Chapter Thirty Seven

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Everyone awoke before sunrise today. I walked all around the castle grounds watching men kissing their wives with that possible goodbye kiss, holding their babes one last time. Telling them that they'll be back soon with that uncertainty in their voice. Men were suiting up in armor some were just going to be in wolf form during the battle. I had been awake way before the sun had rose. Although I felt more comfortable not being in the same bed where Romulus tried to kill me but I still didn't sleep as well as Lily thought I would in her bed. 

Early in the morning Lucian, and I joined the other head members of each pack to draw up a battle plan. Lucian mainly took over during the instructions the rest of the meeting went by as a blur to me, but what i did realize was that I was the only woman ever allowed to be in here. The plan was simple with heavy confrontation I finally managed to confirm the idea of me going in alone. Trying to find Romulus, and see if I can keep Dorian distracted. When the time was right or if I couldn't hold him off any longer I would blow on a whistle signaling the other troops who were just beyond the door, and the real fight would begin.

I discussed with May how I could break the curse that’s on Romulus. Although I wish she said something predictable like an act of true love, but that wasn't the case. She didn't know how to break that exact curse, because it was a form of dark magic, but she did know that when an evil witch has been slain all the damage their magic had done would be erased from the universe.

It was ten o'clock when I finally dawned on my armor. It wasn't very much armor since I’m so small, but I did have large breast plate with our pack symbol on it. The men that were riding on wolves carried a revolver and a long sword. I only carried a small knife in my boot leg and a revolver. The troops were supposed to start heading out towards the castle at eleven so we would reach it by twelve exactly. Before I headed out to meet everyone I went to Romulus and I's bedroom one last time and grabbed the little baby sock and tucked it in my pockets keeping it close to me as possible.

I made my way to the front lines were Lucian and Macarthur were waiting for me. They smiled only a small amount at the sight of me wearing armor. Lucian didn't have any armor on so I supposed he was going in wolf form. As I looked out into the great forest I took deep breathe trying to calm my nerves. I was going to kill Dorian today I know that for fact, and nothing is going to stop me.

"Are you ready Tara?" Lucian spoke through the silence of the men behind me.

"Just give us the word and we'll be off. Alpha." Macarthur said with a bow. I looked around at the rest of the men lined up next to one another, and suddenly my nerves were gone.

I was ready to take on the world.

"Let's go." I said with confidence and a firmness in my voice that made my spine tingle.

Men throughout the flanks started shifting and hopping on one another for the ride across the forest.

"Be careful Tara. Romulus would kill me if something happened to you."

I know Lucian thank you."

Lucian nodded then ripped his clothes by shifting into his sandy brown wolf. The wolf nodded for me to jump on him, and I did with only a small struggle. I looked back out in the flanks and nodded towards Macarthur who was riding on top of a red brown wolf. Macarthur drew out his sword and hollered to the men pointing is sword towards the woods.

Lucian lunged towards the direction Macarthur's sword was pointed and led the pack into the woods for the final battle against Dorian.

As we headed closer to the tree lining I began to think of how Romulus felt running towards me in Dorian's castle. When he was coming to my rescue was he nervous, anxious? Or was he his usual self calm and collected about going into battle. Was he confident in my wellbeing or did he have the same doubts that weigh on my shoulders. But doubted or not it is my turn to save you my love, and trust me when I say it I will bring you home.

The wolves followed Macarthur and me into the woods bringing us closer to Dorian's castle, closer to Romulus. My heart was beating faster, and faster as we grew closer to it. As we dodged trees and jumped over fallen logs, I could see the other side of the tree lining where Dorian's castle is.

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