knowing any of the blood thirsty beasts that sat among the old walnut benches in this dank and dark cathedral.

"Close your eyes. It will all be over soon." Dorian said in a deep demonic voice.

"God be with me." I whispered as I closed my eyes for the last time.

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